Who Am I? - Prologue

*NOTE* - If any of you read One Summer before I took it down, you'll notice some of the same character names. I didn't like that story but loved the girls' names so I wanted to use them again.

May 21, 2000

(TD Waterhouse Arena, Orlando Florida)

"VIERA!" A voice was heard shouting above the large crowd that had gathered outside the arena.

The sun was still high in the sky that late afternoon so the woman in question had to replant her dark glasses upon her face before she could see whom it was that called for her.

A smile spread across the face of the tall woman. Standing nearly 5'10", she didn't have many problems seeing over the hordes of teenagers much shorter and younger than her. She raised her hand in the air and gave a little wave to indicate her presence.

Soon her smile faded. She had thought the person yelling her name was someone else but she was mistaken. Two young women bounded up to her. Dressed in shiny black mini-shirts and matching blue tube tops, the smiles they gave her were about as real as their 'natural' blonde hair. Still, a deal was a deal.

"Viera, hey girl." The first one said as she reached inside her silvery purse to extract her lip-gloss. She opened the top and spread another coat onto her already pink lips. She checked with her friend to make sure there weren't any smudges. Her friend nodded her head and gave the okay sign with her freshly manicured nails.

She gave her an air kiss for thanks then turned her attention back to the taller woman. "So, you got the passes or what?" She said, bobbing up and down like one of the younger girls that were nearby.

Viera Chase was the woman she was speaking to. She was more comfortably dressed than her cohorts in front of her. Her flower print sundress and matching sandals couldn't compete with their designer duds and platform shoes. Where as their hair and makeup were no doubt professionally done, Viera's hair was up in a simple loose clip and her face shone through under little makeup. She wasn't at the arena to pick up guys but the other two were.

Viera had won a radio contest where she received four concert tickets and meet-and-greet passes to the night's show. She had immediately called her twin sister, Shelly, to give her the news. Since Viera had no idea about who else to invite, Shelly suggested two of her friends she met in school the last semester.

They now stood in front of Viera eagerly awaiting her answer. Viera wasn't fond of either one.

Holly Jenson was known around campus as a stuck up snob who only hung around people to either make herself look better or use them for her own pleasure. She brought along her friend Brooke DeFoe who was her equal in every way. The two met Shelly in an Economics class they took together this spring. The group were now enjoying their summer break from college. All four would be juniors come the fall semester.

Viera couldn't figure out why her sister chose these two to come with them but she wasn't going to let them ruin her night. She was too excited about meeting the guys and seeing the show…if only Shelly would get here.

"Um, yeah. Got 'em right here." She finally answered, digging into her bag she had flung over her shoulder. "Now, if my sister would…"

Her sentence was cut short when she heard her name called again. She looked up and saw her reflection in the young woman who approached the small group. Shelly resembled Viera almost exactly but was about two inches shorter than Viera was. Her equally comfortable sundress caught Viera's eye and she smiled, knowing that her and her sister dress TOO much alike.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Traffic was a bitch. Did you see the crowd? Damn, where are all those girls' parents. For real." She said as she turned to face Holly and Brooke. She air kissed them as well, which only made Viera want to gag.

"Ahem." Viera started as she cleared her throat to get Shelly's attention. "Well, I guess we should head in. The meet-and-greet starts soon."

The other three girls giggled to themselves and linked arms, pushing Viera out of the way as they started towards the entrance of the arena. "No, don't mind me." Viera said under her breath at the group.

She then looked down at the passes in her hand and smiled. Not even the bitch-twins could mess this night up. "Nsync, here we come." She stated as she quickly ran up to the girls and handed them their passes to stick on.

This would be a night that no one wanted to forget, but unfortunately for one of the girls, she would.

Chpt 01
Chpt Index