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Kramnik vs. D.F.

 The Kramnik vs. Deep Fritz Match 
(October, 2002)

 Click    here   to go to my  "best sites"  page ... for all kinds of stuff and links to 
 news articles and stories on this historic match. 


 Click  HERE  to go to the official web-site for this match. 
(Note: It takes quite a while for this puppy to load. 
Jan. 20th, 2003: It also did not work the last time I tried it.) 


One of the principal organizers of this match 
is the  "Einstein Group."  Click  here  to go to their web-site. 


 Click  HERE   to go to  MY  page .....  
with stories and many useful links to pages on the 
 KRAMNIK  vs.  DEEP FRITZ  Match!!! 


 Click   here   to go to my   "downloads"   list/page ...  
 where you can now get ALL (!!) the games of this important match. 

  (You can now also get   ALL   of these games ...  
  annotated as well!  Its here now, and it is free!!!)  

June 2003:  Just a quick note, I have received dozens of e-mails about this. Many of the links - as they relate to this match - ARE NO LONGER VALID!!! I have left them here for a great number of reasons, the main one being this site is a RECORD OF HISTORY ... I went to great pains to record the events of this epic match ... AS THEY HAPPENED! I am NOT going to remove or update these links ... they are a part of the history record of this match. (I WISH people would maintain their links, but I don't control this!) Sorry. 

  Kramnik lost in thought against the chip-monster ...  (kram_vs_df-1.jpg, 18 KB)

 Kramnik at the chess board. 

For the many of you who get the magazine,  'CHESS LIFE'  
  (The official publication of the  U.S. Chess Federation.);   
in the February, 2003 issue - there is a nice article about the match. 
(Starting on page # 23.) 

 (Click on the link(s) below, to be taken to the page for that game.

  Game # 1      Game # 2      Game # 3      Game # 4  
 Game # 5      Game # 6      Game # 7      Game # 8  

  Short overview of the match  

Game # 1:  October 4th, 2002. Fritz is White. Kramnik trots out his favorite 
Berlin Defense to the Ruy Lopez. Fritz attacks, but makes zero progress. In 
the end, White will be a pawn up, (on the K-side); but it is a totally useless 
advantage. The King-plus-Pawn ending is completely drawn.  
Score: One draw each. (1/2 - 1/2) 

Game # 2:  October 6th, 2002. GM Kramnik is White and he plays his favorite 
move, 1.d4. The computer responds with a Q.G.A. They trade Queens. It is starting 
to look like a dead-drawn match - I am falling asleep here. Then Kramnik makes an 
excellent combination. He plays very strongly and appears all set to win material. 
There seems to be no defense, Kramnik's pieces completely dominate the board. 
I am happily predicting an easy win for White. But the computer - blast its chips - 
finds a defense, and we head into another seemingly drawn Rook-plus-Pawn(s) 
ending. The computer plays the defense poorly, Kramnik plays his usual excellent 
technique, and White notches the victory. The human draws first blood in a VERY 
complex game.  
Score: A win and a draw for Kramnik. (1.5 - 0.5) 

Game # 3:  October, 8th, 2002. Fritz is White and plays a Scotch Game. The 
computer plays this line as poorly as possible. The machine is in a horrible bind 
by move 20 - something that should NOT happen to any program ... ESPECIALLY 
WITH THE WHITE PIECES!!! Then - a miracle. The computer, for all intents and 
purposes, blunders. It plays Nf6, leaving a pawn that Kramnik scoops up and 
captures in just a few moves. After winning this vital pawn, Kramnik is a juggernaut. 
He shows us why he is one of the best players in the whole world, and plays 
flawless chess (technique) in the remainder of the game to garner the full point. 
Score: Two wins to none, with 1 draw.  (2.5 - 0.5) 

Game # 4:  October, 10th, 2002.  Kramnik is White, and again plays 1.d4. The 
machine trots out, "The Tarrasch Defense," a line that is considered by some to 
be overly risky. But the team has prepared the box well. Despite incredibly accurate 
and sharp play by Kramnik, the machine defends. But the box seemingly is only 
hanging on by the skin of its proverbial teeth. Kramnik wins a pawn, and I 
(of course!) predict yet another victory for the humans. But the wily opponent is 
not so easily put down, the program has landed a Rook on the seventh rank. 
After White's King becomes permanently shut off from escape from his first row, 
a draw is assured.  
Score: Two wins to none, with two draws. (3 -1) 


Halfway Mark:  At this point, I considered the match all but over. I was telling 
everyone on close to a dozen Internet Chess Servers that Kramnik would win 
maybe one more, as the programmers would adjust the box so that it would not 
be shellacked. Since Kramnik was never in any real danger, I felt certain this 
same scenario would continue. But a rude shock was in store for our glorious
leader of the human side of this grand effort.  


