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 GM V. Kramnik vs. Deep Fritz (7.0) 
 "Man versus Machine/ 
 Brains in Bahrain" Match; (I) 
 (Game # 6)  Manama, Bahrain; 2002. 

 GM V. Kramnik (2807) - Deep Fritz (2741) 
 Man vs. Machine Match 
 Manama, Bahrain (#6), 15.10.2002 

[A.J. Goldsby I]

(The ratings are the ones given for Deep Fritz, in "The Week In Chess.")

The Sixth (#6) game of the: "Man vs. Machine/Brains In Bahrain" Match. 

Kramnik comes out of the opening with a very large advantage. If life were always fair, he would have won this game easily. (He was much better.) But Kramnik does not find the best way to prosecute his advantage, and then he lets his edge slip. In the aftermath of all this, he unwisely decides to sacrifice a Knight, but this is unsound.

Shades of Deep Blue vs. Kasparov,  Mig Greengard says he found a draw in the position that Kramnik resigned. While I am not completely convinced, (And neither are several GM's, like Nigel Short, or Danny King.); it does appear that Kramnik did not need to resign, and could have put up much more resistance. But it is also the kind of position where the computers can find these little surprises, as many of these lines are found only by deep calculation. (Human have a harder time seeing these types of complex possibilities, especially if you believe that your position is lost.)

<< Kramnik does not find the best line and decides to sacrifice a piece. 
      (Unsound.) Although he gets a terrific attack, the machine could be 
      counted on to find the very best defense. 
      (Near-perfect calculation of long tactical lines are the machines strong point.) >>  

<< In the end, Black may be winning. Kramnik resigns, but according to an analysis 
      of the final position by one of the Fritz team, the position could have held some 
      real and concrete drawing chances. >> 

    The comments that are contained within the brackets,  ...   << blah-blah-blah-blah >>    
    are from the short version of this game - that you can download from my web site.    

I have also used several quotes from the  ChessBase  web site
 by Kure, GM Danny King, GM Julian Hodgson, and GM Vladimir Kramnik.) 
 I urge all interested parties to check out their comments as well ... for a completely 
 different take on this game. 
 (Almost no text, but a very deep analysis of some of the alternatives.)   

 Click  HERE  to see an explanation of the symbols I use. 

<< Once again, Kramnik uses probably his favorite opening, the classical Queen's Pawn. >>
1.d4 Nf62.c4 e6; {Diagram?} 
Black threatens a Nimzo-Indian, or some other sharp line ... 
but alas it is only a feint.  

3.Nf3, {Diagram?} 
This is - of course - a completely good opening move, fulfilling all four of the 
basic opening principles. 

BUT!! ... ... ... ... 
White actually chickens out with this move. 
Has the Fritz team programmed their box to avoid difficult and complex lines? 

     [ White could also play: 3.Nc3!?, {Diagram?} in this position. ].  

3...b6; {Diagram?} 
<< Black chooses the Queen's Indian Defense. Having gotten trashed in the first half 
     of the match, the programmers asked the machine to choose lines that kept the 
     Queen's on the board and led to a much greater complexity. >>  

4.g3, {Diagram?} 
<< The best way of meeting this opening. 
     (For many years, opening books only considered this move alone.) 
     But today, many opening books consider the "Petrosian System," 
      {4.a3} to be the main line.) >>  

<< This method of handling the "Queen's Indian Defense," was first worked 
      out in detail by the great Akiba Rubinstein. >> 


     [ White can also play: 4.a3!?, {Diagram?} with a good game for White. 
       ("The Petrosian System.") 

       This system was pioneered by the great (former) World Champ, Tigran Petrosian. 
       And it was later revived and refined to a much feared system by another World 
       Champion - Garry Kasparov. (It is probably because of the many ideas and 
        refinements by Kaspy that this is considered to be the main line today.) 

       [ For more details, see:  
         "Modern Chess Openings,"  or  "Nunn's Chess Openings."].  


4...Ba6;   {See the diagram just below.} 
<< This is one of Nimzovich's original ideas - in an almost continuous stream 
      of innovations by this great player. (Nimzovich was also one of a small handful 
      of players - like Richard Reti - who fathered the Hyper-Modern movement.) >>  

   The position after Black's 4th move, 4...Ba6.  (kram-vs-df_rp6_pos1.jpg, 30 KB)

 Black plays an original idea of Aaron Nimzowitsch. 


     [ Black can also play:  4...Bb7; {Diagram?} with a good game.  
       (See the next game for an example of this type of opening.) 

