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Chapter 10

Kaoru and Kenshin stood both frozen in place. Both breathing heavily and feeling the uncertainty in the air.

‘do I wait for him? Do I pull away? Do I lunge in? do I do anything?!’ Thought Kaoru to herself. Her thoughts were slow and numb.

‘<LUNGE IN!!!!!!!!!>’ Battousai said very loudly in Kenshin’s head

adrenaline rushing through him he moved forward and deepened the kiss, just enough to feel her tongue play with his. Short and intense… he pulled back to look at her reaction.

Strangely, she had none, she was not smiling, she was not frowning, not angry, not sad, not nothing… she blinked and looked at Kenshin with her neutral face opening her mouth as if to say something.

‘<what happened?!>

<what was that all about?!>

<what is she going to do?!>’

"what the hell?" said a voice in the dark.

"What are they doing?" said another

"Their staring at each other."

"What did we miss?"


Sano, Yahiko, Megumi, Tae and Tsubame all covered with bandages, bruises, slings and some occasional stitches looked at the still couple. Megumi had to first attend herself and then all the others so it had been like half an hour that they saw the couple. Fortunately Tae and Megumi knew where they would be having planned the whole Dinner-by-the-river thing.

"Why don’t they do anything… I mean their not even talking." said Sano

"Is it just me or did Kenshin get beat up?" noticed Yahiko

"oh my goodness you’re right!" exclaimed Tae

"Hey… what happened to Kaoru’s bun?" questioned Megumi

Tsubame blushed being the first one to put together all the information and make some sense out of it. Yahiko looking over to Tsubame who had her hand over her mouth, also realized and started to snicker a little too loudly.

"Oi! Shut up gaki! They’re gonna hear us!" whispered Sano

Yahiko what are you laughing at?!" screeched Megumi.

Yahiko only pointed at the stone cold couple. The three adults looked back at Kenshin and Kaoru and realised at the same time also trying to hold back their laughter.

"So Kenshin decided to get a little cozy with Jou-chan but she had other plans ne?" Sano said between laughs.

"Aw, poor thing, but he did mess with Tanuki…" Megumi said in the same state.

"I guess I had better go and do something… this must be really awkward for both of them…" said Sano standing up. Meanwhile…

Kaoru starred at Kenshin with those same dreadful eyes, not allowing him to think, barely breath. He would give anything to hear a human sound, but none came, from her, or him.

‘<Kuso! What have you done?!>


Without warning she threw herself on Kenshin knocking him down on the ground and her right after.


<what is she doing?!?!?>

<she’s… kissing us!>’

and boy was she kissing him almost rabidly, as if there were no tomorrow! She had waited so long for this… her first kiss and all he does is touch her lips and pull away! Like hell he would get away with it!!

Sano, seeing the interaction between them advancing, stopped in mid step, panicked and dove behind a nearby tree.

Kenshin tried to get up because between the really passionate kiss and Kaoru on top of him he was running out of air! But she wouldn’t even let him move!! Damn if she would just calm down!! I mean ‘I’m not going to die or anything’ the three Himura’s thought. Her hands were all over him! In his hair, his neck, his stomach, his chest, his face, his back… a little lower.



<Damn Nena!!!! I didn’t think you had it in you!>

<Oro!!! Can’t breath!!>

<Need air!!>

<*growls playfully*>’ Kenshin and the Rurouni sweat dropped.

<Dammit let me take over!!! You’re not doing anything!!!>

<Only if you promise we will live!!>


<Yeah yeah yeah what ever!!!>

<All right.>

<Oh yeah!>’

Battousai was in charge again. He quickly took action. Kaoru had parted only a millimetre from Kenshin’s face because she needed air as well, after all you can’t do this when you’re unconscious. But getting in the mood, it was Kenshin who continued the kiss again. Finally placing his hands over her back, waist, neck, head, ehem… etc. Kaoru a little surprised but glad he was finally taking action didn’t object.

Meanwhile… back at a tree. "God damn!!!!!! This is what happens when the sexual tension finally breaks…" Sano snickered to himself. ‘But feh! It’s just a first date!!! Save some for later!’ he looked at them and smiled like an idiot having a very amusing time.

Megumi blushed along with everybody else and covered her mouth with the back of her hand ‘If this is how these two are acting… good God! How will it be with me and the rooster head?!’ She blushed deeper.

