Madison Wright looked around the crowded café, “Damnit, you know the one day when I really need to study and not in my apartment, this place is packed.”

She took a deep breath and looked around the café for somewhere to sit. All seats were filled. Going home was not an option. Her roommate, Callie and her boyfriend were quite distracting, especially when she had a huge test in a week. She sighed and gave up, right then she saw an empty chair, but not at an empty table.

‘Damnit and it has to with Scott’. She could not stand Scott. He and she were definitely not ones to get along. They had a few classes here and there together. But, she knew him and if he saw she was studying maybe he wouldn’t talk.

“Hey Scott,” She smiled down at him. He looked up from the book he was reading.

“Well, well, well, look who it is. How are you Ms. Madison Wright,” he grinned up at her with a goofy look on his face.

“I’m fine Scott, can I sit with you?” She asked, shifting her books from one arm to the other.

“Is this a date?” he asked, still grinning.

“No, it’s two people sitting together because there aren’t any other seats,” She gave him a mock grin.

“Well, I guess this is as close as I’m going to get to a date with you, so go ahead and sit beautiful,” he moved his books so Madison could set hers down. Madison was definitely not one to impress anyone this evening. She looked like she hadn’t slept in days, her short brown hair was pulled into a high pony tail, her face clean of makeup and her wardrobe was just a pair of fitting jogging pants and a tank top to match with her favorite sneakers.

“Do you mind watching my things while I go and get some coffee?” she asked him.

“Sure,” he was still grinning at her.

Sure, Scott was cute. He was tall; about six foot three, with dark hair, almost black that was short and spiked. He wore baggy black jeans and a black wife beater. He was rugged and if Madison had never heard him speak, she would think he was incredibly sexy. But, he only had derogative things to say to her, but then again, being a female at a school where the male to female ratio was a whooping 5 to 1. Sure, there was a great selection of guys, but because of this huge selection, they were constantly hitting on any woman that walked.

Madison glared at him and walked up to the counter and ordered herself a coffee. When she returned to the table, she sat across from Scott and opened her books.

“What are you studying?” he asked, leaning over the table to look at her book.

Madison glared at him, “You know I almost turned and went home, but then I thought you wouldn’t bother me since I was studying, I guess I was wrong.”

“I was just wondering, you don’t have to get all snippy with me,” he leaned back and pretended to be interested in his book. In fact, he had grabbed this table right before Madison walked in the door. He had seen her in the parking lot and rushed to get a table, figuring she would invite herself to sit with him. It was the first book he grabbed and he didn’t even know the name of it. He glanced down and realized he was reading some book about angels.

‘Great, I look like a jackass’, he thought to himself.

Madison began taking notes on her book and reading and rereading page after page. Scott had to pretend that he was extremely interested in his book and not in her. He knew a girl like Madison Wright would never go for a guy like him. She was cute, ambitious, popular, and those types of girls didn’t go for guys like him. He was more interested in drawing and creating cartoons than going to class, he wasn’t popular, at least not with the ‘right’ people, and the only girls who went for him were girls who went for everyone.

He didn’t think Madison was stuck up, sure she could be a smart-ass, but he knew she would never do or say anything to really hurt anyone, ‘I wonder what she would say if I asked her to dinner?’

“I can’t take this anymore,” she sighed and slammed her book shut.

“You ok?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“My life is too stressful, why don’t I just go marry a doctor and never have to worry about working,” she put her head in her hands.

Scott had an urge to reach over the table and brush back her hair that had started to fall out of her ponytail, but he resisted.

“Well, why don’t we go out and get a drink and maybe it’ll help you relax,” he suggested.

“Why? So, you can get me drunk and then seduce me,” she asked narrowing her eyes at him.

He laughed, “I like the way you think Madison, but no, just two friends going out for a drink.”

“I don’t know Scott,” she shrugged and looked at her pile of work.

“Come on, just this once, I promise, I won’t seduce you,” he smiled at her.

“I guess, your car or mine?” she asked.

“Mine, I can handle my alcohol,” he chuckled at her, remembering a scene from a party he was at. Madison was on a table doing a little striptease for a group of drunken guys. It was the closest he would ever see Madison Wright naked.

“I resent that,” she mumbled and gathered her things.

“Here, do you want me to carry your things?” he asked, putting his book bag on his shoulder.

“Uh, sure, thanks,” she gave him a half smile and handed him her books.

The two walked out to Scott’s truck. He opened the door for her, then handed her the books and then got into the truck himself.

“So, anywhere in particular you like to go?” he asked.

