Chapter One-Dancing Fool

21-years old and fresh out of college, Terri McLaughlin was looking for what every teacher looked for—the perfect job. Something where she could be creative, help teach people and have fun. Something that was also next to impossible. Since Terri had experience is just about every field of teaching, she was currently a long and short-term substitute teacher in the Orlando, Florida area.

Monday morning came too soon, as Terri slapped her alarm clock. “Stupid piece of machinery…” she grumbled, headed for the shower. 20 minutes later she walked into the kitchen, dressed in a pair of wide-leg black jazz pants and a black tank top.

“Well, don’t you look bright and cheerful this morning.” Danica, her roommate and close friend observed over her cereal.

“Not particularly. Jason and I went out last night, and, well, I didn’t get much sleep.” Terri replied, a dreamily smile playing on her lips.

“Then why are you up this early? It is summer, if you’d like to remember. Teacher’s have summers off. Unlike us people with real jobs.” Danica was a public-relations assistant for a recording company.

“Well, I am working this summer. I’m teaching a beginning dance course at the rec. center. I need the money, and I get to dance. It couldn’t be better.”

Terri riffled through the cabinets until she found the coffee. “Just need my coffee, then I can go.” She started the coffee maker, and went to blow dry her hair.

She was pulling her dark blond curls up in a tight dancers bun as the just as the coffee machine clicked off.

“Why must you always be so organized and efficient? You make me feel so lazy.” Danica groaned as Terri smiled.

“There are 24 useable hours in everyday. I just know how to work it.’ Terri grinned, sipping her hot black liquid.

“If I didn’t know you, I’d swear you were on uppers.” Danica retreated to her room to get ready for the day.

“Hey, Ter?” she called.

“Yes?” Terri was reading through the newspaper, making a mental note of things she wanted to go back and read more carefully later.

“What are you doing tonight?” Danica asked, coming back into the kitchen.

“Watching TV and just bumming around. Jason had to go out of town for a few days. Why?” Terri said, not looking up.

“How much do you love me?” This, however, caused Terri to look at her friend warily.

“Not as much as you think. Why?” Terri’s blue eyes read confusion.

“Well, I told this guy I work with that I’d go out with him tonight, but only if I could bring a friend, cause he’s kind of…creepy, and he said he would bring a friend, too.” Danica looked at her friend pleadingly.

“Nica, I don’t know. You know I hate blind dates. And I have a boyfriend. Whom I love a lot.” Terri said, folding the newspaper up and placing it to the side.

“I know that, and I told Joe that so he could tell his friend. It would be purely friendship. I just need the company, so if I don’t like the way things are going, I have an excuse to leave.” Danica fell to her knees, clasping her hands in front of her. “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease Terri? I’ll owe you.”

“Yeah, you’ll owe me big time for this one. What time are we meeting them?” Terri said, stretching before she stood up.

“We have to be at the Pub at 8.” Danica said, dancing around the kitchen triumphantly.

“Just remember, Nica, you owe me huge for this one.”

Terri walked into the designated dance room of the rec. center. One wall was entirely made of mirrors, and a few ballet bars were pushed against the opposite wall. She really wasn’t sure how many people signed up to take the class, but she did know they would all be between 18 and 30 years old. Terri set her dance bag in one of the front corners, and leaned up against the mirror, watching people enter the room. The class so far was mostly women in their early 20’s. There were a few men scattered about. One caught Terri’s eye as he sauntered up to her.

“Hi, how are you?” He asked, smiling at her.

“Fine, thank you, and yourself?” Terri smiled back, politely. She didn’t want this guy getting the wrong idea.

“Better now that I’ve found you.” He said the line with such bravado and a huge cheesy grin that Terri burst out laughing.

“Oh, that was classic, simply classic.” She stammered in-between giggles.

“Did it work?” the young man asked, hopefully.

“No, I’m sorry. I don’t go for the cheesy pick-up lines.” Terri said, an amused smile playing on her lips.

The man shrugged. “It was worth a shot. I’m Chris, by the way.” He extended his hand, brown eyes smiling.

“Terri. Nice to meet you.” She glanced at her watch after shaking hands with him.

