Promise Me
Chapter 10

Later, Kathryn was sitting on her bunk, flipping through a teen magazine she bought at the hotel shop they were last at. She giggled as she read something in an "embarrassing moment" column. Marie looked up from where she was reading a newspaper.

"Funny article?"

Kathryn grinned and nodded. Marie was now a pretty good friend of Kathryn's. Kathryn honestly thought that Marie and Nana would be best friends if they ever met. The two were so alike it was scary. They even had the same quotes every now and then, and both adored cooking. Whenever there was a little kitchen in a hotel room, Marie would whip up something great and the boys and her would eat it all up. Nana too, shared a love of cooking; Kathryn always ate SOMETHING around her.

Nana always said, "Kathryn, honey, need to gain some weight! You're going to blow away with the wind if you get any thinner!" Kathryn was just an averagely weighted person, probably thinner than most people.

Speaking of Nana, after a few days of becoming friends with the boys, Kathryn called Nana, and talked to her. Now, they were back to normal. Kathryn realized Nana helped her out...a lot. If it weren't for Nana, she wouldn't have the friends she did now. The same friends that helped her realize how much she missed out on by staying to herself.

Kathryn showed the "moment" she was reading to Marie, and Marie let out an amused laugh. "Poor girl. Right in front of a gentleman she liked!" said Marie, with a sigh. She chuckled again. "In fact, something a little bit like that happened to me once, back in high school!" exclaimed Marie, ducking her head down for a minute in embarrassment.

"Really?" asked Kathryn, curious. "What happened?"

"All right, see, this was back when..." and Marie continued to talk to Kathryn, both of them speaking of embarrassing moments.

Meanwhile, Alison, the make-up artist, was sitting on her bunk, applying her makeup. Her blue eyes closed as she applied her eye shadow. Brushing her silky blonde hair out of her eyes, she glanced over at Kathryn and Marie and a disdainful look crossed her face.

Alison didn't particularly like Kathryn. This was for a couple of reasons. Although Alison enjoyed applying makeup to others, that wasn't the reason she became the make-up artist for the tour. When Alison joined the tour, her main intent was to get one of the members of *NSYNC. She still had that intent. The member she had in mind was JC. Alison thought of the handsome man, and smiled. She had thought about it, and the benifits of going out with JC would be perfect for her. By dating him, she'd attain money and status. Most likely, he would spoil her, as he was known to be romantic. Alison had certainly done her research. Overall, in Alison's opinion he was hot, and only a year older than her. Money, status, gifts and a famous hot guy were what she was after, and she had to get them.

Frankly, Alison didn't care much for his personality. She had heard that JC liked writing songs and playing instruments. Nonsense, thought Alison. After she snagged JC, she'd wipe that rubbish right out of him. Also, she had heard he liked chinese food, Star Wars and sleeping. Alison couldn't believe what a horrobile personality he had. She'd fix him up after going out with him. She'd turn him into something she had in mind. He might be a bit boring afterwards, but she'd get what she wanted. And Alison Shatner always got what she wanted, no matter what.

She picked up a bit of what Kathryn was saying to Marie, "...then JC picked me up and threw me to Joey, and Joe threw me to Justin, and they kept going until I admitted that they were the hottest guys on Earth! I sure was dizzy after that..."

Marie laughed, and shook her head. "Those boys..." she trailed off. "When it comes to styling their hair, they're monsters. Especially that Justin..." she continued telling Kathryn some story about Justin's "frightfully curly hair".

Alison turned around fuming. Kathryn seemed to be in the boys' "inner circle". Alison couldn't believe it either. When Alison first saw Kathryn and her little cat Mouse (whom she hated; cats made her sneeze and they never seemed to like her), Alison was sure Kathryn would just sit on the bus and read all day. She looked like the average shy quiet person who kept to themselves! She hadn't counted on competition in becoming friends with *NSYNC and with JC. Sure, they could both be friends with *NSYNC, but Alison hated sharing. She liked being one and only. After all, that's how it should always be. She should always be one and only.