“It’s not very often I go out drinking, you know, I’m not really dressed to go out. If we could stop by my apartment, I could change, is that ok?” she asked.

“Uh, sure, where do you live?” he asked, would he mind? Of course not, he would be seen, going into Madison’s apartment. That was a major accomplishment in the lives of the men here , Madison never let guys into her apartment. Of course she hadn’t invited him to come in. It’s not like they were going up to do the nasty. Not that he would mind if they were going up to do the nasty. Only with Madison, it wouldn’t be the nasty, it would be perfect.

“Harbor Apartments,” she replied.

Nice apartments. Her parents must have money.

He went the short distance to the apartments and she directed him to her apartment.

“You can come up and wait if you want,” she offered. YES!

“Ok, cool,” he nodded casually, but inside he was nervous as hell. Why was he so nervous? Because, he’d be so close to Madison and her bed and he didn’t think that would ever happen to him.

Scott followed her up the stairs to apartment number 216 and after she opened the door, he followed her inside.

“Cal, I’m home!” she called. Roommate. Female. Good.

“Already?” a short blonde stumbled out of a bedroom.

“Yeah, but Scott and I are going to go and get some drinks, I’ll be back later,” she told her.

“Oh, cool,” Callie replied and a tall blonde male stumbled out of the same bedroom, wearing only his boxers.

“Baby…” he whined and pulled her to him and they started kissing. Scott looked away embarrassed.

“Come on, I’ll show you my room, you don’t have to watch this while I change,” she giggled and took his arm and he felt every nerve in his body start pounding. She led him to her bedroom.

She had a queen size bed with a black comforter and leopard print pillows decorating the bed. He looked around the room, noticing the repetitive pig figures and stuffed animals. She likes pigs?

“You like pigs?” he asked her.

“Oh, I love pigs,” she exclaimed, closing her bedroom door.

‘Oh sweet Jesus, I’m in Madison’s bedroom, with the door shut, her bed right there’, Scott thought to himself. He cursed himself, feeling his arousal pressing against his pants. ‘Shit’, he thought again, ‘dead puppies, dead puppies, dead puppies’.

She started looking through her closet, trying to decide on something to wear. She pulled out a pair of figure fitting black pants and a red shirt that was tight as her own skin against her and bared her midriff right above her belly button where a decorative ring had a butterfly and a tail with a diamond at the bottom to the tail.

She disappeared into the bathroom and when she came out, Scott sighed, ‘Damn, what did I do that was so right?’

“You look hot,” he told her. Fuck.

“You know before you said that, I was actually starting to tolerate your presence,” she snapped and bent over to grab her shoes. Scott couldn’t help but stare at her ass.

He snapped his attention to her face when she turned around, her shoes in her hand, “Well, you do look hot, would it be better if I said, you looked nice?”

“Yes, I’d feel more like a woman than a whore,” she commented, putting her shoes on. She stood and was still a good foot shorter than Scott.

“I didn’t mean to make you sound like a whore, I’m sorry,” he felt bad for saying that. Why would she think that it made her sound like a whore?

“I know I’m sorry, are you ready?” she asked, grabbing a small black purse.

“Yeah, let’s go,” he agreed and followed her out of the apartment.

“Ok, now take me somewhere that I can get wasted,” she sighed and leaned her head against the back of the seat of his truck.

Scott didn’t know if Madison would like this place, it was run down, but he liked it and him and his friends came there regularly. He pulled into the parking lot of the hole in the wall bar and Madison looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

“What is this?” she asked, squinting at the name graffitied on the wall.

“Tammy’s Liquor House?” she read.

Scott laughed and even blushed a little, “I like it, if you want to go somewhere else, that’s ok with me.”

“No, this is just fine,” she shrugged and after he parked the truck, she got out and waited patiently for Scott to meet her at the front.

She didn’t know why she was out drinking with Scott, she couldn’t stand the man and she had said in the past that if he were the last man on earth and their procreation was the only savior to the human race, she then wouldn’t even do it.

But, so far, he’d been decent and even though he told her she looked hot, she realized he didn’t mean it in a way to get between her sheets. In fact, he didn’t even much say anything to hit on her. She wasn’t used to that, usually if she had been in her room alone with a man, with the door shut, he would’ve said at least one thing about hopping into bed with her instead of going out. She was so far impressed and tolerating Scott.

Scott led Madison into Tammy’s Liquor House, the bar was smoky and smelt like a mix between Jack Daniels and old beer. To Madison’s right there were four pool tables that were filled with redneck, forty something men and to her left was the bar.

