Callie blinked slowly for the first time that morning. Rays of spring sunlight immediatly blinded her as she removed herself from Justin's arms. She stretched and yawned before heading to the kitchen.

She debated on whether or not to shower at his place or hers but opted to go home. She scrawled a note to him on a spare piece of paper and left it on his counter.

Quietly letting herself out, she manuevered to her car and sped off to get home.

She unlocked the door to her loft that overlooked the city. The curtains on the windows were closed and the number 2 was blinking in red on her answering machine.

She pulled open the curtains and pressed the button on the machine.

"Message 1: Hey Callie, it's Madison. I guess you're not in, so give me a call when you are."

"Message 2: Callie, it's dad. Please call me when you get in. I would appreciate it."

Callie picked up the cordless phone and dialed the familiar number.

"Anderson residence."

"Hello Suzette, is daddy avaliable?"

"Sure, let me get him for you."

Suzette was the family maid and had been as long as Callie could remember.

"Hello?" Her father's strong, masculine voice boomed over the telephone wire.

"Hi daddy. You called?"

She could hear him inhale deeply. "I think you need to get those change of address forms into school, don't you?"

"I've been meaning to, but I didn't think it was a big deal."

"Well, it is if you don't want me to see your grades."

'Shit' she cursed to herself.

"Look, Cal... I've donated a lot of money to UCLA so you could benefit, but frankly I don't see you making much of an effort." Callie ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. "If your grades don't straighten up you can look forward to leaving the loft and moving back into the house."

"But that's not fair."

"I don't see you paying for it. You knew the deal. You don't have to get a job or pay rent as long as you get good grades. But when you fail to uphold your end of a deal, then consequences ensue."

She hated when her father spoke to her like a client but she complied, "I will do better next semester, I promise."

She hung up with her father and went into the bathroom for a shower. After, she wrapped the soft, tan terry towel around her body and stepped out into the cool hallway. She could hear her cellphone ringing and rushed to answer it.


"You sound out of breath."

"Yeah, I just got out of the shower."

"You could've showered here."

"Justin...I just needed to be home. Ok?"

"Are we on for dinner tonight?"

"Sure." She answered drying her hair in the towel.

"I'll see you at 7?"


"I love you."

"You too, bye."

She pressed end and walked into her bedroom. Her soft chiffon comforter was calling to her but she ignored it and walked to her armoire. She pulled out a yellow halter top and paired it with her white capris.

Her hair was still wet, so she scrunched it into tons of curly waves.

She coated her lashes in mascara and applied some lip gloss. She reached for her phone and dialed Madison's number. There was no answer.

Callie glanced at the clock. '12:00, what to do?' She grabbed her car keys and headed outside. She opened the door to the car and stepped in. Madison had left her magazines sitting on the seat. Callie grabbed one and flipped through. She marked a few pages and then started the car.

She headed toward the mall.

"Welcome to Armani Exchange. Can I be of service to you?"

Callie opened the magazine and pointed to a dress, "I would like to see this dress."

"You are a 5?"

"You're new here aren't you?" The woman nodded. "3."

"Of course," the saleswoman hurried toward a rack in the corner of the store. Callie waited on the plush couch in front of a dressing room.

"Here it is ma'am. $4000."

"Is that all?" Callie stepped into the dressing room and pulled the dress over her body. The light blue top clung to her body while the cascading bottom accentuated her behind. She imagined the jewelry that would be necessary and pulled the dress off.

"I would like to purchase this."

The salesclerk looked pleased and took the dress to the back and placed a garment bag around it.

"Cash, check or charge?"

"Charge," Callie pulled out her father's charge card and watched as the clerk swiped it through. She tapped her perfectly manicure fingers on the glass counter. She heard a beep and the clerk frowned.

"I'm sorry ma'am. This card has insufficient funds. Would you like to try another method of payment?"

Callie felt heat rush to her cheeks,"no...I'll be back, please hold that dress for me. Callie Anderson."

She rushed out of the store frantically searching for an ATM. She saw a line for one and waited impatiently behind a scruffy guy.

She sneezed and the guy turned around, "bless you- well look who it is."

Callie looked up and saw the owner of the ugly Taurus.

"What's princess at the mall for? A new crown?"

Callie ignored him and tapped her foot on the marble tile.

"Can't talk?"

"I can,"

"Ah. You just don't want to."

"I don't see anyone worth talking to."

"Ouch, you know. You could be nicer to me."

"I could."

"After all. Your chariot put a dent in my car. Remember?"

"All to well. It's your turn."

The man stepped up to the atm and extracted some money. "See you around."

She pushed passed him and started to put her card into the machine. She noticed that he had left his reciept. Curiously she looked at the amount he withdrew, '$5,000.'

Confused, she entered her pin number and waited anxiously. In seconds the ATM beeped and the words 'insufficient funds' glared at her from the screen. She grabbed her card and stormed out of the mall.

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