Chapter Five

Madison was lying on Scott’s bed when she heard the door open and shut. She had been sitting around all afternoon, waiting for him to come home from work. She didn’t like to go out, simply because the media wanted to talk to the senator’s daughter who was assaulted. It had been almost two weeks and she had hardly left Scott’s apartment. Callie’s boyfriend had been staying at their apartment with her, so she wouldn’t be alone.

Madison was waiting impatiently for a call from the doctor to tell her whether she was pregnant or not. It had been racking her brain all day for two weeks; it was slowly driving her crazy. Granted, she took the morning after pill, there was no guarantee.

“Hey baby,” Scott leaned down and pressed his lips gently to Madison’s.

“Hey, how was work?” she asked, sitting up. Her eyes followed him into the bathroom where she heard the shower start.

“It was ok, work is work,” he sighed.

Just then, the phone rang next to her and she leaned over and picked it up.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hey Mad, it’s Cal, um the doctor’s office just called, you need to call them,” she said, sounding a little worried.

“Ok, thank you so much Cal,” Madison said.

“Call me when you know what’s up?” she asked.

“Of course,” she replied. The two exchanged their goodbyes and Madison immediately dialed the doctor’s phone number, memorized from the two weeks of desperation.

“Family Medical how may I help you,” the woman on the other end asked, promptly picking up the phone, thank goodness.

“Hello, my name is Madison Wright, I was called earlier,” she said, hoping she didn’t sound too shaky.

“Yes, Madison, hello, Dr. Jacobs has made it urgent to get you in to be seen. Although we do close in fifteen minutes, he would like you to come in,” she told Madison calmly.

“Sure, I’ll be right over, thank you very much,” Madison replied and hung up the phone. She jumped off the bed and rushed into the bathroom where Scott was already in the shower.

“Baby, the doctor’s office wants me to go in, like right now,” she told him. He stuck his head out from the shower, his face suddenly pale. He didn’t say a word, just shut off the shower, quickly dried off and frantically threw on his clothes.

“Ready?” he asked. She smiled; he was the only person in two weeks that could actually make her smile. She loved that he cared so much.

“Yeah,” she replied.

“Here, you can drive my car,” she told him, handing him her keys. They rushed out of the apartment and quickly to the car.

It only took fifteen minutes to get to the office, but to Madison it seemed like an eternity. She didn’t know what to expect and the silence in the car wasn’t helping much either. Not that it was Scott’s fault; she knew he was just as scared. If she was pregnant, this would be the hardest decision she would ever have to make. She didn’t believe in abortion, but how could she live with a child that wasn’t made from love?

Finally, Scott pulled into a parking space and they walked as calmly as possible into the office. Madison walked to the front desk and told the lady her name.

“He’s waiting for you, a nurse will meet you at the door,” she told her.

“Thank you,” she walked over to the door and sure enough there was a nurse standing there, smiling at her.

Don’t smile at me, do you realize what I’m going through?

Madison impatiently let the nurse take her blood pressure, her weight, her height, everything Madison couldn’t stand and finally they were lead to a room. The room was cold and bright and the pictures on the wall made her want to puke, but she sat in the chair. As soon as the nurse walked out, the doctor walked in.

“Hello Madison, how have you been feeling?” Dr. Jacobs asked calmly.

“I’ve been better, but hey, I’m alive,” she replied sarcastically, but smiled.

“Well, I guess there is always a bright side to every story. We got your test results back and I want to make sure you heard this in person,” he began.

“Ok, I don’t mean to be rude, but just yes or no, am I pregnant?” she asked, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Dr Jacobs took a deep breath, looked her in the eyes and replied, “Yes.”

Madison started crying and Scott rushed to her side, pulling her into his arms for the best comfort he could offer. She cried until she had a headache and until no more tears could come.

“We do know the name of the person who did this to you; my best advice is to get a lawyer. Now, I need you to make a decision on whether or not you are going to keep this baby or not. If not, I will have to refer you to a specialist immediately,” Dr. Jacobs told her.

She looked up at him and frowned, “Would it be ok if I got back to you tomorrow?”

“Absolutely,” he nodded and quietly left the room.

“Oh my God, Scott, what am I going to do?” she asked, looking into his eyes. He looked like hell. His skin was pale and he had no life to his face. She did this to him, she was stressing him out.

“Let’s just go home and let you get some rest, ok baby?” he asked.

She nodded, “Ok.”

After they got home, the first thing Madison did was call Callie and explained to her what happened. Callie was in shock, she really didn’t believe she was going to be pregnant. After hanging up with Callie, Madison called her mother and father.

“I’m contacting my lawyer!” her father shouted over her mother’s crying.

“Dad, that’s not going to solve anything,” Madison told him.

“No, but it will get you damn support from that asshole!” he told her.

Madison nodded even though she knew he couldn’t see her, “Dad, I think I’m just going to get some rest, ok?”

“Ok baby, good night,” he told her.

Madison hung up the phone and looked over at Scott, who was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. She walked over and sat next to him. He looked up at her and smiled weakly, he gently pressed his lips to hers.

“I love you,” he whispered to her.

Madison’s worries floated away. She had never heard Scott say that before. In fact, she had never said it either. She looked into his eyes and smiled, feeling tears of happiness come into her eyes.

“Oh Scott, I love you too,” she pressed her lips to his and enjoyed the tenderness he always had towards her.

“Oh what are we going to do about this, baby?” he asked, looking into her eyes.

“What do you think?” she asked.

“I think you need to do what you feel you need to do,” he told her softly.

“I think I’m going to keep it,” she whispered, letting her eyes drift to her lap.

“If that’s what you want baby, than that’s what we’ll do,” he replied.

Her head snapped up and she looked at him. We?

“You’re going to help me?” she asked.

“Of course, I mean if you want me to,” he replied.

“Oh Scott!” she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close to her. That was the best thing anyone could have said to her.


“Hi, I need to see Dr. Jacobs,” Madison said, walking up to the desk where the receptionist was busy doing nothing.

“Sure ma’am, can I get your name please?” she asked.

“Madison Wright,” she told her.

“I’ll let him know you are here,” she told her.

Madison walked to a chair and sat down. She sat uncomfortably, playing with the hem of her tee shirt, wishing this would be over soon enough.

“Madison, he is ready to see you,” the nurse told her.

Madison walked into his office and sat across from him, “Hello Madison, how are you feeling today?”

“Better, thank you,” she replied, taking a deep breath.

“Well, have you made a decision?” he asked.

“Yes, I’ve decided to keep the baby,” she told him as calmly as she could.

“Ok, well, I’m going to refer a doctor to you that will help throughout the pregnancy. She’s a wonderful doctor and I wouldn’t refer you to anyone but the best,” he nodded, shifting through some paperwork.

“Thank you Dr. Jacobs,” she smiled weakly.

“Now, Madison, have you contacted a lawyer?” he asked.

“My father is contacting one, probably as we speak,” she told him.

“Good, whatever support you need from me, I am more than willing to help you. We’re going to lock this bastard up, ok?” he asked.

Madison nodded and stood from her seat and looked down at Dr. Jacobs.

“Thank you again, Dr. Jacobs,” she said and left the room.

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