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Pet Shops
Dog Prices
Killer's Page!!

Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

  1. Who is the creator of this site?
  2. Are you a breeder/ dog expert?
  3. How can I teach my dog to...
  4. I love your dog Killer! he's so cute!
  5. Are Yorkies hard to take care of?
  6. Can I suggest something to you for the site?

Who is the creator of this site?

I am just another concerned animal lover! I'm not a breeder or anything, I just wanted to make a site to help others understand what I did not understand when I got my Yorkie and Lhasa (mainly about puppy mills and how pet shops support them).  Unfortunately, I bought my puppy from a pet store, not knowing the truth.  When I bought my Yorkie and Lhasa Apso from a pet shop I did not know what I was doing... My Yorkie had "Kennels Cough" and was sick for 2 months & my Lahsa was deaf.... They were sick because they both came from Puppy Mills.... Pet Shops support Puppy Mills.... I vowed to do something that might help others.  I wanted puppy owners not to go through all the heart ache I went through.  Therefore, I came up with this information web site for new "wanna-be" dog owners.

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1.Are you a breeder or dog expert?

No, I have no formal training regarding dogs.  

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2.I love your dog Killer! he is so cute!

stay tuned... lots of new pics coming!

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4. Are Yorkies hard to take care?

Oh yes! don't be fooled by the small size.  Killer has to be showered 3 times a week (he has very sensitive oily skin) he has to be brushed twice a day (his hair can get knotty),  Small dogs tinkle (pee) about 10 times a day! so if you don't have a backyard you have to paper train them ( I don't recommend crate training. crate training for small dogs can be harsh because they pee so much in one day and they can't hold it in loonngg periods of time stuck in cage).  Crates are great for them to sleep in though (max 8hrs)! They are very hard to potty train!  They also (believe it or not) like to start trouble with big (and I mean BIG dogs).  They can be very bossy and they tend to bark a lot when someone is near or around their territory (the house). Be careful with landlords and neighbors!

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How can I teach my dog to...

I'll help you out if I can, if not i'll ask an expert to volunteer suggestions!

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Can I suggest something to you for the site?

Of course! that is very very important to me! Your voice will be heard! :)

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Revised: April 13, 2002 .