By some unspoken mutual agreement, the only words between them were Maddie's occasional quietly spoken directions. Justin had no idea where they were headed and he really didn't care. Maddie was too full with all that had happened in the past few days. Her brother had been in an accident that could have taken his life; Maddie, not even half an hour earlier, had come dangerously close to taking a life herself; and she knew she'd have to talk to Justin about what had happened between them. 'My cup runneth over,' she thought ruefully.

Justin was busy trying to figure out how they'd come to this point. He had no idea what had happened during his run that had left Maddie so shaken. He knew Maddie well enough now to guess that she'd tell him when she was ready. He thought back; 'Damn, this all started at the awards…that was just yesterday! Well,' he amended after glancing at the clock on the dashboard, 'two days ago. Still…Man!'

"Park over there." Maddie's voice interrupted his musings.

In silence, he parked the car. He pulled the key out of the ignition and, taking his lead from her, got out of the car.

Side-by-side, they walked down a dark, poorly lit path bordered on both sides by high shrubs. He thought he should have felt afraid or at least claustrophobic; the night was very dark, the moon hidden behind the clouds and they were hemmed in by foliage. But he didn't. He felt calm, peaceful…serene.

It wasn't until they'd almost reached the end of the path that he recognized the steady, gurgling sound he'd been hearing. They came out of the tunnel and it seemed as if the world exploded with light and sound. The bushes must have muted the sound of the water; it was almost as if, by stepping off the path, someone had turned the volume up on the amazing sight before him. He stopped, jaw open, eyes wide, awed by what he saw.

Maddie stopped with him, pleased to see that the Waterwall had the same affect on him as it did on her. She remembered the first time she'd ever seen it. Her dad had brought her there shortly after his marriage to Maggie when she was still adjusting to having her and Travis as part of their family.

Looking at it, it was nearly impossible to tell how such a thing could exist. It was a twenty-foot structure, a long rectangle. Water flowed from the top of it and poured over the sides in thin sheets. Most of the time, the halogen lamps that backlit the water shone a dull white. For special occasions, colored bulbs were placed in the lamps, giving the cascading water an even more mystical air.

Maddie led Justin over to her favorite spot beneath a towering elm tree. They sat in silence for a long while, each lost in their own thoughts but always aware of the other's every movement. They contemplated the confusing state of their lives and let the water and the ambience of the place soothe their minds.

Twenty minutes had passed before either of them spoke. It was Justin who broke the silence.

"Why'd you call me?"

"Why'd you kiss me?" Maddie countered.

Justin pushed himself up from where he'd been resting on his stomach. He turned away from the wall, sat cross-legged facing Maddie. "When?"

"In New York. Carson's apartment."

"Oh." Justin thought for a moment then shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."

"Wrong answer," Maddie mumbled.

Justin heard. "Well, what's the right answer?" he wanted to know, feeling a little peeved at her attitude.

It was Maddie's turn to shrug. "I just know that 'I don't know' ain't it."

"Look," Justin began, irritated that he had to justify himself but at he same time understanding her need to know. He turned his head to look at the sparkling water. "I was…I don't know, I was excited. We were gonna be friends. We were starting over, called a truce. You weren't gonna brush me off every time you saw me anymore."

"I never-"

Justin cut her off with a knowing glance then looked back to the water.

"Sorry," she murmured, looking down at the soft grass beneath her, feeling ashamed.

"Anyway, I got excited and I guess I overreacted."

Maddie drank all this in. For once, she didn't try to analyze what he said; she didn't try to see if there was some deeper meaning that she was supposed to get. She simply accepted it for what it was.

Justin turned back to her. "So why'd you call me?"

Maddie squirmed a little, knowing that she was probably about to bare her heart and soul. She took a deep breath.

"I had cancer when I was a kid."

She said it so casually that the full impact of it didn't hit Justin right away. When it did, he gaped at her, not sure how to react.

"My mom was just about a perfect match for a bone marrow transplant. But it didn't take. So I spent two and a half years doing chemo and radiation therapy." Her eyes clouded over as she remembered. "I went into remission when I was ten."

Justin swallowed hard. Cancer…even the word scared him.

"A few weeks ago, I thought it had come back."

Justin's swift intake of air clued her in on how distraught he was at that. She rushed on.

"It didn't. They tell you what to look for in case it comes back…kind of like a guideline of symptoms. So I thought it had. Turns out that I was OD'ing on vitamins." She smiled at that. She sighed and looked around her. They were the only people there. The water fell in its never-ending cycle. The moon still hid behind the clouds.

Justin waited in silence. He watched her face and knew that this, whatever it was, was something that needed to be said. He was pretty sure that when all was said and done, he'd be okay with it, considering what had happened between them, but he still felt nervous about it.

Maddie took a deep breath and continued. "When I thought the cancer was back, before I had the tests done…I started thinking about my life, the things I'd done, the things I wanted to do…the things I thought I'd never get to do." She paused to gather her thoughts. She worried her bottom lip with her teeth for a moment and then went on.

