...prologue and chapter one...


“This is it.” Aislinn closed her eyes as she walked towards the bulletin board. It was spring of her senior year, and the cast list for her last high school play had been put up moments ago. For the past four years Aislinn had been working her way up, from understudy, to extra, to supporting parts. This was it, and hopefully this would be her moment to shine.

Aislinn slowly opened her eyes. She scanned the list, starting at the bottom and working her way up. There, at the top across from the role of Lilli Vanessi in Kiss Me Kate was her name. Aislinn blinked a few times before letting a wide grin spread slowly from ear to ear.

“I did it,” she whispered as more students came to check the cast list. Aislinn hardly heard the congratulations fellow drama students gave her as she turned away and tore down the hallway. She hardly slowed down before jumping on the back of her long-time friend and boyfriend, Paul Dirkit.

“What the hell!” He yelled. “There is a wild monkey on my back!” he playful tried to pull Aislinn’s hands off his shoulders. After a few minutes of struggling, Aislinn released her grip and slid down.

“I’m guessing this is good news…” Paul grinned.

“I got it. Lilli. My dream part.” Aislinn spun around and fell backwards into Paul's arms. He bent down slightly, placing a light kiss on Aislinn‘s lips.

“Good job, Monkey. I’m proud of you,” he smiled, pushing Aislinn into standing position.

“I can’t believe it. Four years of hard work, paid off, finally.” Aislinn closed her eyes, wrapped up in the bliss of the moment. She felt Paul’s arms snake around her waist, and leaned slightly back into him.

“How about you meet me at my car in the beginning of lunch and we cut this day short and go celebrate,” Paul whispered into her ear.

Aislinn turned around, giving her boyfriend a disapproving look. “I know it’s a Friday, but I can’t ditch class because you have spring fever, Paul.”

"Aww, c’mon Monkey,” he pouted. “All you have after lunch is study hall and health, and I know for a fact that you have a sub in health today. It’s not like you need to worry about grades or anything, either. You’ve already been accepted to NYU.” Aislinn smiled. “I never can resist that pout and those green eyes.”

“You haven’t said no to me since we were 4. I wanted to use your doll as the kidnapped princess and have m GI Joe’s rescue her, and you never would let me.” Paul smiled down at the face he knew so well.

Aislinn giggled. “And you still can’t.”

The bell rang, and Aislinn and Paul kissed quickly before going their separate ways.

Aislinn slid into her seat in calculus a nanosecond after the late bell rang.

“I know it’s spring of senior year, Ms. Anoki, but I would appreciate it if you would still be on-time for my class.” Her sharp-voiced calc teacher said, sliding her glasses down the bridge of her nose to fix her gaze on Aislinn.

“Yes Mrs. Horus. I’m sorry. The cast list for the musical went up today, and I got caught in the crowd.” Aislinn smiled benevolently.

“I’m sure. Don’t let it happen again.” Mrs. Horus looked at her suspiciously.

“I won’t.” Aislinn flashed another winning smile. When Mrs. Horus turned to write the days assignment on the board, Aislinn felt a tap on her shoulder. She knew it was Tarika, a good friend of hers.

“Nice save, Linn,” she whispered, keeping an eye on Mrs. Horus.

“Thanks, Tari. I got the part,” she whispered back.

“I saw. I’m in the chorus.” Tari said, as Aislinn nodded.

“Tarika and Aislinn, would you like to share your conversation with the rest of the class?”

“I really don’t think they’d be interested.” Tari said, nonchalantly.

Mrs. Horus glared at Tari. They had gotten off on the wrong foot the first day of class when Tari pronounced the teacher’s name ‘Whore-us’ instead of ‘Or-us’.

“Then stop talking, please.” She snapped and turned back to the chalkboard. Tari rolled her eyes at Aislinn, who in turn giggled silently.

50 minutes later, the bell rang and Tari and Aislinn gather their books to move on.

“So, shall I start calling you Lilli now to help you prepare?” Tari asked, teasing. Aislinn spun the lock on her locker. “Only if you want my ego to be as big as, say, Justin Timberlake’s,” she replied, nodding to the poster hanging inside Tarika’s locker.

“You know nothing about him.” Tari pointed out. “I mean, he could be the most humble guy ever.”

“Tarika, honestly. If you had that much money, fame and power, would you be humble?” Aislinn asked, slamming her locker.

Tari pretended to think hard. “Hell no,” she grinned. “Just like you’ll be in a few years, Linn. A Tony-winning, or hell, Oscar-winning actress.”

“Right. Keep dreaming.” Aislinn replied as the girls walked to chorus.

“There’s my star!” Mr. Lycoris excalimed as Aislinn and Tari walked into the room.

“Hi Mr. Lycoris.” Aislinn grinned. He had always been her favorite teacher, and Aislinn strongly suspected it was Mr. Lycoris’ recommendation that helped push her into NYU. He was alum of the school.

