Chapter Four

“Hey baby, I’m going to go out with Callie tonight since it’s her birthday,” Madison said, applying her lipstick carefully, with the phone on her ear.

“Oh, ok, where are you guys going to go?” he asked, Madison could tell he had just laid down and she smiled to herself.

“We’re going down to Ybor to come club she was talking about,” Madison replied, looking intently at her reflection.

“Oh, who all is going?” he asked.

“Cal, Meg, and Ali, and me,” Madison replied.

Scott closed his eyes and sighed. He didn’t like the idea of the girls going with themselves with no male escorts, but he shook off his bad feeling, “Ok, well call me when you get in, so I know you got in ok,” he told her.

“I don’t want to wake you,” she replied.

“Don’t worry about. I’d like to know you are ok,” he told her, sweetly.

“Ok, well, we’re going to go out now,” Madison told him.

“Ok, please be careful,” he replied.

“We will, bye,” she replied and they hung up.

It had been an amazing three weeks and her and Scott were definitely enjoying the beauty of “new couplism”, it was great. Madison walked out of her bedroom and smiled at her three friends who were patiently waiting for her.

“Let’s party,” Madison shouted and the four of them left the apartment and piled into Madison’s SUV.


“When I found it there in your heart, it isn’t too hard to see, we’re in Heaven!” all four girls sang at the top of their lungs in the crowded club.

They all looked their best and Madison knew they had the attention of almost every man in the room. Madison wore a pair of red plaid pants that tied on either side of her hips and a red tube to match and her favorite black boots. Her hair was tied loosely in the back and her makeup was done to perfection. Callie wore the new outfit that Madison got for her, a pair of black pants with baby blue lining and a baby blue apron top to match with her hair left down against her back. Megan wore a long black skirt with stars decorating the material and a shirt to match. Ali wore the sexiest outfit of them all, she wore a baby blue tube top and a short blue skirt to match.

“I’m going to go get a drink,” Madison yelled over the music. The three other girls nodded and she walked off, towards the bar.

“I need a sex on the beach,” Madison yelled to the bartender. He nodded and turned to make the drink.

“I wouldn’t mind that either,” a husky, male voice said from behind her.

She swung around and was face to face with a creepy looking man. He had long, curly, greasy hair and a beard that reminded Madison of ZZ Top.

“Heh,” she turned back around and waited patiently for her drink.

Madison felt him press himself against her and she felt something poking her in her back. She turned around disgusted.

“Listen you sick fuck…” Madison stopped talking when she realized it wasn’t his arousal it was a gun.

“Don’t fucking say a word. You’re coming with me,” he said, grabbing her arm.

“No, please,” Madison said, trying to stall him.

“Just act casual and nothing will happen,” he told her through gritted teeth.

He pulled Madison out of the club and dragged her down the street.

“Please, what did I do?” she begged to know, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

He pulled her down a dark alley and stopped behind a dumpster where no one could possibly see. She started crying, she didn’t know what else to do. Maybe he would feel sorry for her and not do anything.

“Stop crying bitch,” he yelled at her, which only caused her to cry more.

He pushed her roughly against the wall and untied her pants and ripped her shirt off. Her pants were quickly ripped away and her bra and panties were soon after. She unzipped his pants and violently entered her. She screamed out in pain.

“Stop, please,” she cried out, trying to push him off her. She didn’t understand what was happening, sure she had heard stories about these kind of things, but she didn’t think they actually happened.

“Shut up!” he roughly pushed himself in and out of her and she soon felt his release being pushed inside of her. She cried out, pounding on his chest, trying to get him out of her. He pushed her down and zipped up his pants and ran away from the alley. She curled into a ball and let her tears flow and a loud sob escaped from her lips.

She searched around for her purse and quickly found it and pulled out her cell phone and shaking, dialed Scott’s phone number.

“Yes baby?” he asked, tiredly.

“Scott,” she cried.

“Baby, are you ok?” he asked, appearing to be wide awake.

“I need you to come and get me,” she tried to explain to him where she was and soon she hung up and waited for him to come. She tried calling all her friend’s cell phones, but no one answered.

She couldn’t stop her sobbing, she wanted someone to find her, but then again she didn’t want anyone to find her. She was naked with her ripped clothing lying throughout the alley. She heard a group of guys walking by and she tried her hardest not to cry, but it was close to impossible.

“Hey did you guys hear that?” one of the guys stopped. Madison could see him looking down the alley. He started walking towards her. She got scared.

“Please don’t come over here,” she cried out.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” he told her. He kneeled down next to her as she tried her best to cover her nakedness.

“Here, take my shirt,” he said, taking off his shirt. She slipped it over her and looked up at him.

“Thank you,” she wiped away her tears and suddenly got a rush of trust.

“We need to get you to a hospital,” he told her.

“No, my boyfriend is coming. I just called him. I don’t want to go anywhere without him,” I told him.

“Ok, we’re going to wait here until he gets here, is that ok?” he asked.

She nodded and tried to reposition herself, but she got a sharp pain and winced.

“Do you know who did this to you?” he asked.

“No,” she felt the tears swell her eyes once again.

“Well, we’re going to help you, ok?” he asked.

She nodded and leaned against the wall.

“What does your boyfriend look like so we can flag him down?” one of the guy’s friends asked.

