(The next day)

(New York City, MTV Studios)

The shrill screams of over 10,000 fans packed onto Broadway failed to pierce the thick soundproofed glass walls of the MTV Studios. The set of Total Request Live was a hive of activity. In less than five minutes, the hottest act on the planet was going to be taking over the MTV airwaves.

"OK, so you guys will come on after the number five video, chat with Carson, yada yada yada. Once again, our fine friends at the New York City Police Department have politely asked us to help them control the crowd, which means that you guys can not go over to the window and that at some point they will probably make us close the shutters. Joey, please don't be shaking your ass at them like you did last time. Some girl ran out into the street and almost got hit by a car. Are there any subjects that you don't want Carson to ask about?" The producer looked directly at Justin as he asked this last question.

"Nope." Justin flashed him the smile that made all the girls scream.

A guy in a green vest handed each guy a microphone. "Let's just do a check real quick."

The guys immediately launched into South Park imitations, causing the people in the control room to crack up with laughter.

"All right, guys, you're up after the next commercial."

The guys all lined up in a hallway just out of sight of the primarily female audience. The turnout was amazing, considering that Carson had announced that Monday that *NSYNC would be on the show. Three days later, it was like New Year's Eve in the middle of June. But the partygoers were all young girls and instead of the huge lighted ball, these girls were looking for stars of a different kind.

Carson saw the cue and smiled into the camera. "Welcome back to TRL, bringing you the top ten videos of the day, the top four are on the way. Now, we have some very special guests with us today. These guys are very near and dear to my heart and obviously to yours, too, because you all have made them the best-selling artist of just about forever. Their latest CD and tour have broken all kinds of records and-what the hell am I talking about, you all know this already. *NSYNC is in da house!"

The lucky girls (and the few guys) who had been selected to be that day's studio audience erupted in shrill screams, smiles and more than a few tears as the five men ran through the crowd. The pandemonium spread to the crowd waiting outside when the fans caught their first glimpse of the guys, first through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the studio, and then on the Mega-Tron, the huge television screen that was used to broadcast certain high-profile events.

Once the guys were settled down and into their seats, Carson turned to them with a wry smile on his face. "It's always a wild time when you guys come to visit."

"Yeah, baby, yeah!" Chris said in his best Austin Powers imitation.

"So, how's the tour going?"

"The tour is great, the fans have been great." JC turned to the camera and flashed a grin that made all the girls watching at home sigh. "We're tired, though."

"Yeah, I bet. I haven't seen the show yet but I heard it's amazing. Got a lot of new stuff."

"Yeah, we definitely have a lot of new tricks, a lot of new stuff you've never seen before. A lot of the effects we're using are being used for the first time on this tour, so it's definitely stuff you haven't seen before," Lance said with his ever-present smile.

"Cool, cool, but what I wanna know is what's up with this movie?"

Simultaneously, the five guys of *NSYNC burst into laughter. "Um, well, to tell you the truth, we don't even really know ourselves," Chris admitted. "Last time I checked, it was gonna be this 'Bodyguard' type thing but we kept arguing over who would get to be Whitney Houston so I don't know if that's gonna work."

"You all wanna be Whitney, huh?"

"We all wanna be Whitney," Chris confirmed.

"Well, I can't do anything about that, not sure I want to, but how about a little Britney?"

"Britney? Eh, she's OK," Justin said with a shit-eating grin.

"Well, here she is, at number four with 'Oops' on TRL. More with JC, Joey, Lance, Justin and Chris in a minute."

The video appeared on the screen and the guys just sat there talking to each other. One of the girls in the audience got bold, stood up and yelled, "I love you, Chris!"

He turned to see who it was, smiled at the young blonde and yelled back, "I love you, too!"

This brought on a flurry of affirmations of love, lust and eternal devotion. The producers had a very hard time bringing the girls back to order and they were still screaming when the video ended.

"Uh, that was Britney Spears at number four and the audience is going absolutely nuts for the five gentlemen you see to my left. JC, Lance, Joey, Chris and Justin of *NSYNC. Now Justin-" Carson had to pause as the screams grew even louder, almost drowning him out.

Justin looked out to the crowd, smiled and brought his index finger to his lips. Almost immediately, the decibel level fell.

Carson stood there nonplussed. He looked to the camera. "Now that's crowd control for ya!" He turned to the audience. "How come y'all never do that for me? Anyways, we're here with *NSYNC. Are you guys just amazed at the amount of success this album has had? I mean, it dropped in March and, here it is, three months later and it's already eight times platinum. How does that make you feel?"