Tae was in the same state as Megumi of course. ‘Kaoru!!!!! Mou!!! How will you be when you’re married?!?’

Yahiko’s jaw was all the way to the ground and his eyes were the size of flying saucers. ‘What the hell are they trying to do?! Eat each other?!’

Tsubame was as red as a ripe tomato ‘not looking’ through her hands that covered her face. ‘Kaoru-san! Himura-san! Aren’t you hurting each other??’

Hurting each other? Maybe, but they didn’t seem to mind. Battousai had not wasted any time and his hand was now pulling the kimono off Kaoru’s shoulder.




Tae and Megumi behind the bush equally shocked quickly covered Yahiko’s and Tsubame’s eyes. Sanosuke was about to burst.

"BAKA!" he tried to whisper "I won’t let you go ant further than that so you had better leave Jou-chan in a decent state!!"

Battousai of course was not the least bit interested. They had moved a good distance away from the log and were now very close to the edge of the river. Sanosuke had a rather large vain on his forehead seeing his imouto-chan’s bare shoulder.

"That’s it!!! You have crossed the line Kenshin! You forgot you’re NOT married yet!!" he not so whispered

without thinking he ripped off the nearest branch which happened to be a very large and heavy and threw it with all he had at the couple. He knew Kenshin would see it and Kaoru wouldn’t get hurt.

Of course Kenshin was a little busy…but because Battousai was in charge he saw it a split second before it crashed into them, that was all he needed to turn himself around and receive the impact.

"Oro!!!!" said Kenshin as he and Kaoru went flying for the river

"Ahhhhhhh!" she yelled grabbing on to him

Sanosuke was off in a flash grabbing everybody Tsubame strapped to his chest, Yahiko on his head and Tae and Megumi, in either arms. He ran off full speed to the dojo so they wouldn’t be discovered.

A huge splash was seen in the background as Kenshin and Kaoru hit the water full force. Kaoru sat up and coughed as some water had entered her nose. The water there was only calf high. On her lap lay a very dazed redhead with swirly eyes, blowing bubbles.

"Kenshin! Daijoubu ka?" she jerked him up and took a good look at him to which he responded


‘<Ite!!!!!!> complained Battousai now in Kenshin’s head again.

<What the hell was that anyway…>

<I don’t know but thank goodness it happened to come along de gozaru>

<*glare* he’s right! it’s just a first date fer cryin out loud!!>

<what?! I was just going with the flow!>’

"Dai… daijoubu Kaoru…" he said giving her a pained smile touching the huge bump on his head.

She chuckled a little and stood up as did Kenshin. He blushed a little and pulled Kaoru’s kimono over her shoulder again. She blushed deeper. ‘What got into me?! Thank God we fell into the river. Mou! I could have sworn smoke came from the water when we fell!’

"Ano, Kaoru let’s go home, you’re all wet and I wouldn’t want you to get sick de gozaru." Kenshin said offering his hand. She nodded and smiled.


"well…" said Sano as the very soaked couple arrived at the dojo. "Have fun?"

Kaoru and Kenshin sweat dropped. Megumi came in also to greet them.

"Nice night for a swim…" she mocked

more sweat drops. Yahiko went to the door and started to laugh his head off.

"What happened to you?! Get attacked by a giant watering can?! HA HA HA HA!"


"Ano... Kaoru I know it’s kind of late, demo, I’ll go prepare a bath for you de gozaru." said Kenshin walking off towards the bath house.

"Hai… arigatou Kenshin" she smiled at him

"So Kaoru… how was the date" Kenshin heard Megumi say

Kaoru looked at Megumi realising she had been called to attention. Looking towards Kenshin’s back again, she smiled.

"It was wonderful."

Kenshin smiled to himself. All three of them "Arigatou gozaimasu Kaoru-dono."

A/N: actually I had this finished a while ago… *sweat drop* demo… a package from my cousin came and well in it where the entire series of Evangelion and DNA2 which I have… ehem had never seen, so I kinda got traumatised and would stay at the computer all day watching them… until I finished them which was today… ^^ gomen! One more chapter to go!! Kawaii!!! Kawaii chapter! ¬¬ well at least I think so! Arigatou for reviewing minna!! Happy birthday to Crystal Okamino again and to my friend Liliana who has the same birthday ^January 20th, only she is turning 17 ^^ FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!

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