       The modern main line is:  5.Bg2 Be76.0-0 0-07.Nc3 Ne48.Qc2 Nxc3;  
       9.Qxc3 c5; ("=" or "~"  Maybe  White has a very small edge.) {Diagram?} 
       which is seen in the very next game, as well as dozens of other master games as well. 

       (A search of my database indicates that this position has been played nearly ... 
        500 times at the Master level of chess! 
        {ChessBase's db has nearly 700 matches!!})

       (See the game:) 
       GM Ulf Andersson - GM Anatoly Karpov;  
       Biel, 1990. (31)  (Drawn in 31 moves.) ].  


5.b3,  {Diagram?} 
<< White must protect - or gambit - his attacked pawn on c4. 
      This move (b3) is one of the main lines. 
      (White can also play Nbd2, or also Qc2, as well.) >> 

This ... and Qc2 ... are probably the two main lines here. 


     [ White could also play:  5.Nbd2, "+/=" {Diagram?} with a good game. 

        Or 5.Qc2!?, "+/=" {Diagram?} also with a good game. ].  


<< The next few moves are all one of the main lines. >>  
5...Bb4+6.Bd2 Be7; {Diagram?} 
Black retreats his Bishop to a good square, and leaves White's dark-squared QB on 
the board ... on a somewhat awkward square.  (This is the book move as well.)  

7.Bg2, {Diagram?}  
<< Probably the best approach, White prepares a quick K-side castling. >> 

     [ Another approach for White is:  7.Nc3 0-08.e4 d59.cxd5 Bxf110.Kxf1 exd5;  
       11.e5 Ne412.Kg2 Qd7;  The end of the column.  13.Qe2 Nxc314.Bxc3 c5
Nc616.Rd2 Qe617.Rhd1 Rfd818.Ng1 Rac819.Nh3!, "+/=" {Diag?} 
       A strange position. Many computer programs consider this position to be much better 
       for  BlackMCO, (GM N. de Firmian); considers this position to be solidly better 
       for White.  ("+/")   Oddly enough, I look at the position, and feel it to be very close to equal! 
       (White won a nice game that was picked as a best game by the 'Informant' series, 
         so I think theory has been unduly influenced by the result of this encounter.)   

       GM J. Hjartarsson  -  L.B. Hansen;  Copenhagen, 1997.  
       [ See MCO-14; page # 570, column # 31, and also note # (c.). ]  ].  

<< We continue by marching straight down a book line. >>  
7...c6!?;  {Diagram?} 
A critical decision for Black. 

The main strategy behind this move is to block the power of White's 
fianchettoed Bishop (on g2) by jamming the center full of pawns. 
(Pawn wedge ---> strong point ending on the d5-square.) 

This plan also has the benefit of increasing/augmenting the Black Bishop on a6. 

Once again, this is also one of the main lines ... but NOT the only playable 
move for Black! (Black has at least 7 (!) playable moves in this position.) 


     [ Black could also play:   7...0-0;   8.0-0 Bb7!?;  Black re-deploys his QB to counter 
       White's fianchettoed Bishop on g2.  
       (This is a fairly common maneuver in these variations.)   (Black could also try: 8...d5!? "~")   
       9.Nc3, "+/="
(dev./center) {Diagram?} White has a very small advantage in this position. 

       This position - according to my database - has happened, at the master level, 
       over 250 times!  

       One of my favorite games, which is in one of my books, (and I have studied in depth); is: 
       V. Dydiishko - Lev Psakhis;   8th Spartakiade, (Team Tourney). U.S.S.R; 1983. (43) 
        {White won a nice game.} 

       Probably the most significant encounter of the last 10 years (in this particular sub-variation),  
       is the following game:  
       GM Vishy Anand - GM Boris Gelfand;  FIDE World Cup (knock-out) Tournament. 
       New Delhi/India/2000. (41) {A brilliant expose by Anand.} ].  


8.Bc3 d5; {Diagram?} 
Black counters by striking strongly at the center ... one of the most basic precepts of the 
opening phase of the game of chess. 


White now anchors his Knight into the < outpost > square of e5 ... 
and Black immediately takes steps to rid himself of it.  
9.Ne5, {Diagram?}  
Not only does this move get the Knight to one of its best squares, it also controls the c4-square. 
(Which is attacked by the Black Bishop on a6 and the pawn on the d5-square.) 

     [ White could also solve the problem of the hanging pawn on c4 by playing 
        the continuation of:  9.cxd5 cxd510.0-0, {Diagram?} with a fair game 
        for both sides. 

