(Same day-Five hours later)

(Houston-Southwest Memorial Hospital)

Maddie sighed and ran her hand across her forehead. She had a splitting headache. It felt as if someone was hitting her in the center of her head with a heavy hammer, timing it to coincide with the beats of her pulse. She was tired, thirsty, hungry and nearly in tears with worry. She kept thinking that this was all a dream and any second now, she would wake up and run to tell Wendy about it. She sighed again.

Her dad reached over and patted her on the leg. She leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder. "I can't believe this is happening," she said so softly Ron had to strain to hear her.

"I know, baby. But we're gonna be OK. He's gonna be OK," he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and squeezed her to him.

They nestled into each other, took comfort and strength without saying a word. Ron reached out and grabbed Paul's hand.

"Mr. Morse?"

They looked up to see a guy in a wrinkled brown suit. The only thing that identified him as being a cop was the badge hung around his neck on a ball chain. "Yes?" Ron asked.

"Sir, we got the initial report back from the crime lab." The detective cut a glance at Maddie before continuing. "The incision was definitely man-made. It has straight edges, rather than the jagged edge you would get from a rock. This was done by a knife or some other sharp object."

There was silence as the three people tried to assimilate the fact.

"So…" Maddie had to swallow her tears and start over. "So, you're saying that someone…someone tried to kill me?"

Ron grabbed her by the shoulder and hauled her into his arms. She had put into words his biggest fear and it was almost more than he could handle. He rocked her back and forth, crying silently as the detective spoke.

"Miss Morse, at this point, we really can't even begin to try to guess this person's motive. There is a possibility that what you said is true, I can't lie to you about that. But this was very sloppily done. Cutting someone's brake line just basically means that at some point, they're going to run out of brake fluid. But there's no guarantee of when or where. It's most likely some kids who saw it on TV and thought they'd try it out in real life."

"Do you think this is related to what happened with the cat?" Paul asked.

"The cat?" the officer, Harrison, turned to him.

Maddie's cell phone rang in the middle of Paul's explanation. She excused herself and moved away to answer it. The familiar voice at the other end of the line almost brought tears to her eyes.

"Oh, mami, you OK? I'm on my way. My flight should land in about three hours. How you holdin' up, sweetie?"

"I'm OK."

"Well, did la policia say what happened?"

"Someone cut the line on purpose."

Romero gasped. "It was intentional?"


"OK, mami, listen. I'll be there in a few hours. I'll meet you at your house. We're working on keeping this under wraps. We don't need everybody in the world knowing your business. I'll see you in a little bit, OK?"


"You be strong girl. Vaya con Dios. Yo te amo."

"Yo tambien. Bye, Romie." Maddie flipped the phone closed and stared at it, not really seeing it. She wasn't really thinking about anything. She was just there…the sound of her breathing was gentle in her ears. She just wanted to tune everything out. To go back in time to before any of this had happened.

Again she found herself fighting back the tears that stung her eyes. Crying wouldn't help Jake. She sighed again; it seemed to come from the very depths of her soul.

Someone had cut her brake line. Someone wanted her hurt. Or dead.

But who?


And why that way?

There were a million and one ways to hurt someone and make it look like an accident. To leave evidence behind like that…it was as if this person was taunting her, as if this was all some big game.

Maddie began to wrack her brain, trying to think of anyone with whom she may have had a grievance. The only thing she could think of was the tongue-lashing she had given Britney Spears all those weeks ago.

'But that's ridiculous. She may be a little misguided but she's a good person…Who else is pissed at me? God,' she scoffed, 'you have to be a lot more than pissed at a person to want them dead.'

A sob caught in her throat but she forced it down, not wanting her dad or Paul to worry.

She glanced at Wendy, asleep in one of the chairs. A flood of affection filled her at the sight of her friend. She had sent the others home but Wendy had refused to go, protesting that Jake was just as much her brother as he was Maddie's.

She heard her father and brother talking to the police officer. She took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and prepared to join them.

She turned around and took one step before she stopped in her tracks.

He stood in the doorway, eyes downcast as he spoke into his cell phone. A black leather duffel bag was slung over his shoulder.

A barrage of emotions overwhelmed Maddie, most of which she couldn't decipher. Seeing him made her feel…safe. It was irrational, she knew, but when did emotions ever make sense? She hadn't realized how unprotected and vandalized and just…out of sorts she'd felt until she saw him. Unintentionally, just by being there, he'd taken it all away.

He looked up and his eyes found hers. She saw rather than heard him say, "Chris, I'll call you back." He disconnected his cell and his hand fell to his side.

Standing there, staring at him, Maddie again became aware of the traces of him that were left on her skin. She'd been in too much of a hurry to shower before she'd left New York. She'd attempted to wipe herself in the tiny bathroom on the airplane. From the airport, they'd gone straight to the hospital. For a moment, she felt dirtied, sullied, horrified at the thought that THAT was still on her. But then she thought about her brother, lying broken and twisted on some operating table and how it could have, should have, been her and she felt a pain in her stomach so sharp it took her breath away.

She would have doubled over in pain but all of a sudden, he was there; holding, soothing, caressing. And then she was weeping into his chest, the last of her wall having crumbled.

At the sound of her anguish, Paul and Ron turned, ready to comfort her. Both were surprised, and yet not, to see Justin Timberlake standing in the middle of the waiting room, holding Maddie as if she were the most precious thing on earth, tears clouding his eyes because he felt her pain. It was odd; something they had no clue was going to happen, but when it did, they recognized the rightness of it.

