Ten minutes later, Joey was happily retelling the story of walking in on Justin and Maddie for the fourth time. The story had gotten more and more lavish with each telling. Maddie was standing near the dresser, slightly bent at the waist, brushing her hair. She looked at Justin who was reclining on the bed, resting his weight on his elbows.

"Oh give it up, Joey. Next time you tell it, they'll be havin' sex," Janine groaned.

Justin grinned at Maddie. "Was it as good for you as it was for me?"

"Oh yeah, baby!" Maddie couldn't help but play along. Justin looked entirely too sexy, too male, too…accessible stretched out on the bed, a place where she would be sleeping in a few hours, like that.

"Hey, is Happy coming?" Kendra asked. She had pulled one of the plush chairs away from the table and turned it to face the television set.

"Who's Happy?" JC asked, opening a bag of Fat-Free Lays. The guys had come bearing gifts. Unfortunately, they had a mistaken idea of what dancers ate. While it was true that they did watch their weight, these particular dancers were more willing to go that extra mile on the treadmill or those extra laps around than the track than they were to give up their beloved junk foods. All of the fat-free and reduced calorie foods were thoughtful but unnecessary.

"We used to dance with him about two summers ago. He lives in LA now," Wendy explained, reaching out to snag a chip.

"I have a question." Chris was sitting on the floor, his back against the bed. Heather sat between his outstretched legs with her back to his chest. "Why fly dancers all the way from the West Coast when there are about a million and one dancers right here in New York?"

Laughing, Maddie shrugged her shoulders. "No clue. Justin?" She waited until he looked at her. She'd changed into a pair of baggy pajama bottoms and a tank top, her standard sleeping attire. She liked the fact that he looked at her with the same gleam in his eyes that had been present when she was in just a towel. "Braid my hair?"

He smiled at her and sat up. He spread his legs and patted the bed between them.

Her eyes locked on his as she moved the short distance to him. She turned and moved to sit on the floor in front of him. He made a noise in the back of his throat and grabbed her forearms, pulling her back to sit on the bed in front of him. "I can't do it that way."

His husky voice in her ears sent trembles down her spine. She let out a strangled-sounding "Oh" and passed the brush to him. They weren't touching except at the calves but even that light touch in such an intimate position was almost too much for her. All sorts of licentious thoughts were running through her head. She heard Justin draw in a lung-full of air. Obviously, she wasn't the only one whose mind was mired in the gutter.

"So is Happy coming or not?" Von asked, flipping through the channels searching for MTV.

"Yeah, we invited all the dancers," Wendy said. "Damn, Lance, what are you saying to that girl?"

All eyes turned to the loveseat.

Kristina, snuggled into the crook of Lance's arm, was red-faced and breathing heavily.

"Hey, I'm not paying to have any stains removed," Maddie shook a warning finger.

"Oh, you're a fine one to talk," Kendra retorted. "You messed the Met."

Flushing, Maddie bit back a laugh. "I did not."

"She what?" JC turned to Jen, puzzled.

"Nothing, hon." Jen silenced him by pressing her lips to his.

Maddie turned her attention back to Kris. Lance's lips were scant centimeters from her ear and his eyes were half-closed as he spoke to her. Kristina's eyes were slightly dazed and a sheen of perspiration dotted her forehead.

Janine leaned over to whisper to Jen. "Five bucks says he makes her come in her pants."

Jen shook her head. "No bet, he's done it before."

"What?" Janine drew back a little, shocked. She'd actually been joking. She looked over to where Kristina was looking decidedly hot under the collar, not to mention other places. "I believe it."

"Girl, yeah." She got up from where she'd been resting her head on JC's thigh and moved closer to Janine to gossip. JC and Chris shared a glance that said 'What ya gonna do?'

There was a knock at the door. Von got up to answer it. "Hey y'all." She stepped back and a line-up for Chippendale's walked in. Or so it seemed. There were four guys, each more exquisitely sculpted than the next. The *NSYNC guys had had to leave just as Maddie's dancers were arriving so they hadn't seen them yet. JC's eyes met Chris's again. Both gazes held traces of 'what the hell' mixed in with 'holy shit.' Both guys turned to wrap their arms around their respective girlfriends.

"Happy!" Kendra and Wendy got up to embrace their friend. He was the shortest of the guys at about five eleven. He had dark brown hair and large brown eyes. Introductions were made and those already situated rearranged themselves to make room for the newcomers. Joey scooted close enough to whisper to Chris: " I thought WE were the pretty boys."