        Or White could simply play:  9.Nbd2, {Diagram?} which also guards the 
        sensitive c4-square. ].  

Both sides continue with their plans ... and their development.  
9...Nfd710.Nxd7 Nxd711.Nd2 0-012.0-0 Rc8;   {Diagram, just below.}  
<< The end of the column in MCO. >>  

Black gets a Rook nearer the center, and prepares a possible ...c5. 

This is one of the main lines/key positions for this whole line. 

   A pretty much standard position after twelve moves. (kram-vs-df_rp6_pos2.jpg, 30 KB)

 The book position after Black's 12th move. 


13.a4, ('!?')  {Diagram?}  
<< A slight deviation from the main line of  'book,'  according to many 
      of my manuals on this opening. >>  

<< More often seen here is the move, 13. e4. >>  

<< Was Kramnik purposely trying to steer the Fritz program away from 
      the better known lines, perhaps in the hope of another error? >> 


     [  More normally played is the line:  13.e4 c514.exd5 exd515.dxc5 dxc4;  
        16.c6 cxb317.Re1 b218.Bxb2 Nc5; "~" {Diagram?} 
         ... "with chances for both sides." - GM Nick de Firmian  in  MCO.  

        GM John van der Sterren - GM Anatoly Karpov;  
        Hoogovens Annual Tournament. Wijk aan Zee/HOL/1998.  
        [ See MCO-14; page # 32, column # 32, & note # (f.). ]

       Another game continued: 19.Ba3!? Bd6!?20.Nb3 Nd3!?; (Maybe - '?!') {Diag?}   
       This could be dubious, Black's game goes rapidly downhill.   
         (Probably Black should play: >=  20...Bb5, {Diagram?}   
          to eliminate White's dangerous c-pawn.)    
       21.Bxd6 Qxd622.Nc1 Rfd823.Nxd3 Bxd324.Qa4 a525.Rad1 Qc7;  
       26.Bh3! b5?27.Qh4!, ("+/-") {Diagram?} Black Resigns, 1-0.  

       Black is lost. If 27...Rb8; then White will play 28.Rxd3!, Rxd3; 29.Bf5, 
       threatening a mate in 2, (beginning with Qxh7+); and the loose Rook on d3. 
       Since Black will have to guard against the greater threat, he will emerge a piece down. 

      GM F. Gheorghiu  -  L. Cserna;  Berlin Open/[A.J.G.]/1986. (27)  

      This was probably the very first game to reach the position in MCO  after  18...Nc5
      so I thought I would take a look at it. (I thought I had remembered that the position 
      after 18...Nc5; was judged to be MUCH better for White. 
      {In an earlier book, - based on this one game.} 
      I was correct, but this game obviously leaves a lot of room for improvement!) ].  


13...Bf6; {Diagram?}  
<< The main line, although Black often plays ...c5!? here as well. >> 


      [ ChessBase  gives the line: 13...c5!?; {Diagram?} Black also strongly counters  
         in the center. 14.cxd5,  {Diagram?} Is this the best line?  


          ( White could also play: 14.a5!? b5; "~"  {Diagram?} 
             with balanced chances in a rather murky position.  

             The  best  line may well be:  14.dxc5 Nxc5!?; 15.b4!?, "~" {Diag?}   
             with continuing complications. (- LM A.J. Goldsby I.)    


         14...exd515.Bxd5 cxd416.Bxd4 Nb817.e4 Bxf1;  
Nc6; "=/+" {Diagram?} Black is clearly better here. ].  


14.e4!, {Diagram?}  
<< This looks to be the most energetic move in this position ... to me, anyway. >>  

White gains a strong break in the center of the board. 

     [ White could also play: 14.a5!? b5!; "~" {Diagram?} with good play for Black. ]

14...c5; ('!') {Diagram?} 
Black gets in a big pawn break of his own, striking at the center as well. 

15.exd5 cxd4; {Diagram?} 
<< The last book move for the computer, according to GM Danny King. >> 
     (And also the ChessBase web site.) 

This position has only occurred in a few games. It FIRST turned up in the encounter: 
G. Morrison - GM Anthony Miles;  
FIDE Zonal Tournament. Amsterdam/HOL/NED/1978. (41) (Black won a nice game.) 