Alison looked over at Kathryn. She took in her brown hair, blue-ish eyes and pretty face. Alison admitted that Kathryn was very pretty. She had flawless skin and a perfect figure. She, Alison, tossed her head and smiled happily. Alison knew she was beautiful and used it to her advantage. Her blonde hair, and light blue eyes added to her tan colored skin made her lovely to men, and she knew it perfectly well. Flirting was an art to her, and using her beauty was a simply a 6th sense. Alison used every advantage she could to her opportunity. She felt it was really just a way of life, doing things however harmful they may be, to get what you want. How else would she go about getting what she wanted?

Suddenly, the bus came to a halt. The bus driver yelled out, "We're HERE!"

This time they were in front of some local hotel. Everyone poured out of the bus and checked into their rooms. Kathryn and Marie were sharing a room, so the two went up together, still chatting.

Alison got her key, but didn't go up just yet. Standing with their bodyguards and signing some autographs were Chris and Justin. After the fans cleared out, and most of the crew was in their rooms, Chris and Justin started whispering, seemingly about something important. They kept glancing around, to make sure they couldn't be heard.

Alison casually walked over to a chair around them, and pretended to rummage in her bag. Chris and Justin looked at her for a minute, and stepped away, but continued to whisper. They assumed she couldn't hear anything they were saying. Alison smiled. She could hear every single word out of their mouths, clearly. She heard everything very well, as she eavesdropped often.

"...okay, so if we make JC and Kathryn come together to the amusement park, and ditch them, they'll get closer?" asked Chris, confusedly.

Alison rummaged a little slower in her bag, listening carefully. At the mention of JC and Kathryn in the same breath, her eyebrows narrowed slightly.

Justin nodded energetically. "Yeah! Amusement parks are always good. Ya' know, ferris wheels, haunted houses, rollercoasters..."

Chris smiled evilly and interrupted, "Tunnels of looooove..." He grinned appreciatively. "Wow, you really got this figured out, huh?"

Justin smiled happily, "Yup, I do! This is great! We're so lucky we have a break day today. In no time, Kathryn and JC are going to be going out!" Justin clapped Chris on the back. "C'mon man, I feel the need to beat you at something. Let's go play pool."

Chris clapped him on the back harder, watching Justin wince. "Nah, I'll beat YOU."

Justin frowned and smacked Chris's back even harder. "No, I'll beat you!"

Chris punched Justin's back and took off towards the game room.

"I'LL GET YOU, OLD MAN!!!" yelled Justin, running after him.

"Oh no you won't...." said Chris with a mischevous grin, disappearing into the game room, with the bodyguards dashing after the two running men.

"SLOW DOWN CURLY!" yelled Mike, and the two bodyguards also disappeared into the room.

Alison stopped faking rummaging through her bag, and she saw red. Those men were trying to get Kathryn to go out with JC? Her JC? Angrily, Alison stamped her foot. She was going to have to work faster, and pull Kathryn out of commission. There was no way that someone was going to get HER JC. She wanted JC, she wanted to get rid of Kathryn, she needed to stop the other men's plans for JC and Kathryn...and Alison swore to herself she was going to do it, no matter what it took.

Alison gathered her things together in a huff, and walked up to her room, scheming all the way. This was going to take some thought.

* * *

Justin narrated his plan of the amusement park to Joey and Lance, and the two listened attentively.

"Okay," said Lance, "but after that, we still get to go around and stuff, right?"

Justin nodded, with a grin. "Yeah! This park is awesome, it even has water slides!"

"Cool!" said Joey. "That means girls...pretty girls....pretty girls in swimsuits...." Joey got a happy and dreamy look on his face.

Chris rolled his eye and slapped Joey upside the head. Joey gave him a hurt look. "Hey!" Then Joey grinned. "So when are we leaving? Can we go on the water slides first?"

The rest of the men chuckled. Then, JC walked into the room. He had gone to get some snacks from the vending machine. At least, that's what he said. "Some" could probably fill up a shelf on a refrigarator. JC arms were full of snacks, and since he couldn't hold any more in his arms, in his mouth was a Butterfinger.

"'an u uys elp e?" he said, struggling with the snacks and drinks in his hands.

"What?" asked Joey.

"an u uys ELP e?" he said, loudly.

"Huh??" said Chris, confused.

"ELP! ELP E!" said JC, frusturated.

"Oh! Why didn't you say so?" asked Justin, with a shake of his head. He helped take some of the snacks from JC and set them on the table.

JC finished taking a bite of his chocolate bar, and asked, "What were you guys saying about water slides? I heard water slides when I came in. What's that about?"

