Please don't steal this pic - I took it at the concert I went to but didn't tag it so I could use it for the story

Who Am I?

Losing your mind can be frightening but for Viera Chase, getting it back could be worse.
Can she find it in her heart to forgive those around her who have led her to believe she was someone else?

(Inspired by Kait and Dian's story Wishful Thinking Check out their sites)
Kait and AJ FanFiction
Daydream Central - Where Dreams are Reality

Here's an award I got for my little story - visit the girls' site to read what inspired me to write this one:

*** FINISHED ***

Meet-n-Greet -Prologue
Who am I? - Ch 1
The plan begins here - Ch 2
Returning home - Ch 3
They meet...again - Ch 4
Late night chat - Ch 5
Going beyond the plan - Ch 6
Confusing feelings - Ch 7
Was I good? - Ch 8
Shelly - Ch 9
The lies get worse - Ch 10
Flooding memories - Ch 12
Coming to terms with it all - Ch 13
This was all a WHAT? - Ch 14 - The Last One

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