“He’s about your height, black hair, dark eyes, olive skin. He’s thin, and he’ll probably be wearing a black wifebeater and jeans,” she replied. He nodded and stood back on the sidewalk.

“My name is Greg,” the man told her, who was sitting with her.

“Maddie,” she whispered.

“Don’t worry Maddie, ok?” he asked.

She nodded and closed her eyes and tried to think of how this all happened. It happened so fast. The only time in her life that she was glad it didn’t take long for him to come. She felt like she was going to vomit. He came inside her. Oh God.

She leaned over and threw up. Greg didn’t know what to do, so he just sat there, looking at her.

“Maddie!” she heard a male voice call.

“She’s over here,” one of the guys guided Scott. He rushed to her side, quickly pulling her into his arms.

“Baby, what happened?” he asked, he pulled away and looked down at her.

“We found her down here, naked, so I gave her my shirt,” the guy whispered.

“Damnit, come on baby, let’s get you to a hospital,” he gently lifted her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Oh baby, I’m so sorry this happened,” Scott whispered, “What’s your name?”

“Uh Greg,” the guy replied.

“Thank you so much man,” Scott told him.

“No problem man, I’m sure you would do it if the situation were reversed,” he nodded.

“Man, how can I repay you?” he asked.

“Just get her to a hospital, that’s it,” he nodded.

“Thanks,” he rushed off to his truck and carefully put Madison in the passenger seat, and throwing her purse on the floor.

“Ok, baby, you’ll be ok,” he kept telling her on the ride to the hospital.

“He came out of nowhere,” she told him, crying, he winced in pain and anger flashed through him.

“We’ll find out who did this and he’ll get what he deserves, baby,” he promised her. He squealed his tires to a stop in front of the emergency room. He rushed her inside and she filled out some paperwork while he parked the car.


“Well, Madison, we have good news and a little bit of bad news,” the doctor sighed, coming into the room.

“Um, ok, I’d like the good news first,” she told him.

She had been sitting in the hospital for over four hours, waiting for all her tests to come back and for the doctor to take proper procedures in securing her against any STDs. The girls had been reached and were sitting in the room with her, Scott sitting at her side, holding her hand.

“Would you like this to be private?” he asked.

“No,” she replied.

“Ok, good news, you do not have any sexually transmitted diseases and a sample of the semen has been taken and the man can be determined in about 48 hours,” he told her.

She sighed in relief, “And the bad news?”

“We cannot determine if there is a pregnancy for another two maybe three weeks,” he told her gently. She sighed and closed her eyes. She felt Scott’s grip tighten.

“I just want to go home,” Madison whispered.

It took over an hour to release Madison, but finally they were out of the hospital.

“Thank you for coming,” Madison told her friends.

“If you need anything just call, ok?” Meg told her. She nodded and received a hug from each of her friends.

“Bye,” she said, climbing into Scott’s truck.

When he got in, he started the truck and put it into gear and drove away from the hospital.

“Can I stay with you tonight?” Madison asked, looking at him. She was so embarrassed that this had happened, but she knew it wasn’t her fault. She still felt disgusting and the first thing she was going to do when she got home was take a long hot shower.

“Of course you can baby,” he said, reaching over and intertwined his fingers with hers. He broke their hands to his lips and gently kissed her hand.

“Thank you,” she smiled.

“I am so sorry baby, that this happened,” he said to her, his voice dripping with desperation.

“Why are you sorry. This isn’t your fault,” she told him, hoping he wouldn’t blame himself for something he had no control over.

“I know, but I wish there was something I could have done,” he said.

“Well, really, don’t worry about it, ok? Everything will be ok,” she told him.

“Why are you consoling me? I should be consoling you,” he gave her a gentle smile.

“Because I care about you,” she whispered and the grasp on her fingers got tighter and she looked over at him.

“I’m glad we feel the same way,” he told her softly.

It didn’t take long to get home, as soon as they parked the car, they walked hand-in-hand to his door.

“Baby, do you mind if I take a shower?” she asked, Scott hated to see Madison so upset, she looked like she was about to either vomit or cry and he couldn’t stand that. It made him sick to know what happened to his girlfriend.

“No, not at all, do you need me to get you anything? Drink or something to eat?” he asked.

“No, thank you. Can I borrow something to wear though?” she asked, glancing down at the tee shirt that barely covered her.

“Yeah, you know I love it when you wear my clothes right?” he asked.

“Is that why you’re always trying to get me to stay the night?” she giggled, but Scott knew she was dying inside.

“Go ahead and get the shower started and I’ll find you something to wear,” he told her.

“Ok.” She disappeared into his bathroom and he grabbed one of his tee shirts and a pair of boxers.

When Scott came into the bathroom, he heard sniffling as Madison stood in the shower. He walked over to the shower and opened the curtain a little and looked inside. She wasn’t standing; she was curled into a ball against the wall, just letting the hot water wash away her tears. He felt like screaming and if he didn’t have the little bit of morals in him, he would have gone out just then, found the motherfucker, and blown his brains out.

“Oh baby,” he frowned. She looked up at him, her eyes red with fatigue and swollen from tears.

“Hold me,” she whispered. Scott quickly rid himself of his clothing and climbed into the shower and pulled her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder.

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