{Tony Miles passed away in Nov, 2001. I knew him from his many U.S. travels, - 
  he stayed in my room several times when we played in tourneys together - 
  and I also watched him play in at least one U.S. Championship. 
  I was very sad to hear of his passing.}  

16.Bb4!?, (Maybe - '!') {Diagram?}  
<< This is interesting, White could have also played Bb2 here as well. >> 

     [ White could have also played: 16.Bb2!?, {Diagram?} 
        with uncertain consequences. ].  

16...Re8; {Diagram?}  
<< This is good and very natural-looking. (Maybe also playable here was ...Nc5!?) >>   

17.Ne4!?, (Probably - '!')  {Diagram?} 
<< The sharpest and most energetic move, it also leads to extremely complicated positions. 
      Is Kramnik out to avenge himself of his loss in Game # 5? >>  

<< (The ChessBase web site analyzes several different alternatives ... 
       at this particular juncture.) >> 

     [ White could have also played:  17.d6, {Diagram?};  or 17.dxe6!?, {Diagram?};  
         or even 17.Re1, {Diagram?} all with an interesting game. ].  

17...exd5!;  {Diagram?} 
<< This is probably the best move for Black, as it breaks up White's pawns. 
      But ...Nc5; was probably playable as well. >> 

     [ Black could also play: 17...Nc5!?18.dxe6 Rxe619.Nxf6+ Rxf6;  
        20.Re1, "=" {Diagram?} with a roughly level position. ].  

18.Nd6, {Diagram?} 
<< White goes ahead and forks the two Rooks, this is pretty much forced now, 
       in this position. >>   

Apparently Fritz had even predicted this position would occur, back around 
moves 10-through-12! 

     [ Very bad for White would be: 18.cxd5?! Bxf119.Qxf1 a5;  
Nc5; "/+" {Diagram?} and Black is much better. ].  

18...dxc4;   {See the diagram just below.} 
<< Black wins another pawn - this is pretty much forced as well. >> 

  The position before White makes his 19th move - the first player will unwisely decide to sacrifice a piece here.  (kram-vs-df_rp6_pos3.jpg, 28 KB)


     [ An inferior line was:  18...Be7?!19.Nxc8 Bxb420.Nxa7 Bc3;  
Nf622.Nc6 Qd623.Qf3, "+/=" {Diagram?} 
        and White is clearly much better. (Maybe -  "+/") ].  

19.Nxf7?!, (Hmmm.)  {Diagram?}    
<< Kramnik is very fired up, and decides to sacrifice a piece. But this is 
     an over-reaction, and does not quite yield the desired results. >> 
     (Was he distracted? This is certainly not the kind of move ... or the kind of play ... 
       we saw from this same player in the first half of this match.)  

<< Of course, if Kramnik had made this sacrifice against anyone else, (like a human); 
      he may have easily succeeded. But a computer will not get nervous or become a 
      little frightened. It will simply crunch the numbers and come up with the best 
      possible defense that its little program will allow. >>  

<< In the early days of chess programs, one could count on the computer program to 
      often err in extremely critical positions, but this is (of course!) no longer true. >>  

<< [ The ChessBase web-site gives the following analysis: 19.bxc4 Be7; (Unclear?) 
        Or 19.Nxe8 Qxe8; 20.Re1,  (20.bxc4, 20...Ne5; 21.a5 Bxc4; 22.Re1 Qd7;  
          23.axb6 axb6)   20...Qd8; 21.bxc4, Bxc4; (Who is better here?) 
        Or 19.Bd5 Nc5;   (19...Ne5; 20.f4 Nd3; 21.Bxf7+ Kf8;  {21...Kh8; 22.Bxe8}  
         22.Qh5 Nxb4; 23.Bxe8)    20.Bxf7+, Kf8;  21.Bxe8 Qxd6;  22.Bb5 Bxb5; 
        23.axb5, "+/=" (Maybe "+/") - Deep Fritz ] >> 

So in the end, Nxf7 may actually deserve a question mark. ('?')  But Kramnik deserves 
better; at least some consideration for his willingness to try this little adventure against 
the box. (Bravery ... or foolhardiness?) 


     [  Clearly the best line was: >= 19.Bd5! Nc5; {Diagram?} I don't know about this move. 
         (Maybe the move 19...Rf8; {Diagram?} is a little better.)    20.Bxf7+ Kf8; {Box, Diag?}
        This is forced. 21.Bxe8 Qxd622.Bb5 Bxb523.axb5, "+/=" {Diagram?} 
        and White is clearly a little better here. (To say the least!)  {Line by ChessBase.} 
        The only real questions are: Did Kramnik see this line? And if he did, why didn't 
        he play it? Was he looking for more? 