"Sitting on top of the world," Justin sang.

Simultaneously, all of the guys said, "It's like WHOA!"

"No seriously," Joey said after he'd recovered from laughing, "it's actually very flattering and it kinda doesn't seem real until someone reminds us about it."

"Yeah, we try not to concentrate on the numbers, we're all about the music and keeping the fans happy," JC had to pause as the audience cheered at this, "and I guess the numbers show that we're doing a pretty good job."

"Ya think?" Carson joked. "We gotta get to the number three video. It's by the Backstreet Boys, 'The One'." Carson walked over and put his arm around Justin's shoulder. "Stick around cause I think me and this guy right here are gonna have a conversation about a certain singer who was here yesterday."

"Aw man," Justin said into his mic. "Should I be scared?" He looked up at Carson.

"Maybe. Maybe. Your number three video, 'The One'."

During the video, the guys all got up and walked over to the audience for autographs and pictures. As usual, the bodyguards were there, lurking in the background. It seemed almost ridiculous that these hulking men were protecting five fully capable men from a bunch of adolescent girls but the guys of *NSYNC had learned early in on their career just how bad scratches and pulled hair can hurt. The producer came over and prodded them back into their seats. There was a bit of shuffling because the guys hadn't gone back to their original seats and the producer thought that would be chaotic for the people watching (as if they wouldn't know who was who anyway) and had them all switch back. Justin, Lance and JC were sitting in stools and Joey and Chris stood behind them. The tech in the green vest cued them.

"Hi! We're in *NSYNC and this is TRL!"

"Welcome back, everyone," Carson said loudly into his mic, trying to be heard over the screams. "Do you guys ever get used to this, all the screaming and hysteria?"

"Actually, we do. In the beginning, you think that this is something that you'd never be able to get used to but then slowly you do until you don't even really notice it that much anymore," Justin said. "But then one day, you'll look up and it's like you're seeing it for the first time and it just takes your breath away."

"I love you, Justin!" someone shouted from the back of the room.

He smiled and made a face at her, then turned back to Carson.

"OK, so speaking of taking your breath away, here we have a picture of you, do we have that picture, can we get it up on the monitor?"

"Of who?" Justin asked, knowing full well what the answer would be.

"Of you. This-ah, here we go."

The audience 'awwed' at the picture that appeared on the screen. It was the one from Entertainment Tonight and it was of Justin and Maddie sitting at the bar, talking.

"OK, so correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that you looking like you just got bit by the love bug?" Carson teased.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I may have a tiny crush on her."

"Tiny?" Chris scoffed loudly. "Tiny? OK, let me tell ya-"

"Chris," JC turned and placed a hand on the other man's arm. "No, man, don't embarrass the guy on TV."

"Thank you!" Justin sighed.

"I'll do it! Carson, let me tell you-"

His words were muffled when Justin reached over and put his hand over his mouth. "What JC is trying to say is that I think Madison is a beautiful girl and that she has mad talent. Right, JC?" Justin looked at his friend.

Eyes twinkling, JC nodded.

Chris raised his hand. "OK, can I just say one thing, how we knew Justin had a crush? He loves hip-hop, right, that's all he ever plays. UNTIL Maddie's CD came out. He puts it on repeat and just listens to it over and over until we're about ready to kill him."

The audience awwed again and Justin put his face in his hands.

"There are, like, a million girls in America right now who are probably extremely pissed at Madison Morse right now."

Justin looked up, red still coloring his cheeks. "She don't even like me, man."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. She just doesn't like me," Justin frowned at the camera, downplaying his pain by overdoing it for the crowd.

"Imagine that, there's a female in this world who doesn't like Justin Timberlake."

"That's what we said!" Chris threw his arm out to emphasize his point and accidentally smacked Justin in the head.

"See? I get no love, man, no love. Even my friends be beating on me."

Through his laughter, Carson said, "We're running outta time, here's the number two video, Eminem with 'The Real Slim Shady'."

The familiar beat began and all the guys of *NSYNC started bobbing their head to the music. JC leaned over to Justin. "Daniel is gonna kick your ass for that, you know?"

Justin grinned at him. "I'd like to see him try."

Carson ambled over to the guys. "I think I just fucked myself royally there."

"What?" Joey asked.

"Do you know how much mail we're gonna get about this now?"

Chpt 14
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