Who Am I?
Ch 11

Holly finished telling Viera all that SHE wanted her to know, then helped calm her down and get her in the car so she could pick her own up. Viera was confused, hurt, afraid and in the dark more than she had been the moment she opened her eyes in the hospital and couldn’t remember her past.

Everything Holly told her made no sense according to what she was feeling and the way JC had acted towards her…but she had those pictures, showing her with that Mark guy and they didn’t lie. She was sitting on his lap, hands wrapped tightly around his body, kissing his lips and smiling at the action. She must have be enjoying herself and just that thought made her sick to her stomach.

She had a wonderful man in JC, one that the world would kill for just one second with, but she had cheated on him…why?

That thought was going through her mind the whole way to the car lot, while talking to the mechanic that fixed and kept her car for her, and then the short trek back to her apartment. Holly was right behind her, stopping for only a moment to pick up some food for the two of them, then heading up to Viera’s apartment for a ‘fun-filled’ night of girl talk.

This was going SO good for Holly and she had even called Brooke on her cell phone to inform her of what had happened earlier. She was ecstatic and couldn’t wait to hear more.

“Holly, I really don’t feel like eating right now. And maybe you should go home. I have too much to think about and need to be alone.” Viera told her friend as Holly unloaded the bags of food she had bought.

“Girl, that is the LAST thing you need. We are friends, remember? I’m here for you. You don’t need to be alone at a time like this. Just talk to me, please.” Holly sweetly told her as she handed Viera a plate of food and a drink.

She turned her nose up the smell of the fried food and sat it down on the table. She immediately walked into the living room and slumped on the couch. She ran a hand over the cushions, remembering the other day when her and JC had been fooling around in that same spot. Her eyes began filling up with tears but she willed them not to fall. She wouldn’t let Holly see her cry again.

Holly eyed her from the kitchen and knew what she was thinking. That sinister smile returned and she felt her face light up with pleasure. ‘This was TOO easy.’

“Hey, if you don’t want to eat, we can watch a movie or something. Anything to get your mind off JC and your problems…oops, sorry.” Holly stated before ‘slipping’ and saying JC’s name, knowing Viera would get upset.

It worked. Viera became visibly shaken but tried her hardest to remain unchanged. “Um yeah…yeah a movie would be…would be fine.” She stuttered out, forcing a smile to her face when Holly came into the room.

“GREAT!” She squealed as she leaped to the TV and selected the perfect movie.

Before the feature presentation started, there was a knock at the front door and Viera jumped at it. No one other than Holly, Brooke or JC ever came to see her and since Holly was with her now, it could only be…

“Must be JC.” Holly said, making it quite obvious that she hadn’t asked Brooke to join them.

“Make him go away.” Viera told her as she stood and slowly walked down the hall to slam her bedroom door. She didn’t know whether to be upset with JC or not but until she got things settled in her mind, she didn’t dare face him now. Her emotions were too intense to make any sense and she didn’t want to hurt him with her words.

Holly smiled sweetly when she opened the door to face a shocked popstar. “Well hello JC. How are you doing?” She asked, trying not to laugh at him. He was going to get it and get it soon, which made Holly giddy inside.

He just looked disgusted with her and raised his eyes above her to see inside the apartment. “Yeah, hi. Is Viera here?” He replied with his own question.

Holly simply shook her head from side to side. “I’m sorry JC, she doesn’t want to see you right now. You must’ve not of been as good as you thought you were last night, huh?” She stated, with a smug look on her face.

He just rolled his eyes and pushed past her. “Yeah, well I guess I should have known you would have figured out a way to get that information out of Viera somehow. Look, I don’t have time for these games of yours, where is she?”

Holly closed the door then slowly slid her body closer to his, rubbing her hand up his back, making him flinch and move away from her. “Gees you’re uptight today. Something wrong?” She asked, patting her fake eyelashes at him.

“You know what’s wrong so cut the crap and tell me where she is. VIERA.” He yelled as he started walking around the small apartment, and then noticed that her bedroom door was closed. He began to approach it when Holly grabbed a hold of his arm.

“JC, dear, I wouldn’t go in there if I were you. I told you that she didn’t want to see you.”

He jerked his arm out of her grasp and hissed at her. “What did you do?”

