(Two days later)

(Houston, TX-MD Anderson Hospital)

A very nervous Maddie sat in the plush leather chair in Dr. Bettencourt's office. Her body felt like one great big ball of tense energy. She couldn't sit still. No position was comfortable. She played with her fingernails, she twirled her hair, she counted the number of degrees lining the walls, anything to keep her mind of f the reason she was there.

Ron sat next to his daughter, seemingly deep in thought. In actuality, he was staring blankly at the floor where Dr. Bettencourt's teak desk met the lush gray carpeting. His mind was absolutely blank, a state much more preferable to the mind-numbing anxiety that had clawed at him all night long. He remembered back eleven years when he had sat with Maddie and her mother in this very same office. What they had thought was a simple childhood tendency to catch illness on top of illness actually turned out to be a parent's worst nightmare. Or so he'd thought at the time. In the past two days, from receiving the phone call saying that Maddie was home unexpectedly to sitting down with her as she haltingly explained what she'd been going through to sitting beside her through the barrage of tests taken that same day to the seemingly interminable wait of the last twenty-four hours while all the tests were run; through all this he'd realized that a parent's real worst nightmare would be having to see their child suffer through a fatal disease, conquer that disease only to have it come back years later.

The door opened and Maddie twisted in her seat to see the unfortunately familiar countenance of Dr. Andrew Bettencourt. He was the same specialist they had come to see eight years ago when Maddie had started to develop bruises from even the smallest bumps and those bruises and cuts would not heal.

Recommended by a friend whose son had suffered a similar affliction, Dr. Bettencourt had seen Maddie through some tough days. He'd held her as she cried through some of the more brutal treatments. He had rejoiced in informing her of her cancer's remission. He had come from his first vacation in eight years a week early to help her celebrate her fifth cancer-free year. He'd wanted to weep when he'd received the phone call from Ron two days earlier. Dr. Bettencourt, because of the nature of his work, could not afford to become attached to his patients. He couldn't always pay the emotional toll such relationships often carried. But with Madison, he hadn't been able to help himself. She'd been a sweet-faced seven-year-old when they'd first met. She'd accepted all that they'd told her and the possibility that she might die with a maturity and dignity that made Dr. Bettencourt, more than forty years her senior, wonder if he would ever attain that level of poise and grace. He was happy now to be able to lay her fears to rest.

Maddie's eyes, luminous with worry, followed his every step as he walked over to his desk. He set the folder he'd been carrying down on his already crowded workstation and turned to face the Morses. He regarded them solemnly for a moment. Maddie's heart seemed suspended in her chest. Every cell in her being was focused on the good doctor. She thought dimly, 'Now I know what an inmate on death row feels, waiting-praying-for that stay of execution.'

And then he smiled.

(Four days later)

(Savannah, Georgia-Savannah Marriott Riverfront)

Exhausted after an extra long day of radio and TV interviews, a charity luncheon, soundcheck and then the concert, Justin threw himself down on the couch in the central room of their suite.

"Put a fork in me and flip me over," Joey said as he eased his body into the seat opposite Justin.

Eyes closed, Justin frowned his irritation. "What?" He had been out of sorts, waiting to hear from Maddie. A phone call, a letter, hell, a singing telegram, just SOMEthing. It had been almost two weeks and nothing.

"I'm done," Joey as an explanation.


"Justin, here."

He opened his eyes to see Jen standing over him, holding his cell phone. "It only rang about a thousand times." She pointed to the blinking indicator light. "And Joey, Janine said her flight gets in at 2:17 and if you're late, she's gonna kick your ass."

"Man! I cannot wait til she's here!" Joey sat up, suddenly energized. "Thanks, Jenna. Get a lot done?"

"Not really." Jen had been coming to the shows every weekend since the start of the tour. She had stopped coming to see them perform after about the third or fourth weekend, preferring to stay in the relative comfort of the bus or some hotel room to get some studying done. Her nerves couldn't take it, she'd told them, and if she had to see JC do that one move he does during Digital Getdown one more time, she was going to give the fans a REAL show. Besides, she'd pointed out, that was only one aspect of him.

Justin tuned out Joey's ramblings about how much he'd missed his Nina and pressed the button on his phone to connect him to his voicemail. He entered his pass code and grimaced when the computerized voice told him that he had fourteen messages. He figured some fans had gotten their grubby little hands on his phone number again. He sighed and pressed the button to listen to his messages.

The first message made him smile. It was his little brother, John, wishing him good luck at the concert. It also brought a pang of sadness to his heart. He missed his family so much. He hated that he missed out so much on his brothers' lives but it couldn't be helped. He hit '5' to pause the message and then went to his caller ID feature to try to screen his calls. There was the one from Jonathan, one from his house in Orlando, so he figured his mom had gone over there and called to say that everything was OK. He counted two calls from an area code he wasn't familiar with. The rest were from friends and family. He was a little intrigued about the calls from that 713 area code. Usually fans would call until he answered, but they wouldn't leave messages.

He hit '9' to un-pause the voice mail feature and smiled when he heard his mother's soft twang. It was as he'd thought, she'd stopped by his house to make sure that rabid fans hadn't broken in and ransacked the place. He was still smiling as he deleted the message and forwarded to the next one.

