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Standard Disclaimers Apply.     Chapter Five





Beep! Beep!


Ugh! What could this be again!?


Dr. Takani, you are needed in the Emergency Room right away.


I know that each doctor has their own responsibility and that one must be willing to make sacrifices but this is ridiculous! I need a break! What would happen to the world if all doctors suffer from a nervous breakdown? I know, the shrinks will go nuts treating know-it-all doctors and then the mental ward will be filled up and then people will die of diseases and then what?


Lawyers will take over the world.


Not a good picture.


Beep! Beep!


I know! I know! I'm coming!  I swear, after this evening, I am going to take a nice and long vacation. Everyone needs to unwind, even doctors.


I ran out of the spa as fast as I can, jumped into my convertible and breezed towards the hospital. Did I say that a doctor also needs guts and a strong stomach? Aside from the driving expertise to bolt to the hospital in case of emergencies, you have to learn how to appreciate the beauty of internal organs and blood.


I stormed in the emergency room preparing for a major operation when I saw my patient.


A drunk beaten up guy whose fists are crushed.


This is the emergency I was called for?


Instead of feeling sorry for him, I wanted to punch him to oblivion! While other people are suffering from cancer, aids and other detrimental diseases, this punk engages in a brawl, not caring about his life.


How pathetic.


I bandaged his hand bitterly as I imagined myself in a faraway land where I have no responsibilities. Where I am paid to sit around and do nothing. Not that I am not a dedicated doctor, I am just in desperate need of a break.


After treating his hand, I went over his file. Hmmm… 'Casting Director for Ai suru Hito o Mamoru Tame ni.'







Where am I?


I squinted my eyes to adjust to the light. Am I in a hospital? Wait… wait… what happened?


I was in a bar with Katsu…


…there was this beautiful hot babe named Tokio…


…who turned out to be married to that bastard Hajime Saitoh from the other station!


"Chikuso!" I muttered under breath as I reflexively pounded my hand on the table beside me! "Iiiittttaaaaiiiii!!!!" I yelled out in pain as I rubbed my sore hand. I forgot that I broke this hand. Hmmm… what time is it anyway?


"Good morning, sir!" a nurse greeted as she entered the room.


"Hi there babe! Umm… what time is it?"


"It's 9:30 in the morning, sir. Your friend brought you here but he had to leave you early. Here, he left you a message," the nurse replied as she handed me a piece of paper.


Hey bakayarou! I have to go know, Aoshi called me and said that I was needed in the set. See ya!



Teme! He didn't even wake me up!


"Your doctor said that, as soon as you collect yourself, you may pay the cashier and you can go home," she said warmly as she picked up her stuff and left.


That bastard Saitoh will get a piece of my Futae mo Kiwami when my fist heals. Che! I was I supposed to know that…


"Uncle! Uncle! Are you alright?"


What the…


I stared at the frantic woman who had just barged in my door. I was supposed to say something but no words came out… I just gaped at her beauty.


This had never happened to me. I was usually slick with women but, she is not an ordinary woman… she… she is a…





Good. My plan is working!


"Uncle! Uncle I came here as soon as I could!" I repeated more desperately this time as I scanned the area.


"Miss I think you came in the wrong room," he stammered.


I opened my mouth and stuttered, "Oh… I… I have to go."


Damn! It didn't work after all.


"I'm sorry. You seem to be so anxious. Is there a problem?"


On second thought, maybe this guy has a heart after all. I downcast my eyes and replied in a sad tone, "Actually, there is… my uncle is sick he is very sick and… I have to go." I pretended to walk away. Slowly. Very slowly.


Three. Two. One.


"Don't go so soon! Please… share with me your problems," he began hesitantly. "Maybe I can help. You know, it would be better if you would release all your troubles here so that you wouldn't have to enter your uncle's room with a heavy heart."


He's compassionate? I never thought he would be like this. I thought that he is some arrogant and stuck-up showbiz guy who engages in fights for fun.


Maybe lying to him isn't such a good idea but… I couldn't help myself. I had already gotten into the character I was playing, besides… my mind is set. I am going to stir away from my strangling routine.


I slumped down on the chair beside him and sighed, "You're right." I looked into his worried eyes and began my practiced my lines, "Well, you see, my uncle had a dream for me. He wanted me to act on stage or… anywhere for that matter. He always wanted that for me but I was too busy. I never gave in to his wishes and now… on his deathbed, I want to fulfill his dreams… even if it's too late…"


I glanced at him, noting the seriousness of his face as he listened to me intently.


"..I had been roaming around the city for any audition openings but there isn't any. I don't know what to do. I really want to do that for him. You see, he was the one who took care of me…"


At least that part was true.


He smiled at me weakly and held my hand for a moment, "See... sharing your problems isn't so bad."


I nodded in defeat. He wasn't going to offer me any part. I stood up, smiled at him sadly and said, "You're right. Umm… thank you. I have to go. Ano… sorry for the sudden outburst."


"That's alright. Um…"


"Megumi. Megumi Takani. See you." I waved my hands and turned to leave.


So much for wasting my time. Better remind myself that lying will never get me anywhere.


As I turned the knob to leave, he called out, "Wait, Megumi Takani! Maybe I can help you!"




I turned around and wore an innocent face. "Huh? What do you mean…"


"Sanosuke. Sanosuke Sagara," he said with a cocky grin.


"What do you mean, Sanosuke?"


"Maybe I can help you find the break you are looking for."


At that, I smiled at him widely. Oh, Sano! You don't know how fitting the word break is.





I walked up the path where my father used to take me. I sat on a large stone as I watched the birds fly on the clear sky.


Then, she was there, walking towards me.


I stood up and met her half-way. "Kaoru… what are you doing here?"