Her sticky sweet smile returned and she merely shrugged. “Me? I said nothing really…well, I might have slipped and told her about what you’re doing to her.”

He jerked his body around, in the hallway, and stared her down hard. “WHAT AM I DOING TO HER?” He instructed Holly to tell him but the door down the hall opened and Viera appeared in the frame.

“She told me about the game you’ve been playing with my heart.”

JC slowly turned to see her tear stained face, her tired worn out body and stepped closer to her. “Viera, I’m not…” He tried to start but she wasn’t having any of it.

She held her hands up in front of her to block his approach. “JC, don’t…just don’t.”

He saw the fear, the hurt…even the anger, in her eyes and knew that Holly was at the root of this problem. He turned to face the evil behind him and glared at her. “What lies have you told her now?” He said, with clinched teeth.

Holly simply smiled confidently at him. “JC, why don’t you tell Viera how the two of you really met? Or what your relationship was really like before the accident. Or maybe about the girl you’re seeing in California. But I’m sure she wouldn’t want to hear it again seeing as she’s already heard it from me.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath so he wouldn’t rush her and knock her out of her cheap designer rip-off shoes. “If you’ve already told her then why would I even need to explain. You’ve probably convinced her that your word is gospel so I stand no chance in changing it. Isn’t that what you want, for Viera to turn on me just when we are getting close again?” He asked, opening his eyes and staring her down.

“Again? Um maybe you should think about that word before you say it.” Holly commented, only to smile brighter when Viera’s face lit up in confusion.

She began waving her hands wildly in the air and finally had enough of them. “Guys will you stop acting like I’m not in the room. JC, yes Holly told me about what you’re doing and I’m too upset to talk to you right now.” She started as he turned around and pleaded with his eyes for her to give him a chance. “I can’t…I can’t listen to what you have to say right now. Today hasn’t been the easiest to say the least and all I want to do is sleep it off. I want you and Holly to leave me alone. Please, just for tonight until I can think things through.”

JC didn’t want to leave her after she had been with Holly. He didn’t know what lies…or truths, she had told her and he needed to know. “Viera, I don’t want to leave you, not like this. I…” He tried but she stopped him.

“JC, please just leave. I can’t deal with this tonight. I need time.” She said as she turned to go back into her room.

JC wasn’t about to let her go yet. He stepped forward, reaching for her arm and spinning her around. “Viera please let me stay. Let me explain. Give me a chance. I think I’ve earned at least a chance.” He said, begging her to keep him around.

“You’ve EARNED a chance?” She asked him, feeling the fire boil inside of her. “JC, I…” She started but knew if she said another word, then she might say something she would regret. “No, not tonight.” She informed him as she jerked her arm out of his hold.

“I’m not letting you go.” He told her as he grabbed around her waist and held her to his chest. “You can’t get rid of me that easy. I need to know what she told you. Please, Viera, let me stay.”

She saw the confusion and the hurt in his eyes and felt her tears coming to the surface again. She shook her head to make them disappear but he wouldn’t let her take her eyes off him. “JC, stop it. Just go.” She said, closing her eyes so she didn’t have to see him.

“JC, I think you better listen to her. You wouldn’t want to hurt her anymore than you already have.” Holly finally chimed in from behind him.

He whipped his head around to glare at her again. “Holly, I haven’t done anything to hurt her, but YOU…now that can be arranged.”

Viera’s eyes opened in shock at that statement and she squirmed to get out of his hold. “JC let me go and don’t talk to my friend like that.”

JC’s eyes went from being on fire to pure shock. “Friend? Viera, she is no friend of yours. Her and her buddy, Brooke are the ones that are after hurting you…” He knew that Holly had said something and although he didn’t know what it was, he wasn’t about to go down without Viera knowing the REAL truth.

He had been drawn into the evil plan of theirs so his career and those of his friends, wouldn’t come to an end but after last night, he knew he couldn’t lie to her any longer. She deserved to know what lies had been told and he prayed that if he was the one to tell her, than maybe she would see that he only wanted to come clean with her and face the consequences of his actions.

“JC, Holly seems to be the only one who is willing to tell me what’s going on here, let me in on my life before the accident and I’m sorry for what I did to you but getting me back by making me fall in love with you just so you can drop me, well that’s just evil. How could you do that to me?” Viera asked, breaking JC out of his thoughts.

