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Chapter 13: Be My Girlfriend


A fanfiction by Kyo


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I'm so so so so sorry guys for taking so long. I've been very busy with school and everything. Hope you guys don't hate me for taking this long. I'm so ashamed of myself right now. Please Review, even though I know you guys hate me for the time being.


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Yahiko was getting desperate. This was the fifth time they were playing, and this was the fifth time he was loosing. And he didn't like that. He was sure about something, though. Chess was not his game. Definitely not.

Tsubame was another story. She liked the game, more because it was something she was really good at than anything else. Nonetheless, she felt a little bad for Yahiko who just couldn't get anything in the game right. He was much like Sano that way. Her sister's boyfriend was just as bad in the game as the boy, even worse. Yahiko was so bad at it that at first she actually thought he was doing it on purpose to let her win. Later she discovered that was not the case. He was actually loosing. Pretty badly, too.

Tsubame moved her queen two spaces to the front, hoping that Yahiko would see that she had left her king completely open. He didn't notice though, and he moved his horse exactly where she could take him out with the queen or whatever other piece she liked. Tsubame sighed for tenth time in ten minutes. He was hopeless in this game.

Tsubame made as if she was leaning over the table to get a better look and toppled over all the pieces. Better put the boy out of his misery and stop this game.

"Oh Yahiko-chan! I'm so sorry!" Tsubame said in a bad-actor voice, hoping that Yahiko wouldn't see over the strategy to save the last bit of his honor by not loosing a fifth time.

That's when Kaoru burst out of the room.

Nor Yahiko nor Tsubame had heard anything on the other room, and Kaoru seemed more angry than sad. She looked frustrated, Yahiko decided.

Seconds afterwards, Kenshin stepped into the room with hesitant steps, looking as Kaoru stepped into the garden. After a few seconds of looking at Kaoru's retreating form, Kenshin turned to look at the two teenagers. Tsubame was still leaning over the table after she had toppled all the pieces and their faces were really close together. Kenshin sported a little sad smiled at this, almost as if he was longing for something, or he was jealous of them.


Kenshin took another step inside the room. He didn't know what he had done. He had not said anything, in fact, not a word. He had hoped she would say anything, anything to lift the tension, but she had just looked at him, waiting for him to talk. When he had not said anything, she had left the room. He was still wondering why.

His life was just too messed up for comfort. He sighed for nth time that day. He felt a hand on his shoulder, a very big hand that could only belong to his shishou.

"Baka deshi, you really need to talk to her." Hiko said lightly.

"I- I know, Shishou." Kenshin said softly, bowing his head. His blood red bangs fell over his eyes, effectively concealing his expression.

Hiko saw as the young girl practically ran into the garden, immediately flling into the arms of her best friend, no matter she would get soaked too.

Kenshin sighed. "But not today . . ."


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The tournament came and went. Everybody got a prize to bring home but the tension between Kenshin and Kaoru was driving everybody nuts. The were extremely polite to each other, like they were not best friends, like they didn't like each other, like they were complete strangers.

They avoided each other the most they could to the point where if one of them entered one room, the other would step out of it. It seemed they really did not want to talk about it, and they were doing everything that were in their hands not to talk to each other.

Megumi and Misao tried to talk about it with Kaoru, but she refused to do so, saying that there was nothing wrong, that she was okay. And if Kaoru did not want to talk, there was nothing Misao and Megumi could do about it, so they let her be, hoping they would somehow fix the mess.

Sano, being Kenshin's best friend, tried to talk to him, giving him sarcastic comments and crass words about the deal, but Kenshin just ignored him, closing himself.

Even Tomoe tried to talk to Kenshin, seeing that there had been many days to the thing, but Kenshin just smiled innocently and said nothing. She tried to talk to Kaoru, but she got the same results, they just didn't want to talk, confused and afraid as they were.

It was almost ironic the way they were behaving. They were afraid of each other, the only person that would never harm them on purpose, when they weren't afraid of the toughest opponents they had faced in the tournament and before that. It just seemed ridiculous. But there was nothing they could do.


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The wedding had been a real success. Misao was all tears in the shoulder of her boyfriend when Tomoe said "I do" and Megumi was jumping with excitement in a very out-of-character display of her emotions. Kaoru had this huge smile on her face while she clapped lightly. All in all, the three females were pretty excited with the wedding, especially after seeing and meeting the groom. "A real hunk." Megumi had said in appreciation once Tomoe, Misao, Kaoru and her were alone. All of them had nodded in agreement and Tomoe smiled from ear to ear, something they had never really seen her do.

