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 Chess Center's  look at  game # 6
 of the  Kramnik - Deep Fritz  match.  

   The London Chess Center's excellent (weekly?) chess publication.  (cc_kram-df6_hdr.gif, 12 KB)

  This is the game #6 of the Kramnik - Deep Fritz Match.  (cc_kram-df6_1.gif, 07 KB)

  This is the continued examination of the game, Kramnik - D.F. (Game #6.)   (cc_kram-df6_2.gif, 12 KB)

   This is the continued examination of the game, Kramnik - D.F. (Game #6.)  (cc_kram-df6_3.gif, 07 KB)

   This is the continued examination of the game, Kramnik - D.F. (Game #6.)  (cc_kram-df6_4.gif, 09 KB)

 Download the annotated game in the PGN Format. 

  Read more Pein reports at The Week In Chess. 

  Click  HERE  to return to my page for game # 6 of 
  the GM V. Kramnik vs. Deep Fritz 7.0 match. 

  Click  HERE  to return to the main page for the  
  historic  GM V. Kramnik vs. Deep Fritz  (7.0) match.  

  Click  here  to return to my human home-page. 
  (Or click the "back" button on your web browser.) 
