Who Am I?

"Well, you and JC seem to have picked up right where you left off." Holly said as the three spent some quality time in the bathroom talking about Viera's first encounter with the guys since the night of the accident.

Viera though, didn't feel the same way. "Yeah, I just don't know. I have a feeling that I did know him but not like in a relationship or something. It's weird. I have those pictures of us but it just seems like we didn't really know each other." She said as she pulled a couple of stands of hair away from her face and fixed her ponytail back up.

Brooke glanced over at Holly who merely nodded. "Girl, don't worry about it. The way JC was looking at you, the two of you will be back to normal even before you get your memory back."

"I hear what you're saying, Brooke but I just don't know if I want to go on with my life until I know about my past." Viera sighed as she tried to keep a strong front for her friends but she was failing miserably. She was hurting inside for not knowing who she was. She was hurting on the outside for the body that refused to move for two and a half months. But what hurt the most right now was the fact that she couldn't give back to JC what he had given her – according to the girls.

They told her that he had been out on the road and when she got sick one time, he dropped everything and rushed to be with her. They said that he would call to talk even if he only had a few minutes because he had promised and never wanted to break a single one to her.

They said he adored her to no avail but kept her name out of the spotlight. No one outside their circle of friends knew she existed because if the press found out about her, then they would run with the story and the fans would be upset.

Viera didn't want to hurt him by not remembering but she couldn't help it. Nothing was clicking in her mind and that made her even more frustrated.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when they all heard a knock at the door. "Hey are you girls coming out any time soon? We ordered a pizza and Joey just got back with the food so come on out." Chris yelled at the group.

Holly and Brooke just giggled and went to open the door. They smiled and Holly even tapped Chris on the shoulder as she passed him. He rolled his eyes at the pair but softened his face when he saw Viera. 'She really has no idea what evil lies in those two.' He said to himself before extending his hand for Viera to take.

She remembered his warm smile from a few moments ago and gladly returned the offer. She slid her hand into his and felt relaxed at that moment. There was something about them all that put her at ease. It was as though they were all going through the same thing together and she knew they would be the key to unlocking the lost memories in her mind.

"Thank you Chris." She said as the two made their way into the kitchen to join the others.

After several minutes of small talk among the group, two large pizzas and quite a few rounds of 'spiked' coke for the guys, the group was ready to break up and go their separate ways.

Viera was saying her good-byes to the group and was walking to the door with Holly but she heard JC call her name. When she turned around, he was standing behind her and he asked if she could stay a little longer with him.

Holly gave Brooke a nudge and the two wondered what was up. JC didn't really like or even know Viera but here he was wanting her to stay. They would have to keep a close eye on him to make sure he didn't say anything to her that would destroy their plan.

"Um, sorry JC but doctor's orders. She really needs to get home and rest. I shouldn't have brought her over here in the first place but I knew how much you wanted to see her. But you can see her tomorrow if you like. I can pick her up and bring her over around lunch time if that's okay with you?" Holly asked as she linked her arm with Viera's and pulled her towards the door.

In all honesty, JC didn't want Viera to spend any time with either Holly or Brooke. What they had agreed to was beyond deceitful and would cause Viera nothing but pain. JC hated himself for ever going along with those nut balls but he couldn't back out now. They held too much over his head to go against them.

HIM – JC Chasez and the rest of the members of 'Nsync were at the mercy of these two wolves in designer pumps and there wasn't a thing they could do about it.

"Yeah, I guess she's right. Well, I'll see you tomorrow." He started as he approached the pair. He hesitantly stepped closer to Viera and gave her a warm embrace. As he did, he whispered in her ear. "Please be careful."

Viera pulled back from him, gave a worried look, but shook it off and walked out with Holly and Brooke.

When the girls had left, Lance turned to JC and spoke. "Man, we have to figure out what we are going to do. There has to be a way to get out of this and still keep the press from finding out."

JC was too busy thinking about that poor girl who had lost so much more than her memories and could only pray that she regained it before Holly or Brooke could cause any more damage – or even him. If he was to continue with this charade, then Viera would surely be hurt.

He sighed loudly, excused himself from the others and went to his room to try to find a few moments of solitude before he would be turning into a wolf himself.

Viera had a hard time sleeping that night. She tossed and turned trying to get comfortable but couldn't. Something was so out of place but she couldn't put her finger on it – 'You idiot, you've lost your mind, of course things are out of place.' She said, scolding herself. She sighed in frustration, threw the covers back and walked into the kitchen.

