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Survey for Hall's Fine Tuning's Website

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Hall's Fine Tuning Survey

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We appricate the time you take to complete this survey.

Is this your first visit to this web site?
Yes No
How did you hear about Hall's Fine Tuning Web Site? Choose all that apply.
Crusing the Internet for Piano sites.
Saw the URL in your Phonebook Ad.
A friend recomended the site to me.
Googled piano sites for a particular service.
I heard you radio ad.
Did you find all of the services you would need contained in this web site?
Yes No
What type piano services were you searching for?
What do you use your piano for? Choose all that apply.
I enjoy playing the piano.
I teach piano.
I am a Concert Pianists.
I am in the piano business.
Have you ever bought a piano over the Internet?
Yes No
If you have bought a piano from the Internet what type was it?
What type of piano are you looking for that I might be able to locate?
Have you ever rented a piano from the Internet?
Yes No
If you have rented a piano from the Internet what type was it?
What are the type pianos that you need to rent?
What type piano(s) do you own? Choose all that apply.
What was the first linked page you visited?
Which page of our web site do you come back to for information the most?
How many Piano web sites do you visit in a two week period?
1-2    3-5    6-8    9 or More
How would you rate our web site in ease of getting to the information you want?
Uck Ok Found what I needed. Good Great
Was the web site text comfortable to read?
Yes No
Were the background and text colors acceptable?
Yes No
Were you able to navigate the web site easily?
Yes No
Any Comments on navigating this web site?....
Did you learn anything new or interesting at this site?
Yes No