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Quick note:

Hiya minna! More parts these week ne? I wanted to finish this fic already so I won't have to worry about it this holiday. I dunno how many chapters more. Confession time: I started this last year suffered a major set back coz I have absolutely no idea on how to develop this story. So after letting this almost rot under my bed I dug it up coz I thought, 'what the hell, if it ain't gonna work, at least I'll know where the problem is.' I have never actually expected that someone would take this stuff seriously. I just want to thank those who gave this story a chance. Anywayz, comments, criticisms, suggestions (anything and everything you'd like to tell me) are all welcome. On to chapter 5. Hope you enjoy it.

Standard disclaimer apply. Characters not mine, just borrowing them…

A Date With A Senpai

Chapter 5

Silly little brats

Scheming to get two hearts back

Should thank them…or not?

*Now that was SILLY!


"Don't make me mad! Now get on with it. NOW!"

"Aw, Kaoru! I can't take it anymore!"

"Now or you're really gonna get it!"

The argument disturbed even the birds watching them. They had hastily fled the tree where they had perched themselves, perhaps hoping for a quiet morning. They hadn't expected a child his size or a girl like her would cause so much noise.

But Kaoru was in no mood to play it nice. She was on her way to Yaminobu's dojo and had given her instructions to everyone. It didn't surprise her when Kenshin had simply nodded when she asked him to clean the whole dojo after doing the laundry while taking care of Ayame and Suzume.

She had encountered a slight problem when she asked Sano to buy tofu on his way to town; which she could have easily dealt with had Kenshin not intervened and quietly said something to the ex-gangster. She was hoping to send the rooster at Takani's clinic for another different reason when Sano actually picked up the tofu basket and grudgingly went off to the market without any insult and complaint. What Kenshin told Sano had completely stumped her. She didn't know Sano was susceptible to guilt or any feeling of that kind.

Yahiko was her glitch. She had ordered him to do a total of 500 swings, which the kid had flatly refused to do. The resulting argument had lasted until now and the brat was still firm in his decision to defy her and use the term she hated most.

"Ugly! This is completely uncalled for! I will not let you order me around!" he exclaimed boldly.

There it is again! That word!

"Listen here brat. You read my letter this morning and almost drowned me last night, tell me why should I take pity on you today?" She said crossing her arms.

Yahiko grumbled and started spewing of some of the words he had learned from Sanosuke. Kaoru joined in and before Kenshin knew it another brawl was on its way into becoming a record holder in this region. He had pacified a reluctant Yahiko by telling him that Hiko had made him exercise 1000 swing everyday at the break of dawn. Snatching the shinai from Kaoru's hand Yahiko took his stance and started swinging from the top of his head straight down unto the ground. Every swing he viciously counted aloud.

Kaoru smiled to herself. 500 wasn't necessary, Yahiko had perfected his last lesson and would be ready to learn more complicated moves. She smiled even wider delighted that she could take her sweet revenge on the brat. She turned to Kenshin who already was on his way to the wash tub carrying an armload of clothes. "I'll be back before lunch."

"Hai Kaoru-dono. I'll make you're favorite dish." He said violet eyes warm and promising.

"Uh…I won't be having lunch here, remember?" she said warily; she really didn't want to throw it in Kenshin face, she found it childish even for her standards. And it wasn't the right time for it anyway. She gritted her teeth at Kenshin's evasive response as the rurouni simply nodded. She was hoping for a bit of jealousy in his violet eyes. Even a slight frown that would indicate his non-approval of her rendezvous would've made a difference. She was ready to call off the date anyway.

'Darn it!' she thought trying not to strangle the man in front of her. She didn't know if she was capable of subtlety when it comes to matters like this. Not getting her desired reaction she batted her eyelashes dreamily and looked up into the sky hands clasped together. "I have to meet with Ichiro-san remember?" she said straining her head to get a better look at Kenshin. She couldn't see him clearly, when she turned her head a fraction a bit more, there eyes locked and finally…the tinge of envy in their hidden depths!

She felt her face burn.

'Kaoru no baka! That was mean!' she turned her back and smiled wider. 'I kinda like the look of possessiveness in his eyes!' she shivered at the intensity of their gaze shared ever so briefly. 'Heh! If that's the way you want it…fine!' Though admittedly