Justin smoothed her hair from her face and let her cry out her worry, her fear, her pain. His heart ached for her, for Jake, for her family, and for himself though he wasn't sure why about the last. He wished he had a magic wand he could wave and make all this go away. When Maddie quieted, he tucked her under his arm and led her over to a row of chairs and sat.

She tried to sit in the seat next to him but he stopped her. He pulled her into his lap, cradled her against him and hummed softly to her until she fell into a light sleep.

Justin sighed into her hair and placed a kiss on her temple. On the way down, he'd doubted himself, the reasons for him coming. He scolded himself that he had delusions of being some modern day knight in shining armor. But as he gazed down at her sleeping face, he knew he was exactly where he needed to be.

He sighed again, nuzzled his cheek against her hair and closed his eyes.

Ron looked at the resting couple, a frown marring his usual jovial features. They were going to have to tell Maddie about the letters. She would be frustrated and upset that they had kept this from her but what else could they have done? All she would have done is worried about it and for no good reason. There was nothing they could have done about them. As the letters became increasingly more perverse, the higher-ups at Jive had decided to go on record and had Ron bring all the letters to the police. But since the letters arrived with no return address and postmarks from all over the East Coast, there was no way to trace them. They'd even go so far as to dust for fingerprints but nothing.

He glanced over to the doorway to the waiting room. Jacob stood sentry, guarding against any overly ambitious reporters and anyone else who shouldn't be there. Since Maddie was who she was, they had been shown to a sort of VIP room. He ran his hand over his face, a gesture that bespoke of his fatigue and heartache at what was happening to his family. He searched his pockets for his cell phone. He wanted to call and check on Nicole and Travis one more time. Mike was gone on a camping trip and didn't even know yet that Jake had been hurt.


He turned to find his oldest son standing before him, the look of anguish in Paul's eyes identical, he knew, to the look in his own.

"I talked to the nurse. He's out of surgery and they're taking him to a different room. She said it might be a while though."

"Yeah." Ron was silent for a moment. "Do me a favor. Take them home." He pointed over his shoulder to where Maddie and Wendy were sleeping. Justin peered at them through bloodshot eyes, his arms still wrapped tightly around Maddie.

"Yeah, OK."

Ron sighed again, then wrapped his arms around his son. "I love you, Paul."

"I love you, too, Dad."


Lionel Archer smiled to himself and sang along with the music as he developed his prints. The light from the red light bulb in the developing room gave his skin a sickly glow. He smiled as the image began to appear.

"You may hate me, but it…oh yeah. Oh yeah!"

He used tongs to pull the picture out of the wash and held it up to the light to inspect it.

"Perfect," he murmured, his eyes roaming over every inch of the photo. It was a macabre scene: Jake's face, tortured and screaming as the paramedics pulled him out of the wreckage.

Lionel turned and used a clothespin to adhere the picture to the line next to another picture just as chilling. It was of Maddie as she got out of the car at the Emergency Room entrance. Her face was a portrait of pain; with the high-powered zoom scope on his camera, he had been able to capture the haunted look in her eyes and the tracks of her tears.

Lionel started to hum again as he turned to the next picture. He wasn't a dumb person, he knew that he was setting himself up for a fall…if the police ever saw these pictures…

But they'd never find them. Lionel had learned his lesson. He knew where he had gone wrong before. Lionel had meticulously planned this; the day he'd gotten the first phone call, he'd locked himself in the basement and come up with the perfect plan. There was no way the police would catch him this time.

He checked his watch. It was almost time. Leslie was going to call in a few minutes. He had no idea who Leslie was, couldn't even tell if it was a man or a woman. Leslie had first contacted him three and a half months earlier. It seemed that a certain singer was becoming a royal pain in the ass for whoever this Leslie-person was. So Lionel's job was simple: Give her hell. And for that (which he would have done for free), he was paid handsomely. Very handsomely.

Lionel discovered a thrill he hadn't known before. Stalking a celebrity was so much more…fun!…than stalking your average Judy Schmoe. There were schedules and itineraries and security; he'd had to step it up a notch. It was a challenge and he loved it. And lately it was almost as if terrorizing Maddie had become his own personal religion. He couldn't wait to hear Leslie's reaction to what had just happened. At first, Lionel had been furious that it was Jake in the car and not Maddie. But then he realized that Maddie would realize that it was meant for her but had hurt her brother instead and she'd feel worse than if it had happened to her.

The phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. He smiled, already imagining the praises Leslie would bestow upon him. He might even get a cash bonus for this.

"Hello?" he sang into the receiver.



"What the fuck were you thinking?" the synthesized voice exploded over the line. "I want her scared shitless, I don't want her fucking dead!"

"But I thought-"

"You were given a job to do. Nothing more, nothing less. I pay you to do what I tell you to do, got it?"

"Yes, but-"

"You pull another stunt like that…You forget that I have you on file. The police would love to know about you…A convicted sex offender who changed his name…that's illegal. A convicted sex offender who lives within 1000 yards of a playground…that's illegal, too. Oh yeah, and didn't you skip out on your probation?"

Lionel faltered, wondering what was going on; when had this taken a bad turn? This wasn't the way it was supposed to go.

"You get it right, Richie Boy, or I'll have your ass in jail so fast you won't know what hit you. I'll call you in three days. No more fuck-ups…or else!"

Chpt 28
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