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2005: Check out my new MYSPACE Site... it's current.

From 2000-2004

My name is Paul and I'm a teen living in Daytona Florida. Currently I go to Daytona Beach Community's ok I guess. I study music and voice. I also play keyboards and piano.
One day I hope to do something in music, but I have alot of different aspirations. Like....I want to have the worlds largest laser-tag arena. Mention my website and you'll get 4% off tickets. And I want to have an emu and a llama.
I love disney, or, as I put it, old school Disney. That's not to say that I don't enjoy some of the new stuff that comes out, but I don't like the way the company is anymore. They're all about the mighty dollar instead of imagination and quality.

I might get older physically, but I'll always be a Toys R Us kid. I love cartoons and toys and video games and fun stuff, like Blue up there on the top of the page. Bowling is alot of fun too!!! Other Stuff