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Services: Repair, Refinish, and Moving Pianos


Chris Hall tuning a Grand.

Any tuning or piano repair is welcome. Parts can be ordered or hand made. In-home and shop work done. I tune for several of the local college music departments, individuals, churches on a regular basis, and in the past when the Mississippi Queen came to town I had the contract with them.


Moving a piano up some stairs.

We carefully moves your piano. Call for an estimate. All steps and levels need to be considered. The difficulty of the moving will depend on the movers needed. Much of our equipment is custom designed for pianos, insuring that your move will be completed safely and efficiently. Contact us regarding local moves, out of state moves, room to room or even if you just need us to load your piano onto a delivery truck for you.
Call (423) 667-6643


Piano refinishing team.

Ward Piano Company Incorporated located in Canton, NC is the company I use to refinishes all our wood work. We estimate cost, pick up, deliver to North Carolina, and deliver your piano to your home when restored.