Game # 5:  October 13th, 2002.  After a two-day break, the fighting resumes. 
Fritz is White, and opens with the Queen's Pawn. Play heads into the very classical 
"Queen's Gambit Declined." (Q.G.D.) Kramnik is one of the best players in the 
world on either side of this variation. White plays soundly, Kramnik offers the 
Lasker's Defence which features an early ...Ne4 by Black. Black appears to be 
in some trouble, yet by move twenty-one, (21.Rxc3 '='); I would have to say that 
Kramnik has equalized completely. But somehow Kramnik allows White to creep 
back in and gain a slight advantage. Now Black is defending in a very complex 
ending with the Queen's still on the board. To add to the human's troubles, he is 
growing short of thinking time as well. On his 34th move, if Kramnik plays ...Nc4; 
he may well be on his way to drawing the game. Instead he plays a blunder. The 
machine is of course merciless, immediately seizing upon the tactic. Kramnik 
resigns without bothering to go any further, the game is hopeless. 
Score: Two win to one, with 2 draws. (3 - 2) 

Game # 6:  October 15th, 2002.  First, I want the whole world to know that I have 
declared the human side to be the winner, because the dirty scum that programs 
the box ... CHEATED.  It's true! A violation of the LAWS of chess!  (Click  here.) 
(CNN also discussed this matter in a side-bar news story.) 

Aside from the hugely ILLEGAL tactics employed by the Fritz team, the game 
proceeded as follows: Kramnik was White. Black essays the Queen's Indian 
Defense, and then follows up with Nimzovich's own move, 4...Ba6. (I remember 
studying these lines several times during the 1980's.) This move by Black leads 
to a hugely complicated game, probably just the sort that the program needed. 

White developed VERY strongly, perhaps even reaching a won game before 
move 20. But on his 19th move, perhaps distracted by the machine's constant 
banter, Kramnik decides to sacrifice a Knight. (The move is not sound.)  If he 
had won, "This would have been the most beautiful game of my career," said 
the Kramnik - who may be the best human chess player in the world. But the 
machine - of course - found the best continuation, defending perhaps better 
and more precisely than Petrosian or Korchnoi ever were capable of. 

In the end, Kramnik may have even missed the best way to continue the attack. 
But I do have to hand it to Kramnik in several areas: # 1.) It took a tremendous 
amount of courage to play this sacrifice;  # 2.) He certainly was not able to 
calculate the sacrifice to a logical conclusion; # 3.) If he wins, he is the hero of 
the entire human race; # 4.) He could count on Fritz to find the most deeply 
hidden and difficult of tactical possibilities. 

In the end, Kramnik - seeing no way to prolong the fight - resigned. And the 
real kicker? The final position may have been drawn.  (Click  HERE.) 
Score: Two wins apiece, and 2 draws as well. (3 - 3) 

Game # 7:  October 17th, 2002. The speakers around Kramnik's chair have 
been quietly removed. Fritz is White, once again we see a Q-side opening. 
Kramnik employs a bit of strategy if his own. He uses the same opening as 
the machine used against him, "The Queen's Indian Defense." To me, the 
machine's method of handling the opening is not all that convincing, it allows 
Kramnik to attack the center, virtually forcing the center to be closed. Now 
the team of programmers are genuinely concerned, they are afraid that Black - 
given enough time - will slowly maneuver and launch a decisive counter-attack. 
But just when it looks like Black has something cooking, the box finds f4! After
this smart move, Black has no inroads into White's position. So the game is 
drawn after just a little more shadow-boxing. 
Score: Two wins apiece, and 3 draws as well. (3.5 - 3.5) 

Game # 8:  October 19th, 2002. Once again, Kramnik relies on his old stand-by, 
by pushing his QP forward two squares on the first move. And after a couple of 
feints, we again find ourselves in a classical game - "The Queen's Gambit Declined."  
This time Fritz uses the freeing maneuver pioneered by Capablanca, ...Nd5. It is 
not clear if Kramnik failed to find the best line, or if the computer simply found the 
most accurate defense. In the end, White had a tiny, tiny advantage; but probably 
not the kind that you could do anything with. Kramnik offers a draw ... that is 
accepted without hesitation by the Fritz team. 
Score: Two wins apiece, and 4 draws as well. (4 - 4) 

(Below are some comments and things I recorded, after the match had  already begun.) 

