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Perhaps best known as the birthplace of grunge, this city on the Puget Sound has a lot more than rain and coffee. There is a fairly large downtown section, with a nearby fish market. There are lots of nice parks on the sound and a lot of hills (the whole city seems to be built into a steep incline). Sometimes if it's clear you can see Mt. Rainier in the distance. I was a little disappointed, however, that the monorail only goes between the Space Needle and a mall downtown. I thought it was their subway system.

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L: Alley downtown; R: Skyscraper downtown

L: Monorail tracks leading to the Space Needle; R: Hotel downtown

L: Buildings downtown; R: Some flowers by the Space Needle

L: View of downtown; R: Space Needle

L: Sidewalk downtown; R: Puget Sound and downtown

L: Building downtown; R: Skyscrapers downtown

L: Nations Bank building; R:View from Nations Bank buidling

L: Sprite ad; R: Statue outside church downtown