JC yawned, and took another huge bite of his Butterfinger. "These are great." he said happily, savoring each bite.

Chris glanced at Justin. Justin glanced at Joey. Joey glanced at Lance. Lance cleared his throat. "We're going to an amusement park today!"

"Really?" asked JC, looking excited.

"Yeah." said Chris. "We don't have any concerts or signings's our break day. Remember?"

JC smacked his head. "Oh yeah! I was going to work on a piece with Kat, she was going to play the guitar chords while I sung! I promised, and she's great at the guitar...she's so talented." JC's eyes lit up as he praised her.

"Don't worry 'bout it!" said Justin. "I'll just check if she wants to come. I'm sure she does!" Justin grinned, pleased by the perfect arrangement of plans. He certainly hadn't expected everything to turn out this easily.

Justin bounded down the hallway to Kathryn's room, and knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" she called out, after a moment.

"J!" he yelled.

"Oh!" said Kathryn, and she went to the door and opened it. She opened it, and immediately, Justin saw a gray fuzzball attach itself to his pants like a magnet. Startled, he looked down and shook his leg a little.


Kathryn looked down in complete curiousity, and saw Mouse on Justin's pants. The little kitten looked ferocious, and Kathryn shook her head in anger at the little kitten.

"MOUSE!" she yelled, angrily. Right away, the little kitten jumped off Justin's leg, and sat at Kathryn's feet.

"Oh, my God. I'm so sorry, Justin!" said Kathryn, shaking her head, looking down at his leg. She picked up Mouse and put him in his carrier. "No, Mouse. I'll take you out later. Bad kitty cat." Mouse whimpered pathetically, and Kathryn pat his head apologetically. "Sorry, hun, but that's the 3rd time you've attacked a visitor!" Mouse hung his head and trotted to the very corner of his carrier. There he sulked, his blue eyes, angry.

Kathryn apologized again. "I'm so sorry, Mouse is sorta protective. I sometimes wonder if God accidentally put a dog in a cat's body."

Justin chuckled. "Uh, it's okay. Man, you're cat would be a better guard dog than Busta. Busta just drools." Justin rubbed his leg and smiled weakly. He looked over at a sullen Mouse who watched Justin with a new light in his eyes, as he saw Justin be friendly to Kathryn.

"Anyway," said Justin, "I came here to ask if you want to come to the amusement park with the guys and me. Do you?"

Kathryn's eyes lit up. "Of course I do! That's cool....oh wait. I can't." Kathryn's face fell. "I promised Josh I'd work on a song with him. I was going to play the guitar while he sung. I really can't break a promise, and..." Kathryn blushed a little, "I really like working with him. He's talented."

Justin couldn't help but smile, it would be easy to hook Kathryn and JC up. Kathryn already seemed to like him a little. "Well," said Justin, polishing his nails on his shirt cockily, "being the incredible guy I am, I checked with him, and he said he wants to go, if you don't mind working on that song another day."

Kathryn clapped her hands together in joy. "Great! I've only been to one amusement park when I was 10! Actually, it was Disneyworld, but you know...same thing."

Justin's jaw dropped. "You haven't been to an amusement park in 12 years?"

Kathryn's face turned a slight shade of pink. She didn't really like doing things like that when she was younger. She did go to to an awful lot of museums though; she had thought they were thrilling. " think I went to a town fair when I was 11...? And there was a roller coaster exhibit in some museum like, when I was 13..."

Justin grinned and grabbed Kathryn's hand. "Then, we're going to have to give you the best time you've ever had. Disney's tough competition...but you got us, girl."

Kathryn grinned and shook her head at the energetic 19 year old. "Okay then...let's go!"

* * *

Once all 6 people entered the amusement park, they looked at the signs in front of them. Seeing a sign showing where the lockers were, they decided to go there. As they were in line waiting for a locker, they talked quietly amongst themselves, occasionally making sure their precautionary 2 bodyguards were there.

"Geez, how much stuff did you bring??" asked Lance staring at Kathryn's bulging blue beach bag.

Kathryn blushed the slightest bit. She was starting to get rid of that habit, but hey, it was hard to get rid of.

Kathryn looked at Lance indignantly. "Well, sorry Mr.Bass! Remember, you packed half the stuff!"

