Madison woke the next morning with the sun in her eyes. She groaned at the pounding going on inside her head.

“This sucks,” she threw the blanket over her head and realized last night really did happen. She and Scott had made love and he was still lying next to her, naked as God made him, still sleeping. Maybe it didn’t suck so bad.

She lifted her head from under the cover and looked at his beautiful face. He was so damn sexy and she couldn’t resist the urge, she leaned over and gently pressed her lips to his. He stirred in his sleep and she felt his arms move and she was pulled close to him. He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“Morning, baby,” he murmured, his eyes still shut.

“Good morning,” she looked past him and saw a picture on his nightstand. He was standing with a girl, a very attractive girl, holding her as if she were going to run away.

“Who’s that?” Madison asked. He opened his eyes and looked in the direction she was looking. He groaned, reached over and put the picture face down.

“Old girlfriend?” Madison asked, innocently.

“You could say that,” he replied.

“What happened?” she asked.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” he said, sitting up, and then swung his legs over the side of the bed. He rubbed his eyes and then stood up and walked to the bathroom. Madison couldn’t help but stare at his ass.

She was a little offended though that he wouldn’t share with her who that girl was, but who the hell was she to get jealous, she wasn’t even sure if they were a couple.

She quietly put on her clothes from last night and when he opened the bathroom door, he stopped in his tracks.

“Going somewhere?” he asked, he looked pissed off.

“I just wanted to get dressed, is that ok with you?” she returned the attitude.

“I knew this would fucking happen. I don’t know why I slept with you,” he snapped, grabbing her purse off the chair where she had set it last night and threw it at her. She caught the bag as it roughly hit her in the chest.

“Scott, what the hell is wrong with you?” she asked.

“Nothing, just get the hell out,” he mumbled to her.

“I don’t have a ride, remember?” she asked.

“Well, neither do I,” he snapped.

“Look, I don’t know what the hell I did to you that pissed you off so much, but you can stop treating me like some little whore,” she yelled at him. She sat on the edge of his bed and put on her shoes.

He looked down at her and frowned. He didn’t want to treat her like this, but he knew she didn’t want to be with him, now that she was sober. Why would she want to be with him? He had nothing to offer to her, nothing useful anyway.

“Madison you and I both know you had no intentions of even being my friend after last night, so you can just walk your ass home,” he spoke bitterly.

“Scott, I don’t know where you got these ideas in your head that I didn’t want to be with you, but you’re wrong, you know that? Last night was beautiful. You know, I don’t know what the hell you were feeling, but I had never felt anything like that before. You are the first person who made love to me and didn’t just have sex with me. But, I will tell you this, you are the first person to treat me like shit the next morning,” she growled and stormed past him.

“Madison, wait,” he couldn’t believe he treated her like that and he was amazed she felt the same thing he had felt. Now, he felt like a jackass and he would definitely have to make it up to her.

The doorbell rang throughout the apartment and Madison looked at Scott with sad eyes. He hurriedly threw on his boxers and rushed to the door, peeking through the peephole. Next thing Madison knew, the door swung open and the girl from the picture entered the room.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked her.

“I wanted to come see you, is that ok?” she asked.

“No, it’s not ok. Look, Monique, you need to leave,” he told her rudely.

“Why? You got a girl here?” she asked, Madison heard her walking towards the bedroom. She looked up when the girl entered the room and frowned. She was gorgeous.

“Who the hell are you?” she snapped.

‘Oh please God, Tell me that she isn’t his girlfriend, just a bitter ex or something,’ Madison silently prayed. He didn’t exactly answer her earlier.

“Look, Monique, I asked you to go,” Scott said, following her into the room.

Madison looked at Scott sadly, tears forming in her eyes. She wasn’t his girlfriend, but Madison knew he was in love with her. He didn’t want her to see Madison in his room.

She walked past the girl and past Scott and out the door. She walked away from the apartment and started to the gas station that was on the corner of the block.

“Madison! Wait! Madison!” he heard Scott calling to her, but made no attempt to chase after her. Madison swallowed her tears and kept walking. The one person she didn’t want to have a one night stand with made it into a one night stand.

Madison got to the gas station in record time and looked down at her cell phone and saw the battery was dead. She sighed and walked to the payphone and dialed her apartment, hoping Callie was there.

“Hello?” she asked.

“Hey Cal, could you come pick me up?” Madison’s voice shook and she knew she was going to cry again.

“Where are you?” she asked.