"No shit," Chris whispered back. "We got nothing on them."

Justin wasn't very happy either. The second he'd finished her hair, Maddie had jumped up to hug that Happy guy like he was the be-all, end-all of the world. He frowned when she lingered in his arms, when his lips touched her cheek for a second longer than was necessary. He felt the urge to pout. 'This is ridiculous,' he ridiculed himself. 'Right?'

His feelings were slightly mollified when she came back to him as the show began. Actually, there was nowhere else for her to sit and he had to move over to make room for both her and Kendra, but still, she was sitting next to him.

As the beginning credits rolled, knowing the other man could see because he was chatting with Kendra, Justin ran his hand across her back from shoulder to waist and back again. It was a very proprietary move. He was staking his claim. He looked Happy in the eyes and moved closer to Maddie.

Maddie sucked air into her suddenly oxygen-deprived lungs. She was completely unaware of the man war that was going on around her. All she knew was that Justin was touching her again and, unless she prepared herself for it (and sometimes even then), that had the power to rattle her insides.

It took a long time for her nerves to settle. When they did, she saw herself on television, with Wendy. They were showing the footage they'd shot in her bedroom. She and Wendy were giggling over some of the hideous outfits they'd been forced to wear as part of their high school dance team. In an effort to take her mind off the fact that she desperately wanted to kick everyone out of her room and have her wicked way with Justin, she concentrated on the show.


~ Cut to Ron in the kitchen washing dishes ~

A voice off camera requested, "Tell us something about Maddie that we may not know."

Ron pondered for a moment with his hands in the soapy water. "She's a college graduate. Kind of. She has an Associates degree in Dance."

"How old is she?" the disembodied voice asked.

"She'll be nineteen in July. She graduated from high school when she was sixteen. She was in private school for grade school so she started kindergarten when she was four instead of five. She took a lot of A/P and Honors classes in high school and she took a lot of tests and ended up placing out of a lot of freshman level courses. So she went into college with, I think, eighteen hours already under her belt. Then she took eighteen hours her first semester and either nineteen or seventeen her second semester. She was a few hours shy but they give you a kind of grace of about five hours or so, so she was able to walk. So she's a junior but she's only been in college for one year."

"What school did she go to?"

"Kilgore College. It's up in East Texas. She went there to dance."

~ Cut to Maddie and Nicole setting the table for dinner ~

"Tell me about Kilgore."

Maddie laughed. "Honey, there ain't enough time in the world for me to tell you about Kilgore. It's not something you can tell, it's something you have to experience. My high school director was a Rangerette. Then a friend who graduated when I was a sophomore came back to recruit for Kilgore. It's only a two-year school so she should have been outta there by then. But she hadn't made it the first time she tried out and she waited around another year to try out again. I was intrigued by that, I guess. I mean, Danielle stayed an entire year in this little podunk town in East Texas just on the chance that she might make it. So I went to see Revels, their spring show, and I was hooked."

"What exactly is Rangerettes?"

"The dance team at Kilgore. Rangerettes is an organization that was started in 1940-"

She was interrupted by Nicole. The younger girl stopped what she was doing, planted her hands on her hips and cut her eyes to the ceiling as spoke. She picked up the end of Maddie's sentence: "By a lady named Miss Gussie Nell Davis because people were getting too rowdy in the stands at football games and the school wanted something that would keep people in their seats and away from the beer at the concession stands. It was the first precision drill and dance team ever."

Maddie grinned sheepishly. "I may have mentioned all that to her a time or two."

Nicole 'hmmphed' under her breath, shot Maddie a smile and walked out of the room.

"So tell me about it."

"Seriously, I can't even begin…It's an organization that's very steeped in tradition. There's only been three directors, Miss Gussie Nell Davis, Mrs. Deana Bolton Covin and Mrs. Dana Blair. It's a highly disciplined organization, highly. There are lots of rules…and I mean lots. We had a quote, our class quote that's sort of become the unofficial Rangerette quote: From the outside looking in, it can't be understood; From the inside looking out, it can't be explained."

"Unofficial? Does that mean there's an official quote?"

Maddie grinned. "Beauty knows no pain, Miss Gussie Nell Davis, 1942."

~ Fade to black ~


As the first commercial came on, Justin nudged Maddie with his shoulder. "College graduate, huh?" She blushed in reply.