Lance scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "Oh yeah. But, we need the sweatshirts in case it gets cold, and extra disguise stuff just in case! Plus, we have to have the sunscreen because sunburn looks awful and hurts, we really can't afford to have that, and some extra food in case one of us or the bodyguards get hungry, right?"

Lance was about to continue, but JC who was listening clamped his hand over a protesting Lance's mouth. JC dramatically sighed, causing Kathryn to giggle. JC gave Kathryn a special devilish wink.

"Excuse Lance, sometimes he's just sorta', know." said JC, sadly.

Kathryn nodded playing along with JC. She pasted on a sad expression. "Trust me I do. The poor kid. We have to remember it's really not his's hard sometimes, but we do."

JC agreed, "Yes, but perhaps one day..."

"...he'll be all right." finished Kathryn with not even the slightest break in conversation.. "But, we can never..."

" absolutely sure." completed JC without a pause. They grinned at each other mischevously, and burst out laughing when Lance looked a little dazed and annoyed looking between them.

Justin, Chris, and Joey who were listening by this time looked at each other knowingly. This mission was in the bag.

Lance grumbled playfully, "Yeah, yeah. "

Kathryn lightly punched him on the shoulder, "We're just kidding, JLB."

"Yeah, I know. I think you two are long lost siblings or something." said Lance, with a grin.

Finally they reached the front of the line and got their locker. Kathryn put the huge bag away after the guys all put on suntan lotion and extra sunglasses.

Kathryn chuckled after looking at them. Justin was dressed very baggily....he looked like he came walking out of the 60's. Baggy, BAGGY pants, a shirt that came down to his knees, and his sneakers. Then he had a nerdy hat on and sunglasses. Chris and Joey had similair outfits. Lance was dressed...interestingly. He had baggy jeans on with a tight shirt. Then he had his blue tinted sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat that made him look like a farmer. The overall effect was basically a hick acting disco 70's.

JC was dressed...cutely. Kathryn couldn't understand how his outfit was a disguise. The only thing different was he had a hat and dark sunglasses. Kathryn shrugged. Whatever, she thought to herself. JC looks cute, she thought. No, wait, he looks hot. Really hot. Whew. Quickly, Kathryn erased those thoughts. They didn't seem very...friend-ish.

JC glanced over at Kathryn. She had on jean shorts and a pastel colored swimsuit under her shirt. She was wearing a simple navy blue tanktop with a white tank top underneath it. Around her waist was a very light cardigan, that was robins egg blue. She looks cute, thought JC for a minute. Then he shook his head angrily at himself. She was his friend...not anything else, nor would she ever be. Besides, she'd never really had friends, let alone a boyfriend. Friends were a big step, boyfriend? Nah. JC practically smacked his head against a wall. BOYFRIEND? Was he going crazy? He shook his thoughts away; he had no idea where these ideas were coming from.

"Well..." said Joey, smiling at the quick looks passed between JC and Kathryn, "Let's go!"

"Okay!" said Justin, speaking rapidly. "Us four, Lance, Chris, Joe and me are gonna go on the waterslides and you two will be a group, okay? Bye!" And with that, Justin, Joey, Chris and Lance dashed away speedily without letting JC or Kathryn get a breath in.

JC and Kathryn looked over at each other and shrugged. JC caught one last glimpse of them before they completely disappeared.

Kathryn spoke slowly, "I have a feeling this was planned." She looked suspiciously in the direction of where the men ran off in.

JC thought the same, but grinned, throwing his arm around Kathryn's shoulders. "Well, it's an okay plan with me!" Kathryn grinned up at him, feeling safe in his arms. Quickly she shook herself of that thought. She was really starting to frusturate herself.

"Where ya' wanna go first, Kit-kat bar? Let's try and go on every ride here...Justin said the last amusement park you went to was when you were 10!" he said with a wide smile.

Kathryn blushed a little. "Well, I wasn't exactly Ms.Fun Fun Fun!" she chuckled slightly. "Hmmmm..." said Kathryn, deep in thought, "Can we go on the rollercoaster first?" she asked, seeing a big rollercoaster in the distance, and hearing screams.

JC nodded his head, "Your wish is my command..." holding his arm out for her to take. The two went off, to spend a day in the amusement park.

Chapter 11
Chapter Index