“Um…” Madison looked around and saw Scott running up to her.

“Madison, wait, jeez,” he stopped to catch his breath.

“What Scott?” she asked the phone still to her ear.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” he asked.

“Scott, last night we both said no regrets, it obvious only one of us meant that,” she said softly.

“That’s funny because I thought you were the one with the regrets,” he snapped at her.

“Look, Scott, I was a fool to think anything would come of last night. You probably hadn’t been laid in awhile and figured, hell, let’s just get Madison drunk and I’ll get a fuck or two out of her. Well, you got more than you expected, huh? Four fucks,” she retorted.

“Uh, Mad, wanna call me back?” Callie asked into the phone, a little uneasy about listening to the conversation.

“No,” she told her.

Scott winced at her choice of words and frowned, “I never expected anything from you last night and if I recall, you made the first move, doll face.”

“You are a prick, you know that? I don’t care if I ever see you again,” she spat.

“Madison, I’m sorry. Look, can we at least go back to my apartment and talk about this, where we don’t have an audience?” he asked, he actually sounded sincere.

“Did you just not hear what I said? I never want to see you again,” she growled and turned away from him.

“I’m on the corner of Lumsden and Providence,” she told Callie and hung up the phone.

“Madison, please, damnit,” he shouted. Madison jumped and turned around and looked at him.

“Is this about Monique?” he whispered, feeling bad for shouting at her.

“You tell me, you were the one who got so pissed off because I asked who she was. What the hell do you care if I know who she is?” she asked, a little more civilized.

“Madison, I didn’t want you to start asking me to put away my pictures and getting jealous of her,” he replied.

“That’s a big conclusion to come to from one simple question. What the hell do I care if you have pictures up in your house? Are you with her?” she asked.

He shook his head.

“Are you sleeping with her?”

Again, he shook his head.

“Then why would I be jealous?” she asked.

“I don’t know. I’m sorry, I came to conclusions,” he whispered.

“Look, I don’t know what’s going on between us. I don’t know if we’re a couple, if you want to be together. I don’t know,” she shook her head and sat on the bench by the payphone.

He sat next to her and kept a straight face, Madison had no idea what he was feeling.

“The only thing I’m afraid is that I won’t be good enough for you,” he whispered.

“Why would you think something like that?” she asked.

“I’ve never been with a girl like you,” he replied.

“What do you mean, a girl like me?” she asked.

“You’re perfect, Madison. You’re fun, you’re smart, and you’re perfect. Just perfect. I’ve only been with girls who use me, I’m not someone people usually want to really be with, only you know, be with,” he told her.

“Well, if you treat the girls that you are with like you treated me this morning, I can see why,” she spoke sarcastically.

“Look, I’m sorry. It’s just Monique is a touchy subject. She really hurt me and she knows how to get me wrapped around her finger. The last thing I need is someone who is going to be jealous and break me off from everyone. She did that and I fell for it,” he sighed and looked into her eyes.

“Scott, I can’t ask you to trust me, but I can ask that you try to,” Madison said sadly.

“Madison, you scare me,” he told her.

“Why do I scare you?” she asked, shocked.

“Because, my feelings for Monique after eight months don’t even compare to what I feel for you after 24 hours,” he whispered, his face inching closer to hers.

Madison blushed and pressed her lips to his, sealing the kiss she knew was going to happen. She moved her hand to his cheek and softly caressed the unshaved skin, then moved her hand to the back of his neck and played with his hair.

“Thank you Madison,” he said after the two parted.

“For what?” she asked, looking into his dark eyes.

“For not hurting me,” he replied, almost in a whisper.

“Well, then I owe you a thank you too,” she smiled.

“Well, we just had our first fight,” he laughed.

“Then we need our first make up,” she wiggled her eyebrows at him and he kissed her again.

Madison heard a car park in front of her. The kiss was broken and she looked up and saw Callie getting out of her Honda S2000. Madison smiled and even looked a little sheepish.

“Thank you Callie,” Madison smiled.

“Is everything ok?” she asked, looking at Scott. Damn, he looked rough. They both looked a little rough. Lack of sleep can do that to you. Callie shuddered at the thought of her best friend getting it on.

“Yeah, do you mind taking us to get his car?” Madison asked, standing up, Scott following her lead.

“No, not at all, where’s it at?” she asked.

“Tammy’s Liquor House,” she replied.

Callie raised an eyebrow and Madison laughed, “It’s not as bad as we thought.”

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