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My Disney Sign

My Disney Sign

One night just at the end of this last august I got to go to work with my dad. My dad works for a sign company in the Daytona Florida area, and one of their repeat clients is the Walt Disney Company. So for a second time I had the chance to go with him and put up a new sign at the Disney MGM Studios. It's fun to think that I had a part, even a small one, in placement of a sign that thousands, maybe even millions will see. Unfortunately, most of the pictures didn't turn out too well. Cheap film will do that.

This is the sign as it was on the truck bed. Actually, there was two of them, as well as a couple pieces that fit onto it. Some stars, a big walt disney label for the top, and a piece with Hallmark's name on it.
This is a picture taken as the main piece was being lowered onto the case. A regular marquee was in it's place before. The new sign is part of the celebration of Walt Disney's 100th birthday.
Once the main sign was on, I was asked to help with the sign that says Walt Disney to go on the top. I was really nervous. I was being lifted into the air with a really heavy, really expensive sign. This picture, by the way, was taken by an Imagineer that I had the privelege of meeting that night. He designed the signs and was there to watch them go up. I'm the one on the right.
This pic is showing me attaching the Hallmark sponsor sign on. This sign was for an exhibit about Walt Disney called one mans dream. It is located behind the great movie ride on Mickey Avenue.
One other interesting thing that night was that I saw a new commercial being filmed for the new events. The people in it looked so corny. Every time the guy said action, they would get these cheesy smiles on their faces and point up, and bob up and down and clap. It was funny to watch, they did this for hours. It's really neat to be there at night, it's so quiet except for the music they play on the speakers till the wee hours of the morning. We were there from about 9 pm till 4 that morning. It was a long long time, but it was definately worth it.