This program, Deep Fritz was/is generally conceded to be much better than the 
program, (Deep Blue) which defeated Garry Kasparov in the late 1990's. 
(An earlier version of Deep Fritz defeated Deep Blue.) 

While not running on as a near intelligent or powerful computer, the program is 
simply far more sophisticated than the simple brute-force program that ran on 
an IBM super-computer. Running on a Compaq machine that features 8 Xenon 
processors, early tests had shown this program to be virtually unbeatable in blitz, 
and also a real GM-stumper. But none of their tests were against a player of 
GM Vladimir Kramnik's caliber!! 

Thus far, (Oct 12th 2002); the computer has played terrible. Kramnik has won two games 
and the computer has played somewhat feebly in the other two games. (Both draws.) 
Super-K  leads the match, (3-1) and looks set to win this match in a cake-walk. If
play continues in this fashion, the match will not even be interesting!!

   HOLD THE PHONE!!  Kramnik loses????  

SHOCKER!  Iceman Kramnik loses game 5
13.10.2002  "In its best game of the match Fritz had world champion Vladimir Kramnik 
under considerable pressure. With 15 minutes on his clock to make six more moves, 
Kramnik tried to avoid a long, tedious and possibly lost endgame – and played the  
worst blunder of his career to lose a piece and resigned almost immediately."  

Click  HERE  to see the web page for game # 5.  (Includes a game score.) 

Ok, the box has actually won a game. Big deal. Kramnik's opening was too passive 
and wussified. Can Deep Fritz make a match out of this thing? Or will Kramnik get 
back on track - and wipe this stupid program off the face of hyper-space? 
Time will tell.

15.10.2002  Well, crud. The stupid box manages to win again. ChessBase has 
not written its report, I am writing this less than an hour after the conclusion of the 
game. (I had 2 Internet chess lessons this morning, and lost track of the time.) By 
the time I logged on to  to view the game, (they are relaying them, as 
many servers are); it was practically over. The box was playing super-tactical chess -
just what the managers of the program wanted. Kramnik resigned shortly thereafter.
To go my page for Game # 6, click  here

17.10.2002  News flash: Game seven drawn

Game seven of the Man vs. Machine event in Bahrain ended in a draw after Vladimir Kramnik was unable to capitalize on a typical anti-computer position. Fritz in fact threatened to turn tables on the world champion, who ended up defending for the draw. The score is now 3.5:3.5. A full report and pictures will follow soon.  

(From the  ChessBase  web site.) 

Fritz Defends to Draw Game 8 and the Match!   Final Score: 4 - 4  
The Brains in Bahrain Man-Machine match is over and has finished in a 4-4 draw, with two wins each and four draws! Game 8 was the shortest game of the match, a 21-move draw. The World Champion was unable to make any progress against Fritz's solid defense. It was a tremendous result for Fritz, particularly after starting out with only half a point from the first three games. Both sides said they would be happy to play a rematch.  Read more.
(From the  ChessBase   web site.) 

Well, the match is over. I personally am a little bit disappointed by the result. 
(I wanted to see the stupid thing squashed like a bug!)  But it could have been worse - Fritz could have won!  
(Shudder, perish the thought.) 

In the end, this match was good for chess. This match was a top news story virtually every day that it was 
played, the parent web site took close to 75,000 hits a day. In the end, both sides should be happy. Kramnik 
did not lose, and Fritz {and the parent company} is certain to sell many more programs as a result of this match.  

  A cut-out of a CB database, proving these games are finally all annotated.  (kram-gfmws.gif, 10 KB)

 Thursday;  November 21st, 2002. 
As you can plainly see, I have FINALLY finished annotating all of these games. 
(From my  ChessBase  database, "Games for My Web-sites.")

 (Now I can get down to brass tacks, and start cranking out all the pages.) 


 I have finally finished.  (03 Dec. 2002)  
 All the games are annotated for your enjoyment! 

I need your help. Click  here  to find out how you can keep this 
a web site that everyone can enjoy. 

Click   HERE   to see game # 1 of this historic match. 

This page was last updated on 06/11/07 .

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  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I  

  Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby,  2002 - 2005  &  2006. 

  Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby, 2007. All rights reserved.