One of the dancers, Dante, turned to Maddie. "My sister's best friend's mom was a Rangerette."

Immediately interested, Maddie leaned closer to him. "Oh really? What's her name?"

Justin tuned them out as they discussed something called sister lines and contented himself with watching Maddie as she talked. The adverse emotions he'd felt when he saw her with Happy were absent. 'Probably cause this guy is as fruity as they come.' His thoughts, as usual these days, turned to Maddie. She was attentive, looking straight into Dante's eyes as they talked. Her face glowed with a happiness he'd like to think he had a part in.

"Hey, has anyone talked to Crystal?" Von asked. She'd ascertained that the male dancers, except for Happy who was talking to Wendy about people she didn't know, were more into each other than they were into females, something she felt quite bitter about.

"Yeah, is she still pissed at us?" Wendy asked,

They all turned to Kristina since she was closer to Crystal than any of the others.

Having recovered from Lance's verbal seduction, Kris said, "I don't know, she still won't talk to me. Her mom said she tried to talk to her and explain that it's, you know, the law, but she's not having it."

"Damn," Maddie said under her breath, a frown marring her face.

"What?" Joey asked around a mouthful of rice cake.

"Crystal, that girl from the party," Wendy reminded him, "she's only seventeen."


"I'm having a blonde moment here, no offense, but I don't get it," Janine said.

"She's still a minor and therefore protected by child labor laws," Maddie explained.

"You should become a lawyer, you're always explaining legal shit to us," Kendra said.

"I still don't get it," Janine pouted.

"Well, don't feel bad cause I don't either," Jen said, shifting to find a more comfortable position. JC's body was too hard to make a very comfortable pillow.

"She dances with us, too," Kendra offered.


"Shh!" Justin hushed them. "It's coming back on."


~ Cut to Travis in his blue, green and white bedroom ~

The young boy was lying on his bed, baseball glove on his left hand, tossing a ball in the air and catching it.

"What's the best thing about your sister's celebrity status?"

"Whenever we ask to do something with her or go somewhere, she always says 'As long as it's okay with Dad.' Like, she's taken us to New York a couple of times, LA, San Francisco, Florida. Some people wouldn't want their little brothers and sister hanging around." He turned his head and grinned at the camera. "And we're, like, the most popular kids in school now."

~ Cut to Nicole sitting on the porch swing ~

"Nicole, is it hard having your sister away for so much of the time?"

"Not really. She's home a lot, actually, even if it's only for a day or two. We see more of her now than we did when she was at Kilgore. And she always tells us that she's just a phone call away."

~ Cut to Jake and Paul sitting at the kitchen table, notebooks and textbooks spread out in front of them ~

"Jake, do you think Madison's changed at all?"



"How?" the voice prompted.

"She's a lot more patient."

More silence.

"Why do you think that is?"

"I have no idea why."

Paul was attempting to hide his smile behind his hand and failing miserably.


Wendy, Maddie and their crew were cracking up.

"Oh my God, that is SO Jake!" Von howled.


"Paul, where do you see Maddie in the long run?"

Paul cleared his throat of the last vestiges of his humor. "Um, I think Maddie will be tired of the music business before it's tired of her. She likes to sing, yeah, but she loves to dance. Loves it. She's gonna end up going back to that, she always does. Plus, she's restless, likes to try new things. Yeah. She'll definitely leave the music business before it's ready to see her go."

~ Cut back to Nicole ~

"What do you think of Maddie's relationship with Justin Timberlake?"


Maddie groaned at this. "I can't believe they asked her that!"

Justin quieted her by grabbing her hand and lacing his fingers through hers.


"They have a relationship?" Nicole glared at someone off the camera as she spoke. "I think what goes on between Maddie and Justin is Maddie and Justin's business." She turned to face the camera. "But I will say that he better do right by her. 'Hell has no fury like a woman scorned' but that ain't got nothin' on the little sister."


"Oh shit, Justin!" Joey crowed as Chris and JC exchanged high fives and Lance laughed into his fist. "You betta watch out, Nicole's gonna get ya!"

Ignoring them, Justin fitted his fingers more snugly within Maddie's. "Where is your family, by the way?"

"They can't make it. Travis and Mike's baseball team made the finals. Championship game tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. I know they'd be here if they could."


~ Cut to Travis still in his bedroom ~

"What about Maddie and guys?"