"Hey, Justin. Um…I know you're at a show right now but that's good cause I don't think I'd be able to say all this to you." Maddie sounded nervous. Justin's heart pulsed in his chest and he sat straight up in his seat. Lance, who had just come into the room, stared at him, startled by his abrupt movement. He saw the look on Justin's face and asked, 'Is that Maddie?"

That name brought six heads whipping around to look at Justin. "Ssshh!" he reprimanded them, "she left me a message."

"Aw, yeah!" Joey and Chris slapped hands. "Pay me my money! I told you she'd call," Joey crowed.

"Shut the hell up," Justin hissed. "Dammit!" He jerked the phone from his ear and hit the button that would rewind the message to the beginning.

"I don't really know how to say this so I guess I'll just start at the beginning. I've always been attracted to you, even from when we first me and you probably thought I hated your guts. See, the thing is…God, I can't believe I'm going to say this…but, I guess a part of me always knew that it would be like this…that you would have this effect on me…So I tried to run from it, I guess. And I…OK. Let me just…

OK, it's like this. My dad's been married three times. My mom is on her fourth divorce. My step-parents have all had multiple marriages. So, I don't really believe in happily-ever-after because I've seen it go bad so many times. These people pledged themselves to one another and so far, they're zero and seven. I mean, my dad's still married to Maggie but she's never even here so…The thing that freaked me out-I've had to do some soul searching these past few days…Something I thought was over and done with came back and bit me in the ass. It turned out to be OK but it REALLY made me think. And I just got home so this is all fresh in my mind, otherwise, I wouldn't have had the guts to be doing what I'm doing now. I guess what I'm trying to say is--"


"God dammit!" Justin growled.

"What?" Lance said anxiously. They all wanted to know what she'd said.

"She got cut off!" He furiously pressed '7' to save the message and then smiled when he checked the caller ID again. She must have called back. He brought the phone back to his ear.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted. I don't really believe in two people being able to live their lives together. I've seen it fail too many times. And I was freaked cause you made me think that I was wrong. Just looking at you, never minding the conversations we've had, which really aren't that many, but just looking at you made me think I was wrong. Made me WANT to be wrong. But I was determined to just ignore it, the way I was feeling, which is probably why I was such a bitch to you half the time. God, I'm probably freaking you out right now. I'm not saying I want to get married tomorrow and have your babies…I just…I don't know what I'm saying. I guess I just wanted you to know where I'm coming from. Or where I was coming from. Things…things are different now…I don't want a relationship…but then again, I don't NOT want a relationship…you get me? I hope so cause I don't get myself. Anyway, just wanted you to know that, so um…yeah. I guess call me whenever you get a chance. Or not. No pressure here. I guess whatever happens will happen…I don't know…Can you tell I'm really confused now? Maybe I shoulda thought this out before I called but if I would have waited, I woulda lost my nerve and then I'd be back at square one so…OK…Just…wanted to let you know how I feel. So…um…bye."

Justin pressed '7' to save the message and flipped the phone closed.

"So?" Johnny prompted, "what'd she say?"

Justin raised dazed eyes to look at his friends. "I'm not really sure. She's attracted to me and I guess she…I don't really know."

"Good grief, gimme that." Jen marched over and grabbed the phone out of Justin's hand. "How do I listen to it?"

Justin stood up and showed her. Jen turned her back on them to hear better.

"So call her back!" Joey pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and handed it to Justin.

He looked down at the phone in his hand then back at Joey. "I don't know what to say."

"Man, tell her you wanna see her again, tell her-"

"Tell her that you'd like to see where things go from here," JC said. "Tell her the truth about how you feel. If there's anything I know about Maddie, it's that she respects honesty."

"Yeah, I see that now," Justin muttered.

"What do you mean?" Lance asked, easing his shoes off his tired feet.

"She was...she just laid it all out on the line. Told me where she was coming from, why she acted the way she did. She wants me to call her."

"See?" Joey pushed Justin towards his room. "Call her, man."

"Justin," Jen spoke quietly. "You gotta do right by this girl. You know how much it took for her to admit all that to you? Don't wuss out on her."

"Yeah." Justin nodded once then walked into his room and closed the door behind him.

Almost immediately, the door opened again. He walked over to Jen and took his phone from her. Seeing the inquisitive looks being thrown his way, he held up his phone. "Her number's in here."

The collective reply: "Oohh."

He retraced his steps and shut the door behind him. He stood there for a minute, just inside the doorway. He hadn't had time to process all this. He never thought that he could affect anyone the way he obviously affected Maddie. And it wasn't just an ego thing. Her confession made him understand so much more about her.

He smiled to himself. She wasn't the only one who'd been impacted in a major way by someone she barely knew. Ever since the Kelly incident, he had gone out of his way to at least be civil to all the fans. There was no way he could stop and chat it up with them the way they seemed to want it but he at least tried to throw a smile their way every now and again. And he found himself doing other small things that he thought Maddie would like, even though he knew that she would never see it or know of what he'd done.

He sat on the edge of the bed. He flipped over his phone and went to the caller ID menu of incoming calls. He used Joey's phone to make the call.

Chpt 22
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