Who Am I?
Ch 3

For the next 10 days, Holly and Brooke visited Viera in the hospital. They knew if their plan was to work, then they needed to pump her full of all the information they could.

They told her about going to school with them. About their times together – the parties, the sleep overs, even the guys.

Viera felt so out of place. She still hadn't gotten any memories back yet. Even with the things the girls told her, nothing registered in her brain. She hoped that when she returned to her apartment, things would get better.

Her release date was scheduled for this afternoon. Holly had offered her a ride back home, for which she reluctantly accepted. Although she was suppose to be best friends with this girl, something inside of Viera told her to be careful.

Holly picked her up and headed towards the apartment after all the papers had been filled out for her discharge. She wondered why she hadn't heard from her parents. The girls told her that her mom and dad lived in Montana and sent their prayers.

Holly said that they were having a hard time with the accident and didn't want to see her until she had her memory back. Viera couldn't believe any parent would stay away from a child who obviously needed them but she tired her best to understand and respect their feelings.

She hesitantly made her way up the stairs of her apartment building to the floor that she lived on. Holly helped her maneuver her still aching body up three flights of stairs to #320.

Viera had a mixture of nervousness and joy about being home. She was ecstatic to be out of the hospital but was still so unfamiliar with her old life that she wasn't prepared for what was on the other side of the door.

"Come on, silly. This is your apartment. Surely something in here will help jog your memory." Holly said as she took the key out of Viera's hand and placed it in the lock to open the door.

Once it was opened, Viera took a deep breath and slowly walked inside. What she saw made her smile. The apartment was definitely small but felt warm. The living room was that was off to the left of the door was decorated simply with a few plants surrounding the couch and loveseat. A small dining room table sat off to the side of the loveseat and Viera could see the barstools that indicated the kitchen on the other side of the wall.

She turned to her right and came in contact with a large oak desk that had a computer on its surface. She walked around to the swivel chair and sat in it. The seat still had a wonderful leathery smell to it and that brought another smile to Viera's face. She liked this place for sure.

On the bookshelf that was in the corner of the office, were books of all sorts from Romance novels to the latest HTML books for Dummies. Viera wondered if she had a website. She would ask about that later.

For now, her eyes caught a glimpse of the picture that lay beside the computer. She picked it up and immediately recognized the people in it. She was smiling and giving her boyfriend a hug. He didn't look THAT enthused but seemed to fake it fairly well. She wondered if they really were happy.

She shrugged that thought off and returned her attention to Holly.

"So, where's my room?"

Holly smiled, reached for her hand and led her down the hall. They came up to the smaller of the two rooms in the apartment and Viera asked if she had a roommate. The girls hadn't told her about anyone living with her but by the way the room was laid out, it appeared to still be occupied.

"Oh, well you DID have a roommate but she's gone now. She even said that when she gets back for the fall, she'll be moving out, so don't worry about her too much. I'm sure your memory will return LONG before she comes back." Holly said quickly as she ushered Viera to the room that was hers.

Viera thought what she said was about as ridiculous as anything she had heard but since she had no idea of what was going on, she had to rely on Holly for the truth.

When Viera opened the door to her room, she gasped as she looked around it. The room itself was pale yellow with the bedspread that had big yellow and white flowers on it. Blue patterns surrounded the checkered flower bedspread and there were several other things from lamps to a jewelry box to the furniture itself that made Viera realize she must really like flowers – daisies in particular. She smiled again, for the um-tenth time, her room resembling a spring day.

She turned to Holly before speaking again. "I can't believe I live here. I know it's probably not much, but I love it." She said as she sat down on her bed. As she laid her back on the warm comforter, a strange feeling passed throughout her body. She had the distinct feeling that something wonderful happened in this room. 'Oh Lord, I probably had sex with my so-called boyfriend or something'. She said to herself as a mix of giggles and fear rushed through her.

She knew it was time to ask a few questions of Holly.

Viera sat back up and patted the spot beside her for Holly to join. She gave her friend a worried look but sat down anyway.

"Holly, I need to know some stuff and I hope you can help." She said as she turned her body to face her friend. She tucked one leg under the other and leaned back on her hands.

"Sure, girl. What do you want to know?" Holly asked, cautious of the fact that she had to be VERY careful what she said. Viera couldn't remember too soon or everything would be ruined.

Viera exhaled and started. "Well, I get the feeling that I've been here before – well of course I would feel like I know this place since this is where I live – but you know what I mean. I get a vibe from here that some really good times happened. Did I…I mean, did me and my boyfriend…did we ever, um well…" She couldn't actually say the words but merely patted the bed and smiled timidly at Holly.

She caught on to what Viera was asking and had to hide her laughter. 'Oh, this is gonna be good' she said to herself before answering her friend. "Um, well you never really told me or Brooke one way or the other but I can say that you two were VERY close and he did stay the night here on occasion. Now, whether you had sex or not, that is something you'll need to discuss with him." She began but looked at her watch.

She quickly got off the bed and motioned Viera to do the same. "And I think that the sooner you talk to him, the better." She grabbed Viera's hand and dragged her down the hall to the living room.

"What do you mean and where are we going? I just got home from the hospital. I can't be going out yet." Viera said trying to protest.

Holly pretended to not hear her. "Come on, we have to get going. He's home and waiting on you."

Viera stopped in front of the door and slammed it shut before Holly could leave. "What are you talking about? I can't go out. I'm having enough trouble walking more than a few feet without my legs hurting and you still want me to go meet…who exactly is waiting for me?"

Holly gave her a sweet innocent look. "JC."

She took a hold of Viera's hand one more time, opened the door and dragged her along with her.

'JC' Viera mouthed to herself. 'Who the hell is JC?'

Holly knew Brooke was waiting on them and within minutes, they would know if their plan would work or not. She smiled evilly when she realized exactly what she was doing and couldn't wait to see JC squirm.

'IT'S SHOW TIME!' Holly said to herself.

Ch 4
Chpt Index