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Chapter Seven

"Shorty you're my angel, you're my darling angel- closer than my peeps you are to"

Nick held Andi closed as they danced slowly to the music. He noticed her eyes were focused on something and turned to see AJ leaning against a tree glaring at them.

Nick narrowed his eyebrows and pulled away from Andrea.


"Play your games with someone else," Nick said storming off.

Andrea tried to catch up to him but the crowd managed to block her way.

"Where'd lover boy go?"

"Leave me alone AJ, I'm trying to get somewhere."

"Not so fast, I saw what you were doing. One night of sex with me and all of a sudden you've got your legs open to anyone, eh?"

Andi felt tears well up in her eyes, "fuck off."

"Wait, wait...I didn't mean that."

"What did you mean then?"

"Look, baby," AJ rubbed his thumb against her jaw.

"Stop," Andi said quietly as her chin trembled at his touch.

"What you have with me is something Nick will never be able to give you." AJ whispered caressing his hand on her breast.

"You're an asshole." Andi pulled away and ran off to find Nick.

She pulled away from him and rushed to the place where Nick had parked the Durango. Andi found him sitting on the bumper.

"Hey." She whispered putting her hand on his face.

"AJ's not around, you don't have to pretend to like me." Nick scowled.

"Ouch," Andi muttered retracting her hand and sitting beside him.

"Is that what it was all about? You just wanting to get back at AJ?"

Andi shook her head, "I like you Nick. From the moment you rang my doorbell I had a connection with you. The day you kissed me it was like...I don't know, but-"

"But? But you'd rather fuck AJ and get your heart broken?"

"No, when I came here tonight, I came to spend time with you. When I saw him watching us I wanted to hurt him as badly as he hurt me."

Nick nodded solemnly.

"I care about you Nick." Andi turned to face him.

Nick pulled her face to hers and kissed her gently. He pulled back, smiled and kissed her again. Her mouth opened and allowed his tongue to invade.

Nick ran his fingers through her hair as Andi clung to his t-shirt tightly.

"I don't want AJ." Andrea whispered in Nick's ear.


"I want you."

Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
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