“Ready to start rehearsals Monday?” He asked, playing a melody on the piano.

“Of course. I think this musical is going to be the best ever.” Aislinn grinned as she took her seat.


5 Years Later

Aislinn pulled her coat tighter around her body. She fought against the windy New York City day on her way to yet another addition. She arrived at the run down theater and wrote her name on a clipboard hanging in the lobby. As Aislinn re-read the script, she looked at the other actors auditioning. Most looked like girls her age, and she imagined their lives could be interchanged and still be exactly the same.

Aislinn thought about the time that had passed since graduation. It was 2004, and Aislinn had been living in the city for about 3 years. She remembered the terrible months after her freshman year at NYU started. The news, and the eventual death…NYU became a forgotten plan as Aislinn went home to grieve and try to cope with what Paul had left her. She had moved to the city to pursue acting and get away from the whispers in her small town.

The past three years had been an uphill battle, and Aislinn lived from paycheck to paycheck, trying to get her big break.

“Aislinn Anoki.” A crisp voice called from the inner depths of the theater.

This part was one Aislinn really wanted to get. The character was a lot like her. Aislinn felt this play had a good chance of making it to Off-Broadway, and maybe even all the way. She was going to give it her all.

Aislinn was called back, and then was told she had gotten the part. She celebrated by buying a cheap bottle of champagne and drinking it in her apartment with her cat.

Rehearsals started the next week. The cast seemed nice, and the director knowledgeable. Aislinn was feeling positive about the play when she started to get sick. Night sweats, nausea, fevers and chills plagued her until Aislinn was forced to dorp out of the production. The people at a near-by clinic gave her a different medication and told her to rest for awhile. Apparently her old meds had stopped working.

The months dragged by. Aislinn got a small part in an Off-Broadway production. One night after a show, a stagehand told her she had a visitor. Aislinn wondered who it was as she scrubbed off her stage make-up. She had lost contact with her friends and family from back home, and knew almost no one in the city.

“Aislinn Anoki?” a voice asked from behind her as she walked into the lobby. Aislinn turned to see an older gentleman, perhaps in his late 50’s, with brown hair that had spots of silver, and kind blue eyes.

“Yes. And you are…?” Aislinn looked at him suspiciously.

“Gregory Duscha. I’m a producer and I saw you perform tonight. You were amazing, and I don’t believe that no one has discovered you earlier.”

Aislinn was taken aback. These were the last words she expected to hear from his mouth.

“Would you like to go get some coffee and talk? I have a proposition for you.” Mr. Duscha smiled again at the wide-eyed look Aislinn gave him as she nodded.

“There’s a 24-7 coffee place not far from here.” Aislinn said, pulling on her coat.

“After you, then.” Mr. Duscha said, holding open the theater door.

A few minutes later they were settled in a back booth, two mugs of steaming coffee on the table.

“You said you had a proposition for Mr., Mr. Duscha.” Aislinn started as soon as the two had received their drinks.

Mr. Duscha chuckled. “You certainly waste no time. And, please, call me Gregory.”

“Alright, Gregory. And I’m direct. I’ve found that too many people dance around the topic and waste my time. I like to get to the point, so it they idea is no good, I can leave.”

Gregory smiled again. “You remind me of someone…Anyhow, that is neither here nor now. A few months ago, a good friend of mine died. I was looking through her papers, and came across a musical that a friend of hers, Jonathan Larson, had written. Jonathan died in 1996, and left everything for the show with my friend. She never got the backing for it, but I have. I would like to produce it, and I think you would be a good addition to the cast.”

Aislinn nodded. “What’s the name of the show? And what’s it about?”

“It’s called RENT, and it’s about a group of bohemians, some with AIDS, some with drug problems, all living in New York City. It takes place over the course of a year. I have you in mind for the part of Mimi, a drug-addict with AIDS who falls in love.”

Aislinn choked on her coffee. “Me?” she asked, still coughing a bit. She felt her heart rate quicken.

Gregory laughed at her excitement. “Yes, you. I think you are the perfect Mimi. You have the look, the attitude and the voice. I take it you’re interested?”

“Oh, yes, very, thank you Gregory. What do I have to do?”

“Well, you’ll need to audition for the director and the other producer, probably with our Roger, but with my support and you’re talent, it shouldn’t be a problem.” He paused to look at his watch. “I should be getting back to my hotel now. I’ll leave a script, some sheet music and directions to the theater at the front desk for you. Stop buy and pick them up tomorrow, if you can. Will the day after tomorrow, say, around 2pm be good for your audition?”

“Yes, that’s fine, thank you. This is amazing.” Aislinn said, her eyes shining.

“See you in a couple days. I know you’ll wow them.” Gregory said as he placed some money on the table and bowed slightly to her before leaving the diner.

Aislinn looked at her reflection in the window. She smiled like she hadn’t in 5 years. Aislinn grabbed her coat and raced back to her apartment.

...chapter two...

...stories index...