Hiko looked gorgeous in his suit when he delivered her daughter, and after barking a warning to the groom that he would treat her well or else, he let Tomoe go. She had glared at him a bit, but Hiko was not a man to be unfazed easily. He grumbled and left the aisle where Kenshin was too busy glaring at Akira to really pay attention to his father.

Poor Akira gulped upon receiving the glares, but at the gentle squeeze in his hand by his bride, he had forgotten about everything else.

After the religious ceremony, the guests had gathered at the party place. The whole place was completely gorgeous and the four females were very satisfied by the arrangements, since all four of them had helped with it.

The table closest to where Tomoe and her new husband were seated was where the Kenshin-gumi sat. Kaoru was seated between Misao and Kenshin. To Misao's left were Aoshi, then Hiko and his date. To Kenshin's right were Sano, Megumi and then Tsubame and Yahiko and Soujiro. Even though, Kaoru was Kenshin's date for the evening, she had tried, unsuccessfully, to avoid him. No matter what she had tried to do, she ended up next to him, or worse, alone with him, courtesy of her friends, and his friends. She knew she was being sort of childish with all of this, but she couldn't do anything about it. She was too afraid.

All of them had drunk to the bride and groom's health, even Yahiko and Tsubame, though they were underage (in Mexico, sometimes underage children –under 18- are allowed to take a sip or two of alcoholic beverages during these celebrations).

Yahiko really could not hold his alcohol and after the toast he was kind of tipsy, saying incoherencies and stuff. He felt dizzy and the world danced erratically before his eyes. He also felt his tongue loosen and his sense of embarrassment go away. He did something he might not had wanted to do.

 Tsubame watched to boy with watery eyes. She could not believe he was tipsy after only one cup. I mean she was not tipsy, and she had drunk exactly the same amount. Anyways, it was fun to watch him.

Soujiro watched the kid wearily. He knew he was about to do something stupid and not too good for his health. But since there was not really any visible danger around, he decided to watch the scene. It might prove to be interesting.

Yahiko's head swam from place to place, and his sight was blurry. He was sure he was seeing the most beautiful girl in the world right in front of him though.

With hesitant steps, Yahiko stepped toward Tsubame, who watched him with a small smirk on her face, trying hard not to giggle.

After blinking dazedly for a few minutes, Yahiko finally spoke. "Tsubame-chan!" He screamed, loud enough for the next five tables to hear him clearly. "Be my girlfriend!!!" He yelled, stepping forward for a hug, his arms wide open. Tsubame was so surprised by the request she almost toppled over thanks to Yahiko's extra weight and her own surprise. She lowered both of them to the floor, while she heard giggles from the continuous tables, everyone with their eyes on them.

"Okay . . ." Tsubame uttered.

Yahiko beamed and leaned over her for a kiss on her lips. But lost his balance and ended kissing her on the cheek. There were more giggles, but none of them noticed.


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Long before the Yahiko-Tsubame scene, Kaoru had decided to go outside to take fresh air. The night air was cool against her skin. It was actually very late, she noticed after taking a glance at the clock outside. The street was empty of people, though it was crowded with the cars of the guests. Just in front of her was Kenshin's car, she noticed.

She sighed. The thought of Kenshin seemed to follow her everywhere, and se couldn't do anything to stop. She wondered how things became such a shambles. It was actually pretty simple, wasn't it? She liked Kenshin very, very much. And She knew he liked her too, so what was the big deal. She sighed again. She was afraid to loose heir friendship. But she was loosing it already, avoiding him so childishly all the time.

She heard a light step behind her followed by a click of metal against wood. Startled, she turned around only to see the dark figure of a man step towards her. Something in his hand glinted under the streetlight and his eyes were concealed by dark glasses.

Kaoru narrowed her eyes and cocked her head, wondering who this man could be. He stared at her for a moment more, but before she could open her mouth to ask who he was, he spoke.

"Kamiya Kaoru, Battousai's lover. Jinchuu is not over till I take your life away."


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I know this is another cliffhanger, and I know it is so goddamn short. Another two reasons for you guys to hate, but please don't. Review even though you hate please? I need those reviews. I got this really low grade on math, you guys please cheer me up. God knows I need it.

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