“Mmm, Scott, I want to spend the night with you. Can I spend the night with you?” Madison asked, leaning against him at the bar. He moved his arm and placed it around her shoulders and let her head rest upon his shoulder.

“Madison, I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” hell yeah he wanted her to spend the night with him, but he had to be a gentlemen with Madison, hell, he wanted to be a gentlemen with Madison.

“Scott, I don’t plan on having sex with you tonight,” she whispered in his ear.

Scott laughed and did his best to ignore how sweet her breath felt and how damn good she smelt, even if it was mixed with vodka and Jack Daniels, “I know.”

“But, I do want to spend tonight with you. I want to stay up at talk, is that ok with you?” she asked.

“Yeah, Madison, that’s ok with me,” he agreed and stood up, then helped her stand up. She looked like she was about to fall asleep.

“Tammy, can you call a cab?” Scott asked.

“Sure baby,” she nodded and picked up her cordless phone.

Scott helped Madison walk outside and they sat down on a bench, Scott’s arm still around her. She shifted her body so she was practically laying on him and she closed her eyes.

“You’re so warm,” she snuggled even closer to him.

‘Damn,’ Scott thought to himself. He looked up and saw his friends walking towards the entrance, where he was sitting.

“Scottie! What the hell you doing here man?” Todd Bryan asked, stopping in front of the bench. All three men leaned down and looked at Madison. Her eyes were shut and she looked as if she had already fallen asleep.

“Is that?”

“That is, that’s Madison Wright, how the hell did you manage to even get her to be in the same room as you, Scott?” Ryan Smith asked, grinning.

“Shut up you guys,” Scott sighed, but he knew he was proud that his friends saw him here with Madison.

Madison must’ve heard the voices and opened her eyes, “Holy shit!”

She jumped back and looked at the three men staring down at her.

“Who the hell are you?” she asked, and then she looked at Scott.

“These are my friends Madison, Todd, Ryan, and Joe,” Scott introduced. Madison didn’t recognize any of them, except Ryan.

“Hi,” she looked away embarrassed, they could all see her cheeks turning bright pink. Scott wasn’t sure if she was embarrassed because she was seen with him or because she was so shit-faced.

“Here’s our cab,” Scott stood up and helped Madison up. She smiled up at him and he knew the answer to his own question. She was embarrassed because she was so shit-faced.

“Bye, nice to see you,” she waved and got into the cab, Scott turned and looked at his friends before he climbed in and waved.

“I’m so embarrassed,” Madison wailed, throwing her head into her hands.

Scott gave the driver his address and then put an arm around Madison, in attempt to comfort her.

“Why are you embarrassed?” Scott asked.

“Because, Ryan’s dad is my pastor, what if Ryan tells his dad he saw me shit-faced and then the pastor talks to my father. My dad’s not nice when it comes to his name. Do you know who my father is?” she asked, looking up at Scott.

“Yeah, he’s a senator, I know. But, he’s never in town, right?” Scott asked.

“Yeah, but still. He would take away the apartment, you know that? I would be stuck living on the streets. I mean, Callie could go live with her boyfriend. Not me, I don’t have a boyfriend,” she babbled on and Scott knew she wasn’t really upset that Ryan had seen her, she was just drunk.

“That’s not going to happen, Madison, don’t worry about it,” he told her.

The cab driver stopped in front of the apartment complex and Scott leaned up and handed the driver the amount due.

“Thanks,” he said, getting out, then holding his hand out to help Madison. She took it and, even drunk, gracefully got out of the cab.

Scott knew he wanted to keep holding her hand, to just feel her, but he knew Madison doesn’t really like him. Drunken Madison does. He pulled away and Madison tightened her grip around his fingers and smiled up at him.

Scott led her to his small apartment, and opened the door for her.

“You can, uh, stay in my bed tonight, I’ll just sleep on the couch,” he told her as he turned on the lights. It was neat and Madison was shocked at its cleanliness.

“No, I mean, will you sleep with me? I mean, not sleep sleep, but sleep with me?” she asked.

“Uh, I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Scott began, it wasn’t a good idea because he knew that if he was alone in his bedroom, with this beautiful woman lying next to him, he would want to do something.

“Please, Scott, I promise I won’t seduce you and you already promised you wouldn’t seduce me,” she giggled.

“Ok,” he agreed and silently cursed himself for agreeing, he was going to have one hell of a case of blue balls tonight.

Scott led her to his bedroom and turned on the light, “Can I borrow something to wear?”

He loved when girls wore his clothes, it turned him on so much, like he really needed that now, “Sure, shorts or pants?”

“Just a tee shirt will be fine,” she replied.

He turned around and saw her placing her purse in the chair in the corner of his bedroom and he drew in a breath. She was making this way too hard for him, in more ways than one.

“Here you go,” he said, tossing a tee shirt to her.

She began to take off her clothes and he thought he was going to burst. What the hell did he do so right? Gorgeous, Madison Wright was standing in his bedroom, taking off her clothes to put on his clothes, to go to bed in his bed, with him right next to him. This was too good to be true.

She climbed into bed after changing and Scott was right after her, leaving his pants on, but taking off the wife beater.

“You know Scott, I like you,” she told him.

“Thank you, Madison, I like you too,” he replied. She shifted so she was lying on her side, looking at him.

