Who Am I?
Chapter 8

Several days had past before Viera even spoke to JC again. Both Holly and Brooke had visited her for most of the afternoons, getting any information about what her and JC had done, talked about or even discussed for the future. Viera didn't want to talk about JC at all. She was so confused to why he acted strange to her the other day at his house. She assumed it was because of her accident and he didn't want to pressure her into anything but she told him that she was feeling pressured.

She couldn't understand why he had blatantly lied to her either.

He didn't have anywhere to be but wanted to be alone. She worried that maybe they had had a fight or something before her accident that no one knew about and that might be making him act this way. Maybe they weren't as tight as the girls had thought they were.

She had been thinking about that a lot and wondered if he would be honest to her if she asked. She was still missing so many pieces of her life that she HAD to ask him and hoped he would give her a straight answer.

She called him and asked that he stop by after he finished at the studio with the guys. She wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. "JC, I need to ask you something." Viera started as the two of them were now sitting on her couch.

JC shifted nervously in his seat and wondered what was going to come from her mouth. Since arriving only a moment ago, he had seen the same lost look on Viera's face that she had given him a few days ago. "Um, okay shoot."

Viera fidgeted with her fingers for a second before asking him what had been plaguing her for days. "JC, I was wondering...um, were we...you know...um, close before the accident?" She asked, bringing her head up and looking at him.

JC didn't really know how to answer her question so he posed his own. "Why...why would you ask?"

She unfolded her hands and began picking at the fabric of the couch while she answered him. "Oh well, I was just wondering because...because you seem really tense around me, almost as if we hardly knew each other." That caught JC's attention and he leaned forward to hear her better. "Well, I mean...you seemed really freaked out that I kissed you but then acted okay. You got a phone call then lied to me about what was going on. I can only think that we either weren't as close as Holly and Brooke seem to think or we had a big fight or something before my accident. Either way, please explain to me what exactly we had together."

JC had to bite his lip so he wouldn't just blurt everything out to her. She was sitting next to him, begging with her eyes for the answers to her questions but he had none to give her. He had to think fast. "Viera, I'm sorry if you...you feel confused but I've tried to tell you that I just don't want you uncomfortable with me. I don't want to put any added pressure on you and I am very sorry about the lie I told you earlier. I just have a lot on my mind and needed to think through some things. I'm okay now and we'll be okay too."

Viera appreciated his sorriness but he hadn't answered her question. "JC, I know you're sorry about the other day but what you haven't told me is what we were like before."

JC knew she wouldn't give up until she had SOME kind of answer. He took a deep breath, knowing that what is about to do would be the only way he could get her to not ask questions any more. He shifted his body on the couch until he was practically on top of her legs. He let one hand gently touch her thigh and felt her tense up immediately. He prayed he could do this now.

He leaned closer to her until his face was within inches of her own. He saw the confusion mixed with anticipation on her face and slowly shut his eyes. "Viera, we were VERY close." He informed her in a whisper, before moving only a short distance to capture her lips.

At first, she didn't respond to him and he felt guilt wash over his whole body. He was a bastard for doing this, he knew it, and began to break the kiss when he suddenly felt her fingers encircling the blue cottony shirt that he wore that day.

Her fingers began to wring his shirt until they had a good twist on it and she pulled him closer to her. He took his hand off her thigh and placed it at the base of her hip to balance himself or he would certainly fall over on her.

That was her intention.

She reached down with her one free hand and took his own off her hip. That action alone, made him lose his balance and he fell closer to her but he didn't slam down on her until their bodies were lying on the seat cushions of the couch below. JC wasn't sure about all of this but he had just told her that they were VERY close before the accident so he couldn't necessarily go against what he said and stop her...right?

Viera shifted her body until JC fit more comfortably on her. She felt his bony hip dig into her own...at least she thought it was his hip...and allowed one of her hands to reach up behind his head to tug on the hairs at the base of his neck.

Although this was much more than JC had intended on doing with her...EVER...he couldn't help but begin to be drawn in by her. She was a warm caring person who had no reason to want him other than for HIM. She wasn't kissing him because he was a part of one of the biggest groups in the world. She wasn't laying underneath him, running her fingers through his hair, or melting his lips with her own because he was a celebrity but because she honestly thought they were a couple and were together. She liked him for him and nothing more.

He soon found the guilt of what he was doing, fading into the night and his body responding to whatever Viera wanted it to do.