"And then I started to regret. That's the worst feeling in the world, you know that?" She turned to look at him for the first time since she'd began. But she knew that she couldn't look at him and say the words she felt she needed to say at the same time so she looked down. Her hands began to worry the grass beneath her.

"I wasn't regretting the things I'd done. Of course, there's stupid stuff that I wish I'd never done but I learned from that, y'know? The things I regretted most were the things I hadn't done…the things I'd had a chance to do but didn't." She looked up again and his eyes met hers. They both knew where she was headed but he made no move to stop her. She needed to say it just as much as he needed to hear it.

"So, I decided that if I was OK, if it wasn't the cancer or even if it was but I managed to beat it again, that I wasn't going to regret anymore." She licked her lips and looked back to the Waterwall.

"We got home from the doctor's office and I was just sorta sitting there, not really thinking, just kinda taking it all in. Then Travis comes in and turns on the TV. MTV. And y'all's faces were the first thing I saw. So I got up, went to my room and called you."

They sat in silence. The night was still around them. Maddie checked her watch. Quarter to five. She wasn't the least bit tired. She stole a look at Justin from the corner of her eye. His head was turned away from her, his eyes focused on the wall of water in front of them. He was absolutely still; the only movement was the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.

Maddie thought back on what she'd said. It wasn't like it was life altering or anything. So why wasn't he saying anything?

She began to tear small clumps of grass out of the earth. Patience was not one of her good points. If only he'd just say something…anything!

Justin reached over put his hand on hers. She looked down, realizing for the first time what she'd been doing. Justin pulled back and she moved her hands to see how much damage she'd done. She'd torn out a small circle; the brown dirt stood out against the green grass around it. Feeling extremely guilty, she gathered the grass and patted it back into the ground as if that would miraculously replant the stems.

She sighed. "Yeah, just kill the planet, why don't you?"

Justin still didn't say anything. The continued silence was getting to her. She stood, brushed off her pants and walked over to the edge of the pool that surrounded the wall. She kneeled and ran her hand through the water. "Hmm," she grunted, "and I can't even begin to get into what happened the other night."

Justin, who had gotten up to follow her, stood right behind her and heard her muttered words. "You remember it?"

Maddie jumped and would have fallen into the water if Justin hadn't grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Whoa, girl!"

He pulled her to her feet and they took a few steps away from the water's edge. He looked at the water rippling in the pool for a minute then turned to her. "I didn't mean to scare you." He paused, bit his lip and looked away from her to repeat his question. "Do you remember it?"

Maddie licked her lips. "Not really," she admitted, knowing that she had to tell him but wondering how. She decided to just spit it out. She took a deep breath. "Justin."

Something in her tone alerted him. He turned to face her.

Maddie swallowed, knowing that this confession would change everything. "I was…I was a virgin."

Justin gaped at her. He looked kind of silly; his eyes were bugged out, his eyebrows were arched up into his hairline and his mouth hung open. Had this been any other time, Maddie would have laughed. But, things being what they were, she could barely breathe.

Justin didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think. He'd never taken anyone's virginity before. How do you react in a situation like this? And then he thought of how it happened and the guilt he felt increased tenfold. The first time should be…hell, he wasn't real sure what it should be, his first time hadn't been that great, but he knew damned well that it shouldn't be how it had happened for Maddie. He opened his mouth to speak but no sound came out.

He ran his hands over his face. This put a whole new spin on things. He felt as if he'd taken advantage of her. Maddie seemed so worldly, so mature and she always had a string of guys trailing after her. How the hell was he supposed to have known?

One part of him felt remorse so great it threatened to crush him. But another part of him felt exhilarated; he had been her first. Admittedly, she'd been drunk when it happened but she had willingly given herself to a man for the first time and that man had been him. He wanted to shout it out to the rooftops. But he couldn't. The fact remained that he was her first. And maybe she hadn't really wanted it, maybe it had all been the alcohol. Maybe she regretted it…


"Don't apologize," she said in a low voice.

He licked his lips and looked at her, a frown marring his features.

Relieved and not knowing why, Maddie smiled slyly. "I don't remember much. But what I do remember…pretty damned good."

Justin's brow cleared and his frown was replaced by an unsure smile. "Yeah?"

Maddie grinned at him. "Yeah."

"OK," Justin sighed happily.

"So, um, since I've never done this before, obviously," Maddie rolled her eyes at her ineptitude, "I guess what I want to know is…" She took a deep breath and put the decision in his hands. "Where do we go from here?" She peered at him from under her eyelashes.

Justin ducked his head and Maddie's breath caught in her throat. He didn't want…

Then he raised his head and she saw that his smile gotten even wider. He stepped closer and grabbed her hand, linked his fingers through hers. "Wherever we want to."

Maddie smiled back at him. "Yeah?"

Justin brought their linked hands to his mouth, kissed hers, and then covered it with his other hand. "Yeah."

Feeling like she had in eighth grade when Michael Sandoval asked her to the Eighth Grade Banquet, Maddie led Justin back to her elm tree. They sat side-by-side and as the sun came up, the air rang with the sounds of their conversation and laughter.

Chpt 30
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