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Chapter Eight

AJ held Monique close as a merengue band played.

"What are you thinking about?" AJ asked her.

"I'm wondering."


"Who you are thinking about."

AJ laughed, "what- you think I'm thinking about Andi?"

"You said it, not me."

"No way. I could care less that she likes Nick. He's my best friend, if he wants my sloppy seconds, more power to him." AJ said looking down at his shoes.

"Uh huh. Well Rual is over by the bar, I'm going to go say 'what's up' to him, so you can stay here and not think about Andi, okay?"

AJ glared and stomped off to his car. AJ leaned his head against the smooth, black exterior of his Mercedes. "I don't even like her," he said aloud to noone.

'I need to get laid.'

AJ hopped in his car and drove off to one of his favorite strip clubs.

"Whas up? AJ's in the house." AJ screeched entering The Black Diamond.

"Hey J, what's up?" Candy, one of the bartenders motioned to him.

"Not much girl, just looking for some fun."

"I think we've got more than you can handle, check out the new girl."

A thin brunette was onstage shaking her shit in a tight leather number. AJ took his place on a stool near the bar to watch her dance. She had a beautiful body,'Andi's got more of a tan, though,' he thought to himself. AJ shook his head disgusted at himself. He drank a few more beers while the dancer, who called herself Mirage finished her erotic dance.


"Who are you?"

"Mirage, well Miranda."

'Andi's friend?' he wondered.

"I'm a friend of Andi's- we met once."

"Right, I remember now. Miranda."

She blushed and sat on the stool next to him.

"Can you keep a secret?" Miranda asked him seductively.


"Noone knows I work here, not even Andi, can we keep it...ya know?"

"I'll do it, but it'll cost you,"

The liqour had passed affecting AJ's judgement and was moving to completely ignoring his conscience.

"Name your price."

"Lapdance, in the champange room."

Miranda whispered in his ear, "I wouldn't have charged you anyway."

Miranda took AJ's hand and led him into a dimly lit room with several couches and chairs. She pushed AJ on the couch and straddled his waist. She slowly unbuttoned his overshirt to reveal his white wifebeater.

"Is this aloud?" AJ asked hoarsely.

"Do you always play by the rules?"

AJ grinned wickedly and Miranda undid his pants.

Miranda took his dick in her mouth and swirled her tongue over the engorged purple head.

"Ya like that dontcha?" She whispered in his ear.

AJ repsonded by pulling her moist g-string off and pulling her onto his shaft.

"Damn AJ, fuck..." she moaned into his collarbone.

Sensing he was about to cum Miranda got off of him and pulled his dick between her tits and began jerking him off.

"Damn, Andi...that feels-" AJ squirted all over Miranda's breasts.

Miranda walked over to a podeum and grabbed a towel to wipe herself off with, "my name's Miranda," she said coldly before chucking the towel at him and walking off.

Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
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