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Callie felt her eyelids flutter open slowly revealing a bright light. 'Is this that damn tunnel?' She thought to herself.


"Mrgfa," she groaned incoherently. She blinked twice before realizing who was leaning over her.

"Am I in hell?" She mumbled.

Ashton laughed and set a glass of water on the table beside her. She reached over and brought the glass to her lips. They felt chapped and she could tell that there was a gash in her bottom lip.

"How you feeling?" Ashton asked her.

"How am I feeling?" She set the water glass down. "I feel like shit."

"Honesty. I like it."

"What are you doing here?"

Ashton stood up and pointed to his uniform, "candy striper, graveyard shift."

"Of course."

She rolled over, "How's Madison?" She asked suddenly.

"She's fine. Bumps, bruises. You know how that goes."

Callie nodded and shut her eyes.

"Do you need anything?" Callie opened one eye, "sleep."

He got the hint and left the room closing the door quietly behind him.

"Is there anything he doesn't do?" Callie muttered before closing her eyes.

In what felt like seconds later to Callie, she heard whistling. She opened her eyes to see Ashton sitting beside her with a grin on his face.

"I hate you." She groaned empathetically before pulling a pillow over her face.

"I'm starting to sense that."

Ashton could barely hear the "what do you want?" that came from beneath the white hospital pillow.

"I thought you might want to know that Madison is awake."

Callie pulled the pillow off of her head. Strands of her light brown hair hung in her eyes. Without thinking Ashton leaned over her and pushed the hair out of her eyes.

"Callie!" Callie jerked her head away from Ashton's hand and looked in the doorway where Madison was leaning against the frame.

"Madster. Come in, join the party."

Madison smiled and walked over to the bed. She sat on the edge and looked over at Ashton.

He looked back at her as if to say "What?"

"We're fine, we'll buzz you if we need anything," she paused looking for a nametag of some kind, "Aston."

"It's AsHton, actually."

He stood up and glanced at Callie before closing the door.

"How are you feeling?" Madison asked.

"How are you?"


"There ya go."

"You'd think that after an accident like that you'd give the attitude a rest."

Callie smiled, "you would think that, wouldn't you?"

"So, have you had any hot doctors over here?" Madison laying down on the bed.

"Nah. I haven't really noticed anyone, besides Ashton."

"You're on first-name basis with the candy stripper?"

"Remember the Taurus I hit awhile back?"

Madison nodded.

"He owns the Taurus. It seems like everywhere I go, I run into him."

"Is that good?"

"I'd rather run over him."

"Ouch" Madison laughed.

"When do we get out of here?"

Madison looked over at the clock. "As soon as the doctor finishes the release papers."

Callie sat up in the bed. Her clothes were nowhere to be found. "Where are my clothes?"

Madison shrugged. "Well, I'm going to go back to my room and have the nurse get me some more painkillers before we leave. It's Room 212. So, whenever you're ready, you can just come over there." Madison got off the bed and walked slowly to the door and out of Callie's sight.

Callie stood up and winced at the pain in her leg. She looked down at the bruises and shook her head, "there goes all my spring wardrobe."

She stood up, the hospital gown was tied in back and it hurt her arms to untie it.

As if he were waiting to come to her aid, Ashton entered the room.

"Need some help?"

"Unfortunately." She put her arms down at her side, while Ashton untied the string around her neck and waist. His hands lingered on her waist.

"Thanks," she grumbled holding the gown on with her hands.

"Anytime." He started to leave, but as he got to the door he heard a pout from behind him.


"Where are my clothes?" The brunette wimpered leaning against the wall.

He smiled, "they probably were beyond repair, I'll get you something, ok?"

She nodded and made her way back to the bed.

Ashton returned momentarily holding a pair of blue sweats. "Here ya go."

"How fashionable." She took the sweats from him and waited. She cleared her throat. Ashton realized she wanted some privacy, so he walked outside the door.

Callie pulled the gown off her swollen body and pulled the sweatshirt on. Standing up slowly, she managed to get the pants on before Madison walked in the door.

"What's taking you so long?" Madison complained.

"Look we match." Callie commented, ignoring her.

"Let's get out of here, I hate hospital."

"Okay Maddy-Smart-Ass. Did you call someone to come get us?"


"Is the car okay to drive?"


"Well then, I'm going to lay back down and whenever you find a way for us to get home, and don't even think of calling a cab, you let me know."

Madison rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. Seconds later the door reopened.

"You didn't even find us a ride home that soon." Callie rolled over and was face to face with her father.