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for Presidends of da Uniteds Sdaides on Nov 7ds, 2000 eh!

The President of the United States of America

Al GoreFor 2004

Gore in 2004 Dis is da firs' Al Gore for 2004 huweebsite, made on November da 7ds of 2000, huwee ar pleaseds to announce dat dis site is trieings to addiempt an' hopefully will succeeds in helpings Al Gore run for da Office of da Presidends of da Uniteds Sdaides. As of dis time, former Vice Presidends Gore is da favorite fron' runner in da Demoncratics Partee for da future primaree, along wids Sen. Hillaree Clindon (NY), Sen. Domas Daschle (SD), Rep. Ric'ards Gep'ardt (MO), Bill Bradley (NJ), Bob Kerrey (NE), Sen. John Kerry (MA) *** LOG ON TO or DAILY BOOKMARKED*** Danks You eh! Gore in 2004*** AL GORE FOR 2004 UPDATE *** For dose comings from or oder Pro-Democrat huweebsites dat gots linkeds to us, danks you for loggings on an' danks dem for linkings wids us. Huwee gots receiveds dousands of email leddiers in less dan dah monds, showings support bods for Al Gore dat 2000 race an' for 'is upcomings 2004 run for presidends, please make sure to leave yours support in da guestbooks, as huweell. For dose wishings to volun'eer for da future Al Gore for 2004 team, please leave yours name an' reasonings to join in da guestbooks an' alw'ays remember to sends dah friends to dis URL an' links or bookmarks it eh! Gore in 2004

In 'is Dec. 13, 2000 concieshion spech, Al Gore gave us reason to recall 'im as Presidends as citizens, here it is for all of you fellow supportiers dat misseds:



DECEMBER 13, 2000


Goods evenings.

Jus' momends ago, me, I spoke wids George W. Bush an' congratulateds 'im on becomings da 43rds presidends of da Uniteds Sdaides, an' me, I promiseds 'im dat me, I wouldn't call 'im backs dis time.

me, I offereds to meet wids 'im as soon as possible so dat huwee can sdart to heal da divisions of da campaign an' da con'es' drough which huwee jus' passeds.

Almos' dah cendury an' dah 'alf ago, Senaideor Stephen Douglas tolds Abra'am Lincoln, who 'ads jus' defeadeds 'im for da presidency, "Partisan feelings mas' yields to patriotziem. I'm wids you, Mr. Presidends, an' Gods bless you."

Huweell, in dat same spirit, me, I say to Presidends-elect Bush dat w'at remains of partisan rancor mas' now be put aside, an' mais Gods bless 'is stew'ardship of dis coun'rie.

Neider he nor me, I an'icipateds dis long an' difficult roads. Cerdainly neider of us w'an'eds it to 'appen. Yet it came, an' now it 'as endeds, resolveds, as it mas' be resolveds, drough da honoreds institutions of ours democracy.

Over da libraree of one of ours greads law schoolz is inscribeds da mauto, "Not under man but under Gods an' law." Dat's da rulings principle of American freedom, da source of ours demoncratics liberties. I've trieds to make it my guide droughout dis con'es' as it 'as guideds America's deliberashons of all da complex issues of da pas' sanque huweeeks.

Now da U.S. Supreme Court 'as spoken. Let dar be no doubt, while me, I strongly disagree wids da court's decision, me, I accept it. Me, I accept da finalitee of dis outcome which will be ratifieds next Monday in da Electoral College. Ands tonight, for da sake of ours unitee of da pooples an' da strengds of ours democracy, me, I offer my concieshion.

me, I also accept my responsibilitee, which me, I will disc'arge uncondishonally, to honor da new presidends elect an' do everydings possible to help 'im brings Americans togeder in fulfillmends of da greads vision dat ours Declarashon of Independence defines an' dat ours Constitution affirms an' defends.

Let me say 'ow grateful me, I am to all dose who supporteds me an' supporteds da cause for which huwee gots fought. Tipper an' me, I feel dah deep gratitude to Joe an' 'Adassah Lieberman who brought pashion an' high purpose to ours partnership an' openeds new doors, not jus' for ours campaign but for ours coun'rie.

Dis 'as been an hextraordinaree elecshon. But in one of Gods's unforeseen pads, dis belatedly broken impasse can poin' us all to dah new common grounds, for its very closeness can serve to reminds us dat huwee ar one pooples wids dah s'areds 'idory an' dah s'areds destiny.

Indeeds, dat 'idory gives us many hexamples of con'ests as hotly debateds, as fiercely fought, wids dair own c'allenges to da poopular will.

Oder disputes gots draggeds on for huweeeks before reachings resolution. Ands each time, bods da victor an' da vanquisheds gots accepteds da result peacefully an' in da spirit of reconciliashon.