She wanted to fix herself a glass of milk – although she didn't remember liking the stuff. She warmed it in a small pot then poured the white liquid into a mug to drink. She walked over to the couch in the living room and turned on the TV. Watching TV would certainly keep her mind off of everything that was around her.

She flipped through the channels and landed on MTV. She was ecstatic when a video of the guys came on. 'Nsync huh?' she asked herself. She never got the name of the group JC was in but now she had it. Something inside her moved and she felt the twitch extend from the toes up to her hand. She had to quickly set the mug of warmed milk down, from fear of dropping it.

Without thinking, she jumped up and ran over to her purse. She threw everything out of it in search of a small piece of paper that had been given to her earlier in the day.

She finally found what she was looking for, walked to where the phone was, picked it up and dialed the number that was written on it before she even knew what she was doing.

Several rings later, she heard a man's tired voice answer. "Hel…hello."

Viera suddenly felt extremely bad for waking him up but she just had to talk to someone and he seemed like the only one who would listen.

"Um, JC?"

She heard him shuffling around in his bed before clearing his throat and speaking again. "Yeah, who's this?"

"It's…um, it's Viera." She said softly.

"Oh, hey. Are you okay?" He asked, a little more alert now. He had worried about the stranger who visited him earlier. He wanted to call to make sure she was fine but the time slipped away from him and he ended up crashing early.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry I woke you up." She started as she looked to the time on her VCR. It read 4:20 a.m. Viera groaned into the phone. "Oh Lord, I really feel bad now. I had no idea it was four in the morning. Listen, I'll let you get back to sleep. I can call you later okay?"

"No, don't worry about it. I've been up even earlier than this before. So, what's going on?"

Viera smiled brightly to herself. He seemed to be one of the nicest people she had ever met – well, that she had met in the last 11days. "Oh, nothing really. I just couldn't sleep. You know, I'm still not use to this whole being alone thing. Besides that, this is only the second night that I haven't had any medication and my body still aches."

"Do you need me to get you anything? I could pick you something up and come on over."

"No, you don't have to come over. I just have to get use to this, that's all. It's just that I was watching TV and saw your video…what's that one called where you and the guys are at a baseball field and there's a mom who's little boy grows up and goes off to war or something?"

JC chuckled under his breath. He hadn't met too many people who didn't know his songs. "Um, that would be 'God Must…"

"Have Spent a Little More Time on You." Viera finished. "Yeah, I thought it was something like that. Anyway, I saw you on there and listened to your voice. It is absolutely amazing. It made me feel something inside and I wondered if I had heard you sing before – like in concert or something?"

JC breathed in heavily. "Um, did you remember anything?"

"Oh, not really. It's just that for some reason, I had this feeling I had seen you perform before but I didn't know."

JC sighed, she didn't remember but he had to be careful not to give too much info out. "Yeah, you did see me and the guys before." He knew he had to change the subject so he could dodge any other questions about the last time he saw Viera.

"So, are you still coming over for lunch?"

Viera settled down on the couch and pulled her hand up to play with the loose strands of hair that escaped her ponytail. "Yeah, I guess I don't really have a choice. Holly's coming by at noon and picking me up so I'll be there by 12:30 p.m."

JC knew she didn't mean to sound nasty to him but he could tell she was very apprehensive of both him and the girls.

"Listen, if you don't feel up to it, you don't have to come over. We can hook up later in the week. I want you to get as much rest as you need."

Viera had been worried about seeing him again but just then, he had made her feel better. "JC, I have to be honest here. I don't remember a thing about you but I do feel close to you and would like to talk later today at your place. I don't know, I just don't trust Holly and Brooke but I don't know why. They are suppose to be my best friends but what they've told me about myself just doesn't feel right. I don't think I could have been the person they described to me. I think they may have me confuse with someone else." She finished as she chuckled about that last part.

She just couldn't see herself partying up a storm, having guys all over her and in fact, having someone like JC to call her own. She was so confused every second of the day about who she use to be.

"I wish I could say I understand but I don't. I have no idea what you're going through. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my memory. But I can tell you this, if you ever need me for ANYTHING, please don't hesitate to call. Even at four in the morning."

She started laughing at that. "Okay, I'll try to remember. Look, I think I better let you go so you can get some sleep. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Yeah, try to get some sleep as well. Bye Viera."

"Bye JC."

Viera hung up the phone but never placed it back on its stand. She held it close to her heart and laid there thinking about all the things she wanted to know and prayed JC would help her find the answers.

She DIDN'T trust Holly or Brooke, that was sure, but the warmth that JC sent through her when he held her hand or gave her a hug, made her think that he could be trusted.

Time would only tell.

Ch 6
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