He faced her in his arms and had no idea what she was talking about. “What? Why am I going to drop you?”

Viera simply relaxed her body, knowing that struggling with him would get her nowhere. “I know that I did indeed cheat on you and you knew about it. I apologized to you yesterday, saying that I didn’t know why I’d ever do that and you seemed to forgive me but that was all just your way to get me. I can’t believe I fell for it…no, I take that back, I CAN believe it because I had no reason not to. You took advantage of my amnesia and you played with my heart. I don’t understand how anyone can be so hurtful…so sinister.”

JC slowly let her out of his arms and stood there dumbfounded. Holly had not told her the ‘truth’ but something much worse and he didn’t know how to make her see that she was wrong because like she said, her memory was gone and she had nothing to base anything on anymore. “Viera, I don’t know what Holly told you but…” He started but she just stopped him again.

“JC, I don’t want you to say another word. I just want you to leave. Just leave.”

He knew he couldn’t push her anymore and nodded his sad head before turning and walking down the hall, passed Holly but he didn’t leave the apartment…without finishing this.

Viera had turned herself and walked into her room, leaving Holly alone. JC stopped at the front door, crept back to the hall and flew one hand over her mouth and the other around her waist to hold her in place. She tried to scream but he held her too tight.

He dragged her over to the door, had to maneuver his body around to get it open but managed to get her and him out into the hall. When the door was closed, he let her go and laid in on her. “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY?” He yelled, not worrying about the neighbors at that moment.

Holly just shot him an evil look while rubbing her mouth. “Wouldn’t you just love to know.” She said with a smirk.

JC had had enough. He grabbed her arms and shook her out of anger. “DAMMIT HOLLY TELL ME OR I’LL TELL HER THE REAL TRUTH!” He demanded, only to have her fire back on him.

“You don’t want to tell her the truth because then your ass will be in more trouble than you could possibly know. I told her what I wanted her to know and you aren’t gonna do anything about it.”

“You wanna bet? I don’t care what happens to me anymore. She deserves to know what happened that night.” He yelled back, causing the guy down the hall to scream through the walls for them to be quiet.

Holly just hit the wall and said for him to shut up himself, then replied to JC. “She deserves a lot more than knowing what happened that night. Every bit of pain that she is feeling right now and will feel when this all comes out is something she brought upon herself. She did this. She caused all of this to happen. Why didn’t she die in that accident instead of Shelly?”

JC couldn’t believe he was standing here, listening to this witch say those things about someone who he had grown to care about in such a short time. “That’s crap and you know it. She isn’t to blame for any of this. I am the one who did this to her…to her sister. I caused Shelly to die in that car wreck. I did it, not her and I have to tell her about that night.”

“She’ll hate you if you do and you’ll be charged with homicide when I run to the police. Hit and runs only work out if no one sees you but unfortunately for you, I saw you and your friend leave the scene. You should have made sure we all were dead before you left.” She hissed back at him.

JC was beyond livid at that moment and knew it was now or never. “Like I said, I don’t care anymore what happens to me. I caused this in the first place so I’m the one who has to fix it.” He told her as he pushed her out of the way and opened the door to Viera’s apartment.

Once he made it through the frame, he stopped dead in his tracks. There she was, shaking uncontrollably, tears streaming down her pale face but when her eyes met his, he saw the anger overtake her. “You. You did this. You caused the wreck that made me lose my mind and kill my sister.” She said, not in a question but as a statement.

He merely hung his head and tried to approach her. She shook him off, grabbed her keys and pushed him out of the way. “Viera please.” He tried but she ran out into the hall, down the stairs and out the door before he could catch up with her.

JC ran out to the parking lot just in time to see Viera speeding away in her newly fixed car. He screamed out for the pain he had caused her and what she was going to feel now that she knew the truth. He turned suddenly when he felt a cold hand on his shoulder. He spun around and wanted to hit the person behind him.

“One down, one to go.” Holly smirked at him.

He fought with everything inside of him to NOT hurt her because that would get him nowhere. He had to go find Viera and do it fast before she did anything that she wouldn’t be able to take back.

He took a deep breath, ignored her comment as best as he could and ran to his car to find Viera. He only hoped that he would figure out where she was going before it was too late.

Ch 12
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