        Also interesting was: 19.bxc4!?, "~" {Diagram?} with an approximately equal 
        position here. {Maybe White has a small edge.} ].  

     [ 19.Nxe8?! ] 


<< I tested this position on at least 10 different programs and different analysis engines. 
      From ChessBase to ChessMaster, Crafty, Rebel, Novag, etc. They all consider this 
      position to be better (or even winning!) for Black ... in the current position that we 
      have in this game. >>  (Meaning White's sacrifice was pretty much unsound.)  

19...Kxf720.Bd5+ Kg6; {Diagram?} 
<< This ugly-looking move is forced. >> 

     [ Clearly bad is: 20...Re6??21.Qh5+, {Diagram?} 
        and White is now winning. ("+/-") ].  

21.Qg4+, {Diagram?}  
<< This is probably the only realistic way of pursuing the attack. >> 

      [ 21.bxc4?! Ne5; "/+"  (Maybe  "-/+") {D?}
         and Black is better - if not winning.  ].  

21...Bg5; {Diagram?} 
<< This is forced as well. >>  


     [ Another line is: 21...Kh6!?22.Qh3+!? Kg6!?;  This is the safest.  
          (Maybe >= 22...Bh4!; "~" {Diagram?}  is a little better.    
           Definitely not: 22...Kg5??; 23.f4+ Kg6; 24.f5+ Kg5; 25.Qh4#   
        23.Qg4+ Kh624.Qh3+,  {Diagram?} 
        is a draw by a repetition of the position. ("=") ].  


22.Be4+!?, {Diagram?} 
<< Kramnik thought this was the best method of continuing the attack. >> 


     [ << The attack grinds to a halt after:  22.f4!? h523.Bf7+ Kxf724.fxg5+ Kg8;  
             25.Qxh5 Ne526.g6 Nxg627.Qxg6 Qd7; "/+" (Maybe "-/+") {Diag?} 
             and Black  should probably win.  
             (Kramnik said he saw this fairly simple line, over-the-board.) >> 

       Not quite hitting the mark was:   22.h4?! Nc523.bxc4 h524.Qxg5+ Qxg5;  
       25.hxg5 Nd3!; "/+" {Diagram?} and Black is clearly better, if not winning outright. ].  

22...Rxe4; ('!') {Diagram?} 
<< This is good, even forced. >> 

     [ A worse line (for Black!) is the continuation of:  22...Kf7!?23.Bd5+ Kf6?; {Diagram?} 
       This is a mistake.   (The move: 23...Kg6; {Diagram?} probably leads to a draw by a    
          repetition of the position.)   24.Qf3+ Ke5; {Diagram?}  Sadly, this is forced.  
         (24...Kg6?; 25.Bf7+ Kh6; 26.Qh5#   The next few moves are all pretty much forced. 
Be326.Qe4+ Kf627.fxe3+ Kg528.Qh4+ Kg629.Bf7#, {Diagram?} 
       This line represents just one of dozens of pitfalls a human player might have fallen into ... 
        if an organic intelligence were trying to defend this position. {A.J.G.} ].  

23.Qxe4+ Kh6; (king haven)   {See the diagram just below.}   
<< The only good move for the computer. >>  

   The first player's attack rages on, yet the Black King may have found a hiding place.  (kram-vs-df_rp6_pos4.jpg, 28 KB)

 The position in the game after Black's 23rd move. 


     [ The continuation:  23...Kf724.Qd5+ Kg625.Qe4+ Kf7; "=" {Diagram?} 
        is simply repeating moves. 

        Of course not:  23...Kf6?24.Rae1!, "+/"  {Diagram?}  
        with a clear advantage to White. (Maybe even "+/-") ].  

<< White now continues the attack. >>  
24.h4 Bf625.Bd2+ g526.hxg5+, {Diagram?} 
<< This appears to me to be the best way of continuing the attack. (Line opening.) 
      But Deep Fritz pointed out that bxc4!? was also possible. >>  

     [ Very interesting and playable was the continuation: 26.bxc4!?, {Diagram?} 
        with some compensation for White, due to the placement of Black's unfortunate King. 
        (See the ChessBase analysis.) ].  