"I came here for you," she replied wearing a smile so bright that even the stars would be envious. She wrapped her arms around me , resting her head on my chest.


"How did you find me?" I whispered through her hair.


She looked up at me, pressing her nose against mine. "Even if I was blind I will always find my way to you."


"Stay with me," I pleaded as I lowered my head to capture her lips for a sweet and lingering kiss.


"Forever," she said, smiling, in between our kiss as she pulled down my head to deepen the kiss.




I can't believe I fell asleep here. That dream… it felt so real.


I slapped my forehead and sighed, "Oh, Kaoru what have I done? We were so close… Why did I let you go?"


I sighed audibly as I looked at my watch. My eyes widened. "Oh no! I am late! Aoshi is going to kill me!" Setting aside my previous thoughts, I dashed towards my house. I cannot afford to be late, especially now that we are filming the season ender episode.


I took a bath, dressed up and drove to the studio as fast as I could. Aoshi doesn't appreciate tardiness. Whew! If the Guinness people were watching I would have probably won an award for fastest actor to reach the studio. I threw the doors open, sighing in relief when I saw that they were just about to start


"Great, Himura! You are just in time! Now, dress up into your costume and we are going to shoot scene 3, act 5, episode 13, season 7!"


What was that again?


"What are you waiting for… Go!" Aoshi ordered.


After donning my costume, I went to the set, silently recalling the lines that I had memorized earlier.


"We're on at five. Four. Three. Two. One. Action!"


"Diagoro, it's over. Our problems are finally over. Nothing is going to stand in our way… in our love. Aren't you happy?"


"Of course I am happy. It's just that…"


"What? Tell me!" she asked worriedly as she placed her hand on my shoulder.


"I just wish that Tetsuma didn't have to kill himself."


Smiling weakly, she consoled, "I know, darling but… we can't do anything about it, ne?" She wrapped her arms around me and continued, " You don't have to blame yourself. We have our whole lives ahead of us. Aren't you happy?"


"Of course I am!"


She leaned on my shoulder, whispering audibly, " I love you, Diagoro. I have waited my whole life for you."


I closed my eyes, picturing the beautiful face of the woman I love. "Me, too. I'm glad that I finally have you in my arms. I love you, Kaoru!"


Shura immediately pulled back and looked at me in puzzlement. She raised her eyebrows and squeaked, "Huh?"


"Cut! Himura!? What was that everything was perfect already!! Who is Kaoru?" Aoshi demanded.


I gave him a sheepish grin as sweat formed on my head. "Anoo… I can explain everything, Aoshi… later. Hehehe… can we just take the scene again?"


Aoshi nodded understandingly. "On cue! Scene 3, act 5, episode 13, season 7, take two! Action!"


Trying to collect myself, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes momentarily but all I saw was her lovely face smiling at me.


This is not working.


I opened my eyes and sighed miserably.


I can't believe how much she affects me! If given the chance to see her again, I will never let her go.



Author's Notes:

Thanks to Susan for pointing this out. First things first… I want to explain something regarding their characterization:

Kenshin: In Surfacing Hearts, Kenshin ran away from Kaoru because well, his memories are not yet intact and he feels that he will just hurt her again.

On the other hand, here in 'Lie to Me', at the beginning of Chapter Three, he was very ecstatic because he feels as if he is living out his fantasies. the way he and Kaoru thought of the same things, the way Kaoru even finished the sentences for him, the way everything seemed to go along perfectly. and then when he saw that Kaoru was expecting him to kiss her, it was kindda a jolt back to reality for him. nothing is that perfect. I quote from his thoughts...

"I had to get away. From what? From something that was too good to be true that will only shatter my heart more if I had come to believe that there is a slight chance that it was true."

I guess, for me that is, when something too perfect comes along, it usually isn't, right? do you get my point? …and it just hurts even more because your expectations have heighten and because it is 'perfect', a part of you will block out the possibility that something will go wrong. and if it did... the pain will be more unbearable.

Kenshin didn't want to hurt himself. not that way. so he ran away. he is a soap star, right? How many famous actors or people working on that field had a decent relationship? His co-workers for instance, Aoshi has none. Sano is just playing around... the people around Kenshin didn't have a decent relationship so we can't really expect him to be fully optimistic at that point.

Hope this justifies why I made Kenshin leave that moment. Sorry if I forgot to explain this in the previous chap's author's notes. Kenshin and Kaoru will meet again in the next chap.

Misao: I don't usually do quick romances… I usually like to take things slow [except for Best Laid Plans], which is why most of my fics are long. Anyhoo, Misao kissed Aoshi because she thought she'd never see him again and she'd like to give him something to remember her by. As she said, "See? Even a spark will do you good!"


Many, many, many thanks to all those who left a review!!! ^_^ You inspire me to improve my fic and to write more! Sorry if I can't give individual responses… I don't want to make my author's notes too long. Thank you Claria, Dfourthhorseman, Talaco, Marta, Omochi, Macy, Hotaru Yukishiro Tomoe, SAGE, Dora-chan, Nim, Nemo, Artemismoon, Kori Suketchi, Kuroneko-Sama, Tan Kimiko, Hana-chan, Someone, Marstanuki, Dementedchris, JML, Onna.


Special Thanks to Chris for pre-reading… Thanks for the wonderful advice.

…and to the dashing Gypsy-chan who dubbed me as 'Princess Waff'. Whoops! Chibi-angel's head is getting bigger… well, not really… its just filling up with waffy ideas because of the inspiration. Thanks, Queenie!


I am going to include a fanart page in my site soon. If any angels out there would like to draw fanart for any of my fics, I would really be grateful!! Please email me at chibi_angelica@yahoo.com ^___^


Please leave me a review!!! Constructive criticisms, comments, suggestions, reactions and the like are welcome.

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