Viera was thoroughly enjoying his response to her question but she didn't know what the drive in her was or the hunger she had inside, but she was beginning to devour him...and liked it.

She had been so confused for so long and didn't know which way to turn but having JC with her right now, making her feel wanted, feel needed, even feel loved...she wasn't going to question him again.

She was the first to break the intense kiss that they were sharing and as JC's face came into view, she smiled brightly as she spoke to him again. "I guess we were pretty close, huh?"

He answered her but not before he buried his head between her shoulder and the couch, letting out a chuckle. "Yeah, I guess we were."

She laughed with him for a second before motioning with her hand for him to place his cheek on her collarbone so he could speak to her easier without breaking the contact of their bodies. "Hey, I'm sorry for being upset about the other day. I'm really in no position to judge anyone on their actions seeing as I have no idea what I'm doing or feeling most of the time. Please accept my apologize."

JC began playing with the fabric of her white t-shirt while he mumbled to her. "You don't have to apologize to me. I don't know why I acted that way but I won't again." He began while lifting his head and resting it right above hers. "I should be the one apologizing to you. I'm sorry for freaking out on you and confusing you."

She responded by leaning up and placing a simple kiss on his still red swollen lips before returning her head to the couch. "JC, can I ask you something else?" She asked, licking her lips and still being able to taste him.

JC wasn't sure about this. The last question had caused this intense make-out session... 'wait a minute, I could get a repeat of this if I answer it just as good as before.' He thought this to himself but shook it off, knowing that he wasn't going to use her for his own pleasure...although...

"Yeah, ask away." He told her with a smile shining brightly across his face.

She brought her hands up to his chest and played with the button of his shirt while thinking of how to ask her question. "Um...I was wondering if I was...if I was a good girlfriend? I mean, did I treat you all right? Was I mean to you in anyway or was I a good listener? You know, was I good for you?"

JC had to think fast on this one. He only knew what she was like when he had met her so that was what he told her about. He first pushed himself off her body and held his hand out for her to take and sit back up herself. When she did so, he held onto her hand and played with her fingers as he explained what she was like...at least what he knew.

"Viera, all I can say was that the first time I met you, I liked you. You had the most amazing smile and you seemed genuinely interested in me and not for what I do for a living." That wasn't a lie. When the two had met, she was very kind and had a warm presence about her that made him like her instantly. Maybe that was why he allowed himself to pose for so many pictures with her that night.

Viera squeezed his hand in hers and returned her own smile. "So you liked me from the start?" She asked, feeling much better about getting this out. She had wondered what it was that she had to attract such a beautiful creature as the one sitting next to her.

JC responded by bringing their adjoining hands up to his mouth and kissing the back of hers. "Yes, I liked you from the start. That night at the concert was the first time I all of you and I'd have to say that out of everyone, you made the most lasting impression."

She was a little taken back by that. "Um, what concert? I didn't know I met you at a concert." She wondered aloud for him to hear.

He shifted in his seat and had to bite his lip for the little slip up. "Oh, well...I mean, not at one of my shows but at another. See...um you were with some friends and we ran into one another there."

She eyed him carefully but shook off the weird feeling inside of her. She didn't remember anything of the first time they met but his explanation didn't seem right for some reason. She just shrugged it off, seeing as he would be the one to know how they met and not her. "Oh, okay...well I bet I couldn't keep my eyes off you the whole night?" She asked, laughing to herself.

'You have no idea.' He thought back - she watched him all right - since he was one of five guys that were entertaining her and the crowd. "Yeah, and I couldn't keep my eyes off you either." He told her but this time, the lie didn't seem so bad since she leaned over and placed a warm kiss on his cheek.

After her lips left his face, she scooted closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. "So I was a good girlfriend?" She asked, not getting that answer yet.

JC spread his arm across her own shoulder and held her tight. "Better than I deserve." He informed her before turning his head and kissing the top of hers.

She was content in that fact and nuzzled up to him as the two continued to sit on the couch. Viera's mind was filled with warm thoughts about the future and not worrying about her lost memories for now. JC's was a wreck but there was a part of him that wondered what it would be like to stay like this, with Viera next to him, and go on as if nothing had happened.

Unfortunately for the both of them, Viera's memories were fighting to get out and when they did, JC's world would get much more complicated. Enjoy it while it last, JC because you're about to lose it all!

Chpt 9
Chpt Index