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Welcome to our favorite destination at Pleasure Island. If you've never been to the Adventurer's Club, it's a must for a great time for anyone with a quirky sense of humor. Basically it's a takeoff on a 1930's British Explorer's club, eclectic, zany and full of surprises. Once inside, you become part of a fraternal order of Adventurers, complete with it's own song, libation, salute and pledge.

You enter from the top floor. Coming in the front door, you'll stroll through the Zebra Mezzanine, over to the railing, where you'll find yourself looking into a large atrium. The walls around it are adorned with antiquities and artifacts from the far reaches of the steaming jungles of South America to the polar ice caps, from darkest Africa to the sands of the Arabian desert ..and even Toledo!

(Click on the thumbnails below to view the walls).
From there, your eyes are drawn to the heart of the atrium, the salon below, where stands a statue of Zeus, complete with fishing pole and an LL Bean wicker tackle basket.

Looking down at Zeus (click to view full size)

You'll want to go downstairs to get into the activities in the salon and adjoining rooms, and also to order a Kungaloosh (the name of the club drink as well as its salute).

Samurai (click to view full size)Babylonia (click to view full size)You'll see several interesting things when you're standing in the main salon. You'll see all the items you saw from the mezzanine of course,and you'll get a better look at some of the other entities you might have missed. The Samurai in one alcove above seems to have just caught a fish (must be Zeus' fishing buddy).Above the bar and the entry to the restrooms, you'll notice a huge stone mask. Her name is Babylonia and she can see everything that you do, so be discreet. Actually she gets involved in a lot of the doings in the main salon; sometimes she gets very talkative.
This is not unusual in the Adventurer's Club; step into the mask room and you'll see dozens of leering masks on the wall. Several of them get involved in the ongoing shows; go along and take a peek. You may be featured in the next show yourself; the entertainment here is very interactive.

We had an interesting experience one night sitting in the Treasure Room by ourselves. A disembodied head suddenly came aglow in one of the shelves, and asked if I wasn't cold (I was wearing a low-cut dress)!

Fingers, the piano The library is another room where frequent shows are presented; one of the central characters is Fingers, the piano. Fingers kind of fell through the ceiling from the floor above, but he still plays ok. Some day maybe they'll fix the ceiling and floor, but for now there's too much going on to waste time on housekeeping. Look for pictures from some of the shows in a month or two.

Click on the icon to go to the next page, where you'll meet some of the club's officers and learn the official song.

Next page

If any of you were in the AC a few years ago, you might have had your kungaloosh served in the old camouflage canteens. If you still have one, hang on to it, because unfortunately they are no longer available.

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