"Maddie is the marrying kind," Travis spoke immediately. "Like, she's an awesome girlfriend, she always does, like, really sweet stuff for her boyfriends. And plus, she's the kinda girl you can bring home to your parents and just know that they're gonna love her."

~ Cut to Ron, putting the dishes away ~

"What do you think about Maddie and guys?"

Ron grimaced as if in pain. "I'd rather not, thanks."

~ Cut to Wendy, lying next to Maddie ~

"Maddie and guys? Guys love her. She's a heartbreaker without meaning to be. Sometimes I wish I could be with guys the way she is." She turned to look at her friend as she spoke. Maddie was picking at the threads on her comforter, cheeks slightly flushed. "She's just very, very straight-forward, lays it all out on the line so the guy knows exactly where he stands with her. And they love her for it."

~ Cut to the picture of Justin and Maddie sitting at the bar at the party for the Pediatric AIDS Foundation Benefit ~

Fade to black.


"Oh, that was low," Vontrésa said through her laughter, referring to the last picture.

"You okayed that?" Chris asked.

"Hey, this is my first time seeing this!" Maddie defended herself.

Janine patted Justin on the knee. "You know they're never gonna let this go, right?"

Justin looked down at his and Maddie's intertwined hands. "I don't mind."

An awkward moment followed.

JC and Jen shared a glance. JC had known Justin the longest of all of them and, having dated Justin, Jen knew him in a way that his group mates never could. Neither had seen this side of him before. He was a very private, not prone to publicly displaying his feelings. Yet every facet of his relationship with Maddie had been played out in front of them. And the things they didn't witness, he told them about. The initial infatuation with the image she presented amused them. The starstruck way he'd been when they first met made them laugh and nudge each other: Justin Timberlake, teen idol extraordinaire, had a crush on a pop superstar. They'd felt bad for him when it seemed as if Maddie would never give him the time of day. They'd felt the same hope he did when she finally started to come around. They'd been there through everything and that was weird considering that Justin had had girlfriends that they never even knew about until it was over. And now he was holding Maddie's hand, rubbing her back, playing with her hair, kissing her. And it wasn't just actions; it was words, too. Words that he meant for Maddie, but could care less if anyone else heard. This was not a side to Justin they knew.

The phone rang and the moment passed.

Lance was the closest to the phone so, after receiving a permissive nod from Maddie, he answered it. "Hello?"

"May I speak with Madison, please?"

"May I ask who's calling?"

In the background, Chris snorted. "Damn, Lance, screening the girl's calls?"

"Sorry. Habit," Lance mouthed as the caller identified himself. He covered the mouthpiece and held the phone out to Maddie. "It's Jake."

Maddie reached over and grabbed the phone. She had to lean over Justin to get it. It would have been easier if he'd moved back a little to give her more room but he was enjoying the feeling of her squirming against him. So was she.

Because the phone cord wasn't very long, Maddie was forced to lean over Justin in order to talk. She rested her elbows on the bed beside his thigh. Her chest lay across his legs. He brought his hands to rest on her back. Maddie couldn't conceal the shudder that went through her. The air around them was so charged, you almost expected to see a charge of electricity shoot from either of them.

Maddie brought the phone to her ear. "What's up, Jakey?"

An odd clicking sound.

"Hello? Jake?"

The sound became muted, then stopped. She could hear someone breathing into the receiver.


Another click and then the dial tone.

"That fucker just hung up one me!"

"Um, Maddie, maybe you shouldn't say fucker when you're laying across Justin's lap," Lance joked.

Justin glared at him as Maddie pushed herself up and handed him the phone.

"Jake hung up on you?" Wendy asked.


"Call him back, it was probably a bad connection or something."

"Yeah," Maddie agreed and got up to retrieve her purse.

"What are you doing?" Justin was confused.

She pulled out her cell phone. "Calling my brother."

"Just charge it to the room," JC said, not taking his eyes off the TV screen. Maddie and family were cheering at a baseball game.

"Why should I do that when this way it's free?" She opened the door and stepped out into the hall so she wouldn't disturb them as she talked.

She returned a few minutes later, a frown marring her face.

"What?" Justin asked.

"He says he didn't call. He didn't even know which hotel I was at."

"That wasn't him just now?" Wendy asked, concerned but trying not to show it. She cast a tense look at Justin. Those letters…

"Maybe it was Jacob, not Jake. As in bodyguard Jacob," Vontrésa offered.

"No, he's standing at the end of the hall." Maddie chewed on her bottom lip as she thought.