“No, really. I mean, before I didn’t like you because I always thought you were chauvinistic, but you’ve been such a gentlemen tonight and you really changed my opinion of you,” she told him, inching closer to him.

“Thank you Madison,” he smiled.

“I’m not as drunk as you think I am,” she whispered to him.

He looked down at her, unsure of what she was getting at. She looked angelic, her brown eyes sparkling, her beautiful hair had been let down and it framed her face perfectly. He wasn’t sure what the hell was going on inside him, but he had definitely never felt this way before about anyone. Granted, tonight was the only night that Madison had even recognized him as a human being, he liked her, was infatuated by her.

He smiled, unsure of what to say to her. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol talking or if she really wasn’t as drunk as he thought she was.

“I like you Scott,” she told him. Oh yeah, definitely the alcohol. Madison would never have said that before, especially not to him.

“You do?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she laughed, “I wouldn’t be here right now, if I didn’t.”

“Why?” he asked.

“I don’t know, I just do,” she told him.

“Well, you have to have a reason,” he challenged her.

“No, I don’t. Don’t you like me too, or are you just being nice because I’m a little tipsy?” she wondered.

“Madison, you’re a very beautiful woman,” he told her, “of course I’m attracted to you.”

“I didn’t say anything about looks. See, that’s what I hate about guys. No offense,” she said, lying on her back to look at the ceiling.

“What do you hate about guys?” he asked, afraid he offended her.

“For once, I would like a guy to say I was fun to be around, or I was smart, or I was, I don’t know, intriguing, not beautiful,” she replied, looking over at him.

“I’m sorry, I was just telling you what I thought. I mean, you just started talking to me tonight, I mean really talking to me, I don’t really know you well enough to give you personal compliments,” he told her.

She looked at him and narrowed her eyes.

“I do like you. I think you’re a really cool guy, Scott,” she smiled.

“Thank you,” he gave her a half smile.

“Why don’t you have a girlfriend? Or do you?” she asked.

“I don’t have a girlfriend, only because I can never find a girl who is serious about a relationship, it’s always someone who wants fun or you know,” he blushed and leaned over and turned out the light next to his bed.

“I know, I understand,” she nodded.

“Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” he asked.

“I haven’t found anyone to love,” she replied softly, “Describe your dream girl.”

“It’s hard to describe someone when they’re lying right next to me,” he answered.

Madison was quite for a few moments, letting the comment sink in. She didn’t know if she should lean over and kiss him or just let the air stay thick between them. She couldn’t believe he had said that and she didn’t think he could either. She didn’t want to embarrass him, especially because that was the best compliment she had ever had. She would’ve usually taken it as a cheesy pick up line, but when Scott spoke it, she felt it was true.

She did what her gut instinct told her to do and she leaned over and pressed her lips to him. She could tell he was surprised at first, but it wasn’t long before he pulled her into his arms and they opened their mouths simultaneously, letting their tongues be introduced. Madison had never experienced such a wonderful kiss, but she desperately wanted to make it more passionate. She leaned over more, climbing on top of him, setting her self gently on his tummy, deepening the kiss.

“Madison, I need to take a shower,” he grumbled, breaking the kiss.

“Why?” she asked, sitting up, but didn’t move from the spot she was in.

“I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow morning with any regrets, at all. Even for this kiss,” he said, Madison could hear his breath getting heavier.

“Scott, there are no regrets, at all, not even for this kiss,” she whispered in his ear, and then slowly kissed his neck.

“Madison, are you sure?” he asked huskily.

“Positive,” she moved her kisses to the base of his throat and then moved her way down his chest, right to the buckle of his jeans. She slowly undid the button and unzipped the zipper, pulling his pants down and then throwing them on the floor. She moved back to her destination and pulled the boxers down, letting his hard manhood free.

She wrapped her delicate fingers around it and brought her mouth to the very tip and he drew in a deep breath. She teased him and pleasured him the way no woman had ever before and he didn’t know what to do with himself.

He pulled her up and looked into her eyes, searching her soul, searching her intentions. He didn’t need to be hurt by Madison.

She smiled and pressed her lips to his, reassuring him that she wasn’t going to hurt him or play with his emotions. He gently lifted her shirt and threw it with his pants and unclasped her bra, freeing her beautiful, soft, and supple breast.

“You are so beautiful,” Scott murmured as he gently flipped them over, so he could lie between her legs, right when he wanted and needed to be.

“So are you.”

She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her, “I need a condom.”

“Well, do you have one?” she asked, kissing his neck.

“Uh, yeah,” he leaned over to his nightstand and opened it, searching desperately for protection.

Finally he found it and slipped the latex over him and he looked down at Madison, deep into her eyes.

“No regrets, right?” he asked.

“No regrets, but before we do this, I want to know your intentions Scott, are we going to be together or is this just a one time deal for you?” she asked.

“Madison, I want you, in more ways than one,” he replied to her, honestly.

She lifted her hips and felt him enter her. They both moaned in pleasure. He started a slow rhythm inside her, making sure to savor the moment.

Madison had never felt anything so good in her entire life and didn’t want the time to end. She just wanted to lie there in Scott’s bed with him, of course.

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Email: DevilishAngel0228@hotmail.com