26...Bxg527.Qh4+!?, {Diagram?} 
<< This is an extremely complex position, it is not at all clear what the best continuation 
      of the attack would be. >>  

<< The Fritz team - as well as many commentators - felt that Qe6+!? was a better continuation. >>  

<< IM M. Pein - for the London Chess Center - opined that the best chance was Qe6+. 
     (But again, this is NOT 100% certain.) >> 


     [ The main line of Qe6+ runs as follows:  27.Qe6+ Nf628.Qh3+, {Diagram?} 
       This is probably the best.   ( A strange line is: 28.f4!? Bh4!!; "-/+" {Diagram?}   
         (So that if White plays Pawn takes Bishop, Black plays the strong ...Qg8+!;     
         to trade the Q's, and kill the attack.) - IM Malcolm Pein. )     28...Kg6!;  
; {Diagram?} This appears to be the best try in this position. 
         (Interesting is: 29...c3!?  
Kf7; "/+" (Maybe "-/+") {Diagram?} and Black is clearly better, 
       if not winning outright. ( - GM V. Kramnik.) ].  


<< White continues to try to make as much out of his position as he possibly can. 
      (And the machine's program continues to defend ... in a nigh super-human manner.) >>  

27...Kg628.Qe4+ Kg729.Bxg5 Qxg530.Rfe1 cxb3;  
32.a5, {Diagram?} 
<< White continues to try to open lines ... this is his only hope. >> 

     [ If  32.Re7+!? Kg6; "-/+" {Diagram?} 
        and Black is winning. 

       Maybe 32.Rab1!?, {Diagram?} is a try? ].  

32...Qd5!33.Qxd5 Nxd534.axb6 axb6; axb6; "/+" (Maybe "-/+")   {Diagram.}   
<< White Resigns, believing his position to be hopeless.  (0-1) >> 

  The final position in the game ... Kramnik resigned. But did he have to? (kram-vs-df_rp6_pos5.jpg, 25 KB)

 The final position. (White resigns.) 


     [ After the very likely line of: 34...axb635.Rxa6 b236.Ra7+ Kg637.Rd7 Rc1;  
        38.Rd6+ Nf639.Rdd1 b1Q; "/+" (Maybe  "-/+")  {Diagram?} 
        and Black's position appears  completely overwhelming. 
        [ Line by - GM V. Kramnik ] 

        ( But is this position really lost for White?  Mig Greengard gives an EXCEEDINGLY 
          complex line, of which the following is just a very brief look at:  39...b1Q40.Rxc1 Qf5!?;   
          This is good,  ...Qb4;  was playable as well.  41.Rc6! b5!?42.Ree6 b4!?43.Rb6 Kf7;  
          44.Rxf6+!! Qxf645.Rxb4 Qe5!?; {Diagram?} I don't think it matters what move Black 
          plays in this position.  

           (45...Qa1+; 46.Kh2 Qa247.Rf4+, {Diagram?} leads to pretty much the same idea.)   

          46.Rf4+, {Diagram?} (Is this position drawn? All the experts say that it is!) 

          White has erected a  FORTRESS ... through which Black can not penetrate. (Draw, "=") 
             [The White Rook only has to move from f4 to h4.] 
           (But this is not the only line for White ... it is very, very difficult and a very complex line. 
             ---> For the full analysis ... see the  ChessBase  web-site.  You can also download 
             their very deep analysis - in PGN format.) )  ].  


    Please visit my web page(s) at:  
  for a better look at this whole match. 
  (The Kramnik - Deep Fritz event has its own section.) 
  Every game is annotated in depth. 


     Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I.  Copyright (©) A.J.G; 2002. 

     (Code initially)  Generated with  ChessBase 8.0  

  0 - 1  

I went to great pains to annotate this game ...  NOT  to benefit a master, but to make it possible 
for the average player to follow this game.  I also tried to make this a game a brief survey of the 
opening, for any aspiring player who is trying to learn - and might not have access to many books. 

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Click  HERE  to go to (or return to) the main (parent) page for the Kramnik vs. Deep Fritz Match. 

Click  HERE  to go to (or return to) my Main (home) page for this site. 

This is a game I annotated especially for these web pages. I plan to annotate - in a similar 
manner ... all of these games. (For your study and enjoyment.) 

If you would like a copy of this game to help you study,  contact me

Page first posted, late October, 2002.   Last/final revision:  Tuesday;   December 2nd,  2002. 
(Page updated on:  January 15th, 2003.)

If you get the U.S.C.F.'s magazine, (Chess Life); check out GM Danny King's interesting analysis
of this game. (FEB 2003, pages # 29 - 31.) 

  Copyright (c) LM A.J. Goldsby I  

  Copyright (©) A.J. Goldsby, 2001-2005.  

  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 2006. All rights reserved.