I've got a lot more photographic subjects for this category ever since my girlfriend went nuts and turned into the "Crazy Dog and Cat Lady". She's decided to become a vet and works with the animal shelter in Tallahassee. Consequently, our house is usually over-run with dogs and cats, among other animals. Also, I have a dog in DC that loves to get his picture taken. I think we have more in our house of him than we do of me.
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L: Kayla on top of the fridge; R: Kayla under a table
L: Sasha in the kitchen; R: Sasha up close
L: Squeak, with ears out; R: Squeak laying on the porch
L:Salem not looking too happy at seeing Squeak; R: Salem sitting on top of the aquarium
Maui posing in my desk chair
L: Squeak pre-treat; R: Squeak post-treat
L: Sasha too close to the lens; R: Sasha runnin' at me
Squeak the sophisticate