He stared at her. She was wearing a pair of baggy cargo pants that hung so low on her hips, he thought they were going to fall off. The white tank top that she wore wasn't long enough to reach her pants and Justin was almost drooling over that thin strip of skin she was showing. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she was smiling at something that--

Justin sat nonplussed in his seat. For the first time, he noticed who she was with. Romero was not a problem, but the other guy most definitely was. 'What the hell is he doing in her hotel?' Justin frowned. 'Please, please, don't let him have spent the night with her.'

"Uh oh, Justin your competition's headed this way," Chris chuckled.

Heather slapped him on the arm. Hard. The 'smack' reverberated through the lobby.

"Damn," JC and Joey laughed.

"Ow! What the hell did you do that for?" Chris rubbed the sore spot on his arm.

"Play nice or I'll make you go to your room."

"Yes mommy," he murmured and laid his head on her chest.

Joey, Mr. Flirting-is-my-middle-name, sat forward and prepared to coach Justin on exactly what to do. "OK, first off all, don't worry about that guy. He's old news, I know this for a fact. Second, wipe that frown off your face before she looks over here. Third, when you go over and talk to her, and you will, apologize for running out on her last night, but don't mention the psycho stalker bitch. If you mention her, she'll just think 'Oh so that's the way he treats females' and will never talk to you again. Just say you saw someone that you had to talk to or that something came up--"

"Joey, he was talking to Maddie, I'm sure something DID come up," Lance deadpanned.

Justin wasn't paying any attention to his friends. He watched Maddie as she said goodbye to her 'friend', gave him a hug and sent him on his way. Romero went to the front desk for something and Maddie was left alone. Without thinking about it, he pushed himself out of his chair and walked over to her.

She looked up; first she seemed surprised to see him, then her eyes narrowed, then she shot him a tiny smile. "Hey Justin. What da dealy?"

"Nothing. We missed our flight so we're all just chilling here," he responded.

"Oh. Well, that sucks."

"Yeah really."

There was a pregnant silence between them as Justin racked his brain for something to say and Maddie fervently wished that she were somewhere else. He wore a black t-shirt that clung to his chest, clearly showing his amazing pectoral muscles. He'd covered his curls with a baseball cap worn backwards. He looked entirely too attractive and Maddie was having trouble remembering why she couldn't, or rather, shouldn't hook up with him. And at the moment, he seemed so sweetly insecure, shuffling his weight back and forth and seeming to not know where to look.

"Maddie…" he began. He looked down at his feet, snuck a peek at her and then looked down at his hands as he began to pick at the skin on the palm of his ring finger. "I just…I just wanted to know…"

"Yes?" Maddie prompted.

He took a deep breath to fortify his nerves and let it out in a rush of words: "I just wanted to know why you hate me so much."

Maddie was dumbfounded. Not that he'd figured out her feelings, she'd been obvious with that, but that he'd called her on it. She wasn't sure why but she felt a tingling in her stomach. She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth, inadvertently drawing Justin's attention to her mouth, as she thought of a diplomatic way to answer his question.

"It's not that I hate you, Justin, because I don't. I will admit that there are parts of your personality that I don't like but that…Justin…Justin!"

Justin had been focused so intensely on Maddie's mouth and the way she formed words and getting so turned on by just watching her talk that he hadn't really heard a word she'd said. Hearing his name snapped him out of his daze. "Huh?"

Maddie put her hands on her hips and glared up at him. "You weren't even listening to me. See, this is why I never talk to you, you don't know how to treat people! You ask me a question and don't even have the decency to listen to the answer! And I'm not gonna say anything about the way you treat your fans!"

'Fans?' Justin wondered dumbly. 'What the hell do they have to do with this? And what the hell have I just done?'

"You are an egotistical, self-centered, over-rated prima donna who thinks the world revolves around you and your pelvic thrusts. Well, that ain't how real life works, mister. You wanna talk to me, you better check your ego at the door cause next time I won't be so nice."

With that, she turned on her heel and stormed off to find Romero.

Justin stood there staring after her. He felt like one of those cartoon characters who drank a lot of water and then got stuck with a thousand needles and the water drained out of the needle holes. Except it was his pride that was draining out of him, shrinking him down to size. What she'd said was only a variation of what his friends had jokingly said at least a hundred times. But it never sunk in when they said it.

He was stung, horribly so. He saw himself through her eyes and he didn't like the picture he made.

He slowly walked back to his friends. They had watched the entire scene. They hadn't been able to hear what was said but their body language told it all. At first, they'd joked about how unsure of himself Justin seemed. They all saw the look on Maddie's face after Justin had finally blurted out whatever he'd wanted to say. They'd watched and mentally tried to warn him as Justin became hypnotized by Maddie's lips. They'd seen Maddie stiffen in indignation and they cringed when she blasted him out of the water. So it was that Justin's return was greeted by silence. For once, even Chris was at a loss for words.


"You OK now?" Romero asked Maddie once they were safely installed in the VIP lounge at LAX.

"What?" Maddie asked, still lost in her thoughts.

"I said, 'Are you OK now?'" Romero carefully enunciated each word.

Madison sighed. "Yeah. He just really pissed me off."

"Yeah, I saw."

There was no need to clarify who 'he' was.

"What is it about him that gets to you?"

"I don't know, he just always seems so smug and cocky…like he's got a secret but you're not good enough to know what it is. He's arrogant, very full of himself. He could be a one-man fan club. When we first met, he wouldn't even look me in the eyes, and you know how I feel about that. You know what he did to Kelly, right?" Maddie said, referring to an encounter her younger cousin had had with Justin that had left her in tears.

"Yeah, her mom told me." He paused and studied Maddie out of the corner of his eye. "But that's not the only reason you always push him away, is it?"

Now it was Madison's turn to study Romero. "What do you mean?"

"You like him. You may not want to but you do. Some small part of you likes him. And you don't like that. Oh yeah, you have all the excuses, he's arrogant, he's conceited, what he did to Kelly. But you know what a drama queen Kelly is, she could have blown that way out of proportion. Probably did. As for the rest of it, I thought you were conceited and smug, too. Until I got to know you." Romero paused for a moment to let that sink in. "There's something about him that makes you like him even though you don't want to and THAT is what pisses you off. You're not mad at him…You're mad at yourself."

Chpt 11
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