“Teachers late. It’s probably some fruit who got caught up with his boyfriend. Now we all have to wait around for him to show up eventually.” Chris said, sighing and leaning up against the wall.

Terri gave him an icy look. “If you’ll excuse me.” She walked to the center of the room.

“Okay, can I have everyone’s attention?” She called. Chris stared at her, bewildered. She wasn’t going to tell everyone what he just said, was she?

“My name’s Terri, and I’m going to be your teacher for this class. So, if you could all spread out facing me, we can get started.” She glared at Chris, who was frozen against the wall. “That means you, too, buddy.”

Chris walked dejectedly to the back of the room as Terri started warming up the class.

It was early afternoon when Terri finally was able to get to her apartment again. After class, Chris had tagged behind her, apologizing and begging her to talk to him. He followed her to her car, and almost drove after her. She just didn’t want to deal with an ignorant guy like that. After class, Terri had to run errands before she was able to go rest. The class itself had been a good work out for her, showing just how long it had been since she last danced.

Growing up, Terri had taken class after class of ballet, jazz, tap, modern dance, anything and everything dance-related. In college, she found most of her time eaten up by classes, work and a scant social life, but the passion for dance had never left her. Now, being able to dance for two hours a day, Terri was in heaven. Very sore, but in heaven.

Danica was dancing around the apartment when Terri emerged from her long bath.

“What’s gotten into you?” Terri asked, stretching out on the couch.

“I change my mind. I think I like this Joe dude. Look what he sent me.” Danica produced a bouquet of pink roses, inhaling the scent deeply as she spun around the room.

“Good, then I don’t need to go tonight?” Terri said, closing her eyes.

Danica stopped mid-twirl. “Of course you need to be there! I still don’t know this guy all that well. Plus, his friend would feel like such a third wheel if he had no one to talk to. Plus, he could still turn out to be a real creep, so I might need an escape.”

"Nica, you’re so lucky I’m here. Who else would put up with this from you?” Terri draped her arm across her eyes, attempting to take a short nap before having to go out tonight.

“No one, dahling, no one. Which is why you are my best friend.”

“Yeah, pretty much.” Terri said, letting sleep overcome her.

Terri felt her nose itch. She scratched it, brushing away something soft. It came right back, tickling her nose more. Terri opened her eyes, and found Danica looking back at her, feather duster in hand.

“Wakey wakey time, Sleeping Beauty.” Danica said, standing up. “Time to get ready to play with me. And Joe and his friend.”

“I’m thrilled.” Terri mumbled, walking towards her bedroom to change.

By the time she emerged, Danica was sitting on the sofa in black pants and a sparkly top. Terri had donned a sundress that was gathered to the bust line, then flowed around her. A pair of sandals with straps that laced up her legs added another inch to Terri’s already long legs.

“Looking good, Ter.” Danica said, standing up. “Ready to go?”

“Are you sure you need me there?” Terri asked, pouting.

Danica sighed and grabbed her friend by the arm. “Yes, so let’s go!”

The car ride was spent with Terri grilling Nica about her mystery date. By the time they arrived at the Pub, Terri knew exactly what she had known when she got in the car. Nothing.

“Let’s go!” Danica said, unbuckling her seat belt and hopping out of the car. Terri followed, albeit slower, and the two girls entered the dim, smoky bar. The Pub was the meeting place for 20-somethings all over Orlando. It was crowded as usual, so Terri just hung onto Danica’s hand as she pulled Terri through the throngs of people.

“I see him!” Danica shouted over the din of people and music.

“Woo.” Terri muttered under her breath. Danica finally came to a stop in front of a small corner table. Terri studied her hands and Danica said hello to Joe.

“You just had to get the table all the way in the back, didn’t you?” Danica teased, sitting down.

“So sorry, love. I just thought it would be more private.” Joe smiled at the energetic girl.

“It’s okay. Anyway, this is my friend Terri I was telling you about.”

Terri looked up at the mention of her name, plastering on a smile and shaking hands with Joe.

“Nice to meet you. This is my friend, Chris.”

Terri turned to look right into the eyes of the same Chris from dance class earlier that day.

Chapter Two

Chapter Index

Story Index