"I can't believe we're finally out," Madison exclaimed.

"It's only for a week," Callie reminded her.

"But still, I feel like I've been waiting for Spring Break forever," Madison ran her fingers through her thick red hair and rolled her window down.

Callie giggled, "I guess so. Will you put that up? I hate having wind in my face." Madison lit a cigarette and rolled the window up an inch.

Callie glared at her. She looked back over at the road and two red brake lights were staring her in the face.

"Shit!" Callie's tires screeched on the pavement into an old Taurus. "I bet this bitch doesn't even know what insurance is..."

Callie got out and straigtened out the lavender tank top she was wearing and walked up to the Taurus' driver side window. "I'm going to pull over so we are out of the way of traffic." The driver nodded and the gold Taurus pulled into the gas station on the corner.

"Great. This is a fabulous way to start my vacation."

"Was he hot?"

"Madison...I don't know. Who cares."

Callie pulled her new blue Lancer that her father had bought her for graduation into the old Texaco station.

She stepped out careful to make sure the gas wasn't touching her new leather sandals. The guy stepped out of his car, about 6 foot tall, shaggy brown hair almost covering his eyes. He was covered in grease and oil.

"Look, I'm sorry I ran into you, just tell me what you want and I will do it. I don't want to involve my insurance," she rushed.

The guy stared at his car for a few seconds,"I don't even think you hurt my car," he finally said in a rough voice.

"Oh..." Callie glanced nervously in the direction of his Taurus where a blue line was signaling a dent.

"I would watch where you're going. A princess like yourself might not be so lucky next time."

She frowned as he climbed back into the ugly gold Taurus and pulled out of the gas station. Her Lancer had tiny scratch of his gold paint on her bumper. She ignored it and climbed back into the car. She put the belt over her chest, "I don't know what that guy's problem was," she said putting the key in. She looked over at Madison who was flipping through a magazine.

"Madi? Hello?"

Madison looked up, "Yeah?"

"Nevermind." Callie pulled out onto the road.

"Sorry, Cal, what happened- is he going to sue you or something?"

"No, I don't think so. He just said some bitchy comment about me being a princess and got in his car. What the hell does he know about me?"

"Why are you letting this bother you?"

"I'm not." Callie turned the radio up and the two drove the rest of the way in silence.


"Can I ask you something?"

Callie's boyfriend, Justin, rolled over on the bed and smiled, "anything."

"Would you describe me as being...princessy?"

Justin laughed. "Princessy? No...snobby and self-centered maybe- definitely not princessy."

"Are you serious?"

"No. You're a wonderful person, Cal. Why would you ask something like that?"

She got out of the bed, "no reason."

"Where are you going?"


She emerged and climbed back into the bed between the creme satin sheets. Justin leaned over and kissed her collarbone.

"I love you, Cal."

She smiled. "I know, I love you." He kissed her nose and rolled over.

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