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Mask from the Basalampasu tribe of Zaire. Used to promote the well-being of the community and also during circumcision ceremonies.Pamelia Perkins
Meet Pamelia Perkins, club President.


the original Adventurer

You may meet Pamelia upstairs when you first come in; she greets new visitors and also enjoys sitting around chatting with the guests. Generally, she is the one who begins the process of initiating new Club members.

Speaking of initiating new members, you also need to meet the Colonel, provided you can get him to wake up (generally, offering to buy him a drink will do the trick). He'll teach all the new initiates the Adventurer's Song. You can read most of it on the banner above his head in the picture below. The whole text is below his picture, if you want to get a head start on memorizing it.


Papua New Guinea dance mask

The Colonel teaching the club the Adventurer's Song


Masai tribal mask

Marching along
We're adventurers,
Singing the song
of adventurers
Up or down
North, South,
East or West,
An Adventurer's life
is best.

Here's Fletcher Hodges, the club treasurer; standing beside the Mask Room. When the balderdash competition is under way, you'll hear some pretty tall tales from him! This year, it was the quiet, self-effacing Emil Bleehall who won the Balderdash trophy, taking everyone by surprise.
Fletcher Hodges New Guinea Papua Gulf Gope Board Fletcher Hodges
Here's Otis T. Wrenn, inducting new members. (Don't pay attention to the fact that he looks like Emil tonight; the characters are very flexible)! Nash, the bartender. Seems like all the bartenders are Nash; maybe we should ask for their names before we down that first Kungaloosh!
Makonde mask, hand-carved by Kenyan artisans
These are all the cast members we have pictures of so far. For a more complete rundown on all the characters and a description of the shows and activities that take place at the Adventurer's Club, go to Adventurers Club FAQ Pleasure Island, another "un-official" AC site.Or, go to the bottom of this page and click on one of the sites in the Adventurer's Club Web Ring.

We will add a scrapbook to put more pictures and comments about other members' experiences at the Adventurer's Club if any of you want to send us stories and/or photos.


The masks and other items on this page (and pages to come) are from various sites on the web. If you like to look at more of the same with an eye to purchasing any, here are a couple of great links:
African Tribal Masks, Crafts & Wood Carving
Magellan Traders - Decorative and Functional Art from Around the World

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Please take the time to stop and sign our guestbook. We want to know how you like the page, where you're from, whether you've ever been at the Adventurer's Club, and if so, what special experiences you've had.

"Mama take me home, my eyes have seen enough,"
Site created February 2001. Last updated September 4, 2002.