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Pet Shops
Dog Prices
Killer's Page!!

When I bought my Yorkie and Lahsa Apso from a pet shop I did not know what I was doing... My Yorkie had "Kennels Cough" and was sick for 2 months & my Lahsa is deaf....  They were sick because they both came from Puppy Mills.... Pet Shops support Puppy Mills....  please read my "pet shop" section to learn more....

How much will a dog cost me?

Did you know 40% of all dogs who end up in shelters are purebred?? You may find your new dog at your local shelter!!

You think buying from a breeder is expensive? Puppy's from Pet stores have really bad health issues, and in fact OVER CHARGE for their unhealthy dogs to make profit.   Very rarely does a dog from a pet shop not have any sicknesses.  Are you willing to take that chance?  Here are some things you should evaluate:

 Is it worth buying from a Pet shop and then having an unhealthy dog? 
How expensive will those vet bills be?  
or better yet... will I be willing to spend hundreds of dollars on the dogs health issues? 
 How  happy will my family be with a sick dog or what if it dies soon after you buy it ?
Breeders have written guarantees on their dogs for at least one year, Most pet shops have "no return" policy OR you can return them in 3 days maximum.  Will I know ALL the health issues of that dog in three days?
Am I willing to support animal abuse in order to (perhaps) save some money?
If I have a concern regarding my dog, will the pet shop help me with my questions and concerns?  (The pet shop I got my two dogs from refused to help me with my concerns, gave the me the name of the "so called" breeder where they bought my two dogs from, and when I wrote the "breeder" the breeder NEVER contacted me.)

Here are some links to help you in your decision:


VetCentric: Pet Lemon Laws
An overview of consumer laws protecting consumers who purchase sick or genetically defective pets and whether the laws work or not.

New Hampshire Consumer Protection: Pets
An overview of the law that applies to pet acquisitions whether purchases, adoptions, or gifts, and methods of resolving disputes.

Puppy Lemon Laws
Overviews of the laws in several states, with pros and cons of each.


New York State Lemon Law for Dogs and Cats
Information about a law protecting consumers who purchase a sick dog or cat from a pet store or breeder.


FVMA: The Pet Lemon Law Brochure
An overview of Florida's pet lemon law which covers the sale of dogs and cats and options consumers have for resolving problems.