“Hey Scotty, how’s it going baby?” asked an older woman from behind the bar. She was short and her long dirty blonde hair was thrown hap-hazardly on the top of her head. She wore a shirt that had a picture of Shania Twain on it and a pair of faded black jeans. Madison looked away uncomfortably.

“Hey Tammy, this is a friend of mine, Madison. Madison, this is the owner or the bar, Tammy,” Scott introduced us. Tammy set down the glass she was drying and held out her hand to Madison.

“Nice ta meet ya,” she grinned, Madison gracefully took her hand in hers and shook it politely.

“Nice to meet you too,” she returned the smile.

Scott sat down at the bar and leaned over and pulled out the stool next to him for Madison. She sat down and set her purse on the bar, next to her.

“Scotch on the rocks,” Scott told her.

“Oh come on, let’s get wasted,” Madison grinned up at him.

“Ok, Tammy, line it up, straight vodka, we want four shots each, to start off with,” Scott ordered Tammy.

Tammy nodded and reached under the bar and started taking out the shot glasses. She lined them up in front of Scott first and then Madison.

“You want a chaser baby?” she asked Madison.

“No, thank you,” Madison replied and grinned at Scott’s shocked face.

“What?” she asked innocently.

“You don’t want a chaser?” he asked.

“No, I’ll be fine,” she grinned and held up the first glass, “No stopping, just keep going until we don’t have any left.”

“Damn,” he breathed and lifted his glass.

The two went down the line, downing the vodka.

“Oh shit, I think I’m going to puke,” Madison gagged on the last shot, but managed to keep it down.

“You ok?” Scott asked.

“You’re still not going to seduce me are you?” Madison smiled at him.

“Another line up?” he asked and she nodded.

Tammy filled their glasses once again with the burning liquid and the two raised the first shot at each other and another four was quickly downed.

“Ok, whoo, that’s hitting me,” Madison exhaled, sitting up straight and then letting out a tiny belch. Scott laughed and shook his head.

“What?” she asked, offended.

“Nothing,” he thought it was cute. He was used to girls he went out with doing the nasty boy stuff, the type of girls he normally went out with were nothing short of trash. But, when Madison did it, it was cute. Scott resisted his urge to lean over and press his lips to hers.

“You know Scott, you’re really, really hot,” she gave him a sexy grin. Her hand snuck around his chair and to the back of his neck. She pulled him close to her mouth and stared into his eyes and then glanced down at his mouth, then back to his eyes.

“I promised I wouldn’t seduce you,” he whispered.

“You’re not, I’m going to seduce you,” she whispered back, her mouthing inching closer to his.

“You don’t have to seduce me,” he told her, his eyes now drifting down to her lips.

“Oh come on, I wanna,” she giggled and sealed the kiss.

Scott savored the short moment and when Madison pulled away, his eyes shot open and he was incredibly shocked.

“Are you ok?” she whispered, grinning.

“Uh, yeah,” he nodded, still not believing that had just happened. Even though it wasn’t a passionate kiss, it was the best kiss he had ever had in his entire life.

“Do you want to dance?” she asked, moving her hand away from him and looking up at him, her innocent eyes glazed over from drunkenness, but nonetheless, it turned Scott on.

“Uh, I don’t really dan…” he was interrupted with Madison jumping out of her seat and taking his hand and leading him to where a few couples were dancing.

He looked around nervously, he definitely had never danced before, not even at his high school prom, why would he dance here? Because it’s with Madison Wright, that’s why.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled up at him, turning him on even more than before, if possible, and started to slowly grind herself against him. She felt his arousal pressing hard against his pants and she shifted her body so one of his legs were between her legs and she moved her body against him, she moved him so no one could look at him, only at her and she moved one of her hands slowly down his body and gently grabbed his package, giving it a good squeeze.

“Sweet Jesus, Madison, what the hell are you doing?” he yelped, but did nothing to remove her hand.

“I think you are so damn sexy, Scott,” she huskily murmured in his ear, moving her arm back around his neck.

“Mad, uh, I think I’m going to burst if you don’t stop grinding against me like that,” he whispered, nervously in her ear. He didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of her and especially in front of the people he saw almost every weekend.

“Here, we’ll fix it,” she moved both of her hands to the hem of his shirt and pulled it low to cover his groin.

“Want another shot?” she asked as she stopped moving against him.

“Uh, yeah,” he nodded, anything to get his mind off this woman touching him. What the hell had happened in the past few hours that possessed Madison to be attracted to him. She was drunk. He didn’t give a damn if she was drunk or not, she was touching him.

He shook his head, he was thinking with his dick and not his head. He didn’t care at this very moment that he was thinking with his dick, he had to be with this girl.

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