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2004 October 6: I'm feeling disenchanted with this because the counter i put on the pages havent changed. Is the counter wrong or shall I just give up on the site? In other words: if u have been coming (and have discovered the calendar is completely wrong and the projects are out of date) just sign something!! if nothing happens by homecoming, the site shall DIE!!!!

2004 September 26: All the links work now. Yay! And the class list should be up by around Thursday. -Jaqi D.

2004 September 24: It's a boy!.. girl.. err.. website. This site is geared toward the class of 2006 HL Bio students. It is meant to get both classes together in order to aid with labs, reports, assignments, etc. As of right now, the only page partially done is the index, but more is to come. I need input on what to put, links, and ideas for anything else. Just email me (webmistress: yeah, that link works). If your browser doesn't support mailing links, my email address is []. Also, sorry about all the ads. Darn free sitebuilders taking advantage. -Jaqi D

Design By Jaqita