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Ah, people, people, people. What are we gonna do with them? Although I don't take too many pictures of people (unless they're not looking or I know them), I've gotten a few to throw in here for you.

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L: Jim chillin' in a park in Boston, waiting for the Sam Adams brewery tour; R: Jim in Newport

L: John and John shaking Jimmy Carter's steel hand in Atlanta; R: My girlfriend Rachel at the observation deck in the Sears Tower

L: Rachel with Squeak on the beach in JAcksonville; R: Rachel hanging out on a bench in Glasgow

L:Jim on the subway in Boston; R: Jim in the Cheers bar, Boston

L: John and Rachel in Toronto; R: John on street in Chicago

L: Mike on bridge in Pittsburgh; R: Mike, Ryan, and Lori on Mount Washington

L: Rachel and Carrie in a cafe in Paris; R: Rachel and Carrie standing along the Seine in Paris

L: Rachel, none too happy with the cold in Eger; R: Rachel beginning her life of street crime in Budapest