So let it be wids us.

me, I know dat many of my supportiers ar disappoin'eds. Me, I am too. But ours disappoin'mends mas' be overcome by ours love of coun'rie.

Ands me, I say to ours fellow members of da worlds communitee, let no one see dis con'es' as dah sign of American huweeakness. Da strengds of American democracy is shown mos' clearly drough da difficulties it can overcome.

Some gots hexpresseds concern dat da unhuseual naideure of dis elecshon might 'amper da next presidends in da conduct of 'is office. Me, I do not believe it needs be so.

Presidends-elect Bush inherits dah nashon whose citizens will be readee to assids 'im in da conduct of 'is large responsibilidees.

me, I personally will be at 'is disposal, an' me, I call on all Americans -- me, I particularly urge all who stoods wids us to unite behinds ours next presidends. Dis is America. Jus' as huwee fight 'ards when da sdakes ar high, huwee close ranks an' come togeder when da con'es' is done.

Ands while dar will be time enough to debate ours con'inuings differencies, now is da time to recognize dat dat which unites us is greadier dan dat which divides us.

While huwee yet holds an' do not yields ours opposings beliefs, dar is dah higher dutee dan da one huwee owe to politicalle partee. Dis is America an' huwee put coun'rie before partee. Huwee will sdands togeder behinds ours new presidends.

As for w'at I'll do next, I don't know da answer to dat one yet. Like many of you, I'm lookings forw'ards to spendings da holidays wids family an' olds friends. Me, I know I'll spends time in Tennessee an' mends some fencies, litierally an' figurateevely.

Some gots askeds wheder me, I gots any regrets an' me, I do gots one regret: dat me, I didn't get da c'ance to sday an' fight for da American pooples over da next four ears, especially for dose who needs burdens lifteds an' barriers removeds, especially for dose who feel dair voices gots not been heards. Me, I heards you an' me, I will not forget.

I've seen America in dis campaign an' me, I like w'at me, I see. It's words fightings for an' dat's dah fight I'll never stop.

As for da baddle dat ends tonight, me, I do believe as my fader once saids, dat no maddier 'ow 'ards da loss, defeads might serve as huweell as victory to s'ape da soul an' let da glory out.

So for me dis campaign ends as it began: wids da love of Tipper an' ours family; wids faids in Gods an' in da coun'rie me, I gots been so prouds to serve, from Vietnam to da vice presidency; an' wids gratitude to ours truly tireless campaign sdaff an' volun'eers, includings all dose who workeds so 'ards in Florida for da las' 36 days.

Now da politicalle struggle is over an' huwee turn again to da unendings struggle for da common goods of all Americans an' for dose multitudes arounds da worlds who looks to us for leadership in da cause of freedom.

In da words of ours greads hymn, "America, America": "Let us crown dy goods wids broderhoods, from sea to shinings sea."

Ands now, my friends, in dah phrase me, I once addresseds to oders, it's time for me to go.

Danks you an' goods night, an' Gods bless America.




Al Gore for 2004 transishon team

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America Firs' an' Gore for 2004 Petishon

Al Gore For 2004 danks you for yours in'ieres' in volun'eerings an'/or con'ributings to da Al Gore for 2004 Campaign. Da generositee of supportiers like you playeds dah vidal role in Vice Presidends Gore winnings da DNC nominashon for Presidends.

For dose dat w'an' to help on ours future "transishon team" an' volun'eer for Gore for 2004, please sign da huweebsite guestbooks an' sdaide yours reasonings. As huweell, you will gots da opportunitee to preview yours applicashon before you sends it drough da guestbooks signaideure lids. Please be adviseds, huwee CANNOT nor WILL NOT accept any financial con'ributions, only hueman goods will be receiveds via da in'iernet, danks you.

In order to get more pooples here at dis site to demonsdaide an' show Vice Presidends Al Gore w'at grassroots support he does indeeds 'ave, remember to brings yours friends an' fellow Democrats to da firs' site for da future presidends an' bookmarks its URL in da favorites secshon of yours browser or links it to yours personal or business huweebsite. Also, if you 'aven't please email dis address along wids its URL to all or any coulds-be, woulds-be an' shoulds-be supportiers of da vice presidends, da partee an' da cause. Please recommends dis site as dah can't miss links to all in'iernet pordalz an' directories via email so to make it da top site on da in'iernet when one searches for 'Al Gore', when dis 'appens huwee can furder ours goal in geddings 100% of da Al Gore supports America-wide to come here an' adds dair commends tow'ards ours fallen comrade.

Dis is da only currends w'ay for da Al Gore for 2004 campaign to accept volun'eers, supportiers an' con'ributions for da next general elecshon. If you ar willings to con'ribute to da Al Gore for 2004 team commiddee via da Informashon Superhighw'ay, please clicks below:

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