The Taurus pulled into the Spring Palms apartment complex. "Is this it?" Ashton asked as Callie looked up at the building number.

"Yup. Thanks." He didn't even have the car in park when she reached to unlock the door.

He pushed his foot on the brake and watched as she quickly unlatched the door and stepped out onto the blacktop.

"Tomorrow, after 12."

Callie looked confused.

"Your car... You can pick it up after 12."

"Thanks. See ya then."

She grabbed her purse off the seat and walked briskly up to the building. He watched her as she climbed the steps and never turned back. Ashton pulled out of the parking lot and drove off.

Callie knocked on Justin's door for 2 minutes solid before her annoyance took over. She reached over to the hanging plant to her right and pulled out Justin's spare key.

She unlocked the door and was suprised to find the living room empty. She shut the door quietly and walked into the room. Justin's shirt and boxers were crumpled up next to the couch. 'So much for laundry' she thought picking them up. Underneath lay a pair of pink satin panties.

Callie's faced grew hot and she sat on the couch. She shook her head and rubbed her temples. Then she heard it.

"Justin! I think someone's here." It was a women's voice.

"No, lay back down."

Callie inched closer to the bedroom door.

"Really. I think someone's in the apartment."

"Shhh... baby. I'll protect you."

Callie opened the door slowly, "and you're going to need a lot of protection."

Justin jumped out of the bed knocking the girl off of the opposite side.

"Cal? What are you doing here?" Ignoring him, she walked up to the girl who was desperatley trying to cover her naked flesh.

"I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt--"

"Cal..." Justin started.

"Shut up."

She looked the girl in the eye and repeated herself, "I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you must've thought all these pictures of me were pictures of his sister and that's why you slept with him. You wouldn't have if you knew he was with someone, would you?"

The girl shook her head nervously.

"Then duck."

Callie bent down grabbed the baseball bat that Justin kept under the bed in case of an emergency and swung it into the t.v. that was sitting on his armoire.

"Wha-what are you doing with the bat?" Justin asked as calmly as he could.

"Wha-what am I doing?" She smashed his rookie of the year trophy on the sideboard near the door.

"I'm sure you can guess."

She walked calmly into the living room and toward the huge mirror.

"Callie. Let's talk about this. Sit down and we can explore your feelings."

She swung the bat against the mirror and watched as the pieces shattered unto the floor.

She dropped the bat at her feet, "Nah, I'm good. That was enough therapy for me."

She stormed out of the apartment and down the stairs. Ashton must've left along time ago, she realized and started to walk toward the clubhouse in his complex. She quickly dialed Madison's number.

"Hello?" Madison answered.


Madison noticed the sniffling on the line. "Cal? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, listen. I know you're busy but Justin was cheating and I broke his stuff and I don't have a car."

She started to sniffle more and was barely audible.

"Where are you?"

"Justin's." Callie stuttered struggling not to cry.

"Give me 15 minutes, I have to get the kids in the car."

"Alright." Callie hung up the phone and sat on a bench and looked up at the dark sky. The sun was barely peaking out from the horizon and she couldn't help but be disgusted by it's beauty.


"Baby you're all that I want, when you're lying here in my arms- baby it's hard to believe, we're in heaven..."

The music blared off the speakers at Callie's favorite nightclub, Rhapsody.

"I'm glad you decided to come out tonight!" Madison shouted over the music as she and Callie headed toward the bar stools.

"Me too."

"Ever since you started working, I haven't seen much of you."

Callie nodded, "Coke on the rocks," she ordered from the bartender, "I know, it's been tough though, Daddy has me completely shut off."

"Root Beer float," Madison ordered. "Yeah, well at least the job's working out for you."

"At least they didn't check those references. You'd think lawyers would be really careful about stuff like that."

Madison laughed, "You'd think."

Callie looked down at her watch, "Wow, it's already 2:30."

"When you first turned 18 we didn't get to the clubs until 2:30."

"I've got work tomorrow." Madison rolled her eyes and pulled Callie onto the dance floor, "one more dance."

"Fine." Callie and Madison danced with two of the guys who'd been staring at them all night.

"I'm Marcus!" The taller guy shouted to Madison.

"Madison" She shouted back.

"You're a very pretty girl."

Madison was glad it was dark, so he couldn't see her blush. As she danced closer she could smell the alcohol from his breath.

"Been thirsty?"

He grinned and pulled her close, "oh yeah."

The song ended and Callie was at her side, "One song. Let's go."

Madison smiled at Marcus and followed Callie outside. The valet brought Madison's new VW Jetta to them and they climbed inside. Madison caught a glimpse of Marcus and his friend climbing into an Excursion behind them.

She looked over at Callie who was spitting on her hand, trying to remove the stamp.

"Not to whig you out, but I think those guys from inside might be following us."

"Madison, don't overreact. Everyone leaves the same way."

"Right." Madison looked nervously into her rearview mirror as she pulled onto the highway.

"I love driving when the roads are empty and the air is cool," Callie told her as she rolled the window down.

Madison ignored her and glanced into her rearview and watched as the Excursion's headlights drew closer to her back end.


Madison looked over. "I've said your name like 20 times. Are you ok?"

Madison nodded and glanced behind her. The lights were blinding in the mirror but vanished as the SUV pulled beside her.

"Where you going sexy?" The guy screamed out the window.

Madison sped up, but the SUV stayed at her side. He sweerved and knicked her backend.

"What is he doing?!" Callie screamed.

"I'm not sure." Madison gripped the wheel tightly.

In an instant she saw the Excursion veering toward her, in the next she saw black.

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