"He is?" Chris asked in surprise.

"He's the bodyguard, where else is he supposed to be?"

"No, I just meant that since the top ten floors are for MTV, then he wouldn't-never mind," he broke off as Heather pinched him in the side.

"What exactly did he say?" Kendra asked Lance.

"He asked to speak to Maddie."

"He said 'Can I speak to Maddie?'" Happy asked.

"No, he said, 'May I speak with Madison, please?'"

"Jake never calls me Madison," Maddie muttered to herself as she retook her seat. She was so caught up in the mystery of it that it never occurred to her that this was a potentially dangerous situation.

It occured to Wendy and she hastily changed the subject. "Well, Madison's a weird name but not that unusual. Anyways, we're missing the show." She turned the volume up in a deliberate attempt to stall any further conversation. Unbeknownst to Maddie, she, Jacob and Romero had had a meeting and decided that it was best that overly obsessive Maddie not be told about the stranger things going on. The main objective was to keep her as happy and worry-free as possible. Maddie had done a lot for Wendy over the years; Wendy felt that what she was doing was but a drop in the well but at least it was something.

On the screen, a sweaty Madison was dancing in a mirrored studio, the track to 'Uninvited' playing in the background.

Joey may not have been the smartest of the bunch or the best public speaker but he was very astute. Because he was as friendly and approachable as he was, he knew a lot about reading into the nuances of body language and words left unspoken and he caught on to Wendy's thoughts. "Damn, girl! Raise your shirt up! I know you ain't cut like that! Abs of steel be damned!"

"Shut up, Joey," Maddie laughed.

Chris watched as Maddie performed a leap he knew was a lot harder to do than she made it look and decided to join in the game. "Are all y'all as flexible as that?"

Eyes rolled all around the room.

"Heath, baby, how would you feel about a three-way?"

"Don't make me slap you, boy."

"I just wanna know if all of y'all are built like that," Joey said and then had to dodge the punch Janine playfully threw his way.

"Kristina is," Lance offered.

"Mmhmm, and how would he know that, Miss 'we didn't do anything'?" Von teased.

"Hey, I said we didn't have sex, I didn't say anything else!"

"Um, I think this is more than we need to know," Dante laughed.

"I thought there were more of y'all," JC joined the conversation.

Happy explained, "There are but the others have never been to New York before so they went out."

"Why do they call you Happy?"

"Blame Maddie for that. My real name is Daniel but my last name is Gilmore, so…"

"That's not why I started calling you that," Madison interjected.

"It's not?"

She shared a look with Wendy and the two burst into laughter.

"What?" Happy pouted, trying not to laugh. "Y'all know I hate it when y'all laugh at me."

"Vontrésa knows why," Wendy said, smiling slyly.

Von looked confused. "I do?"

"You were there when it happened."

Von's face mirrored her puzzlement as the thought.

"Think about it for half a second," Maddie prompted, stressing the last words.

"I don't-Oooooh." Her laughter got the other two going again.

"Well, dammit, I wanna know," Kendra moped.

Maddie leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Hey, it's not polite to whisper," Joey said loudly. He didn't really care anymore. He was trying to think of a good excuse for him and Janine to cut out early. He hated to be reinforcing his ill-gained reputation as the Lothario of the group, but he hadn't seen his girl in almost a month. There was a lot of lost time to make up for.

They watched as Kendra's expression changed that one of amusement to shock to disgust. She shook her head and wagged her finger at Wendy and Von. "Y'all some nasty hoes."

"Ooh, now why they gotta be hoes?" Chris instigated. "I wouldn't take that if I were y'all."

"Oh hush," Wendy pushed his leg with her foot.

"Can y'all keep it down a bit? I can't hear the TV," Justin said, not really concerned about the TV but wondering what the whole deal with Happy's nickname was.

"Oh, come on, you already missed about half of it," Jen pointed out.

"Besides," Lance chimed in, "why worry about a face on the screen when you got the real deal sitting next to you?"

Justin turned his head to look at Maddie and forgot all about his irritation. Her blue gray eyes shone with life and laughter. Her lips were curved into a sweet half-smile.

Unable to resist (and not really wanting to), he leaned over and pressed a short kiss on her.

Maddie smiled, twined her fingers with his, then looked back at him. She raised her free hand to run her palm over his braided hair.

They were still smiling at each other when the door opened. Romero stood in the doorway, one hand on the doorknob, the other resting on his hip, a keycard in his pudgy fingers. Always dapper, he wore a green pinstriped three-piece suit. Not a style that any man could pull off, but on Romie, it looked good. Even at the end of a long day, he was wrinkle free.

"Madre de Dios, what is this, party in Maddie's room?" He was given a chorus of greetings but shook his head as he walked further into the room. "Mmmnnhh, I'm gonna have to poop the party now."

"What?" Wendy protested. "It's only ten forty-five."

"Yes, well, Miss Ma'am here has an interview and photo shoot with TV Guide in the morning. Eight AM. And y'all know it takes a good hour for her to wake up enough to start speaking. And then it's another hour for her to quit being a bitch. So I gotta get her up by six. And poofy eyes are not allowed so she has to sleep now. Everybody out." Romero moved back to the door and held it open, ignoring the moaning and complaining.

"Damn, Mads, I thought your daddy was in Houston," Von joked as the two girls exchanged hugs and pecks on the cheek.

"Yeah, me too."

Justin stayed seated on the bed and watched Maddie say goodbye to everyone. He didn't mind that she was all passing out hugs and kisses until she got to Happy. That was one kid he'd be glad to see go. He glowered when Happy whispered something in Maddie's ear to make her laugh.

"OK, I'm gonna get up…eventually," JC said from his spot on the floor. He didn't move.

"Hey," Romero called down the hall, "I'm doing a room check later and everyone better be alone. My man's not here, if I go celibate, everybody does. And Lance, no visiting Kristina in the middle of the night, her mama would kill me if I brought her home from New York knocked up." Laughter and hoots erupted at the older man's candor. He turned back into the room. "He's the quiet, shy one, okay, but I bet he tries to get some tonight. It's always the quiet ones that are the biggest freaks." He frowned as he looked around the room. "What are y'all waiting for?"

"Well, I know Justin's not gonna leave here until he gets a kiss goodnight from Maddie and I didn't bring my room key so we have to get to our room through his," Chris said.

"I can't move," Jen pointed at where JC was resting with half of his body covering hers.

"Imma get up…in a minute," JC gave his girlfriend a goofy smile.

Romero turned to Justin and raised his eyebrows expectantly.

"What? I'm not gonna kiss her with all y'all watching!"

"Why not, you've done it before," Jen pointed out, squeezing from under JC.

"Oh geez." Maddie rolled her eyes, walked over to Justin, grabbed his hand, pulled him into the bathroom and shut the door behind them.

"I'm timing you!" Chris hollered, checking his watch.

"Shut up!" Justin yelled back.

Four long minutes later, the door opened and the pair, looking somewhat disheveled, walked out. Both were fighting to control their breathing through swollen and red lips. Maddie's braid wasn't as neat as it had been and Justin's shirt was a lot more wrinkled.

"Oh my. Honey, you gonna be able to sleep after that?" Romero wasn't being sarcastic, he was genuinely concerned. He was surprised when those around him started laughing.

"OK," Justin ran a shaky hand over his head, "we can leave now."

Still laughing, the others trooped into the hall. Justin kissed the side of Maddie's neck and followed.

"Imma go get the itinerary for tomorrow, be right back," Romero said. Maddie trailed into the hallway after him.

'Nice ass,' she thought as she watched Justin walk down the corridor, teasing and being teased by his friends. He looked over his shoulder and saw her standing there. He smiled and winked. Laughing, Maddie went back into her room. Soon after, the hall was clear.

The man in the black jacket stepped forward, out of the shadows and into the light. His patience had paid off. Everything had fallen into place. He had everything he needed. A heartbeat later, he'd vanished as completely and as quietly as he'd appeared.

Ten minutes later, Maddie heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was Romero, she opened it without asking who it was. "Happy. What's up?"

"I think I left my cell phone in here. Can I check?"

"Yeah, sure." Maddie moved to the side to let him enter.

He walked over to where he'd been sitting near the bed. Not seeing it, he knelt down on one knee and lifted the bed skirt. "Got it."

"You better get out of here. Romie will have a fit if you're in here when he gets back."


She followed him to the door.

"I'm glad we're dancing together again," Happy turned to face her.

Maddie leaned against the doorjamb. "Me too."

"Well…good night."

"Night, Happy."

He leaned down and kissed her cheek, hesitated a moment, then kissed her on the lips.

That was the last thing Justin saw. He turned on his heel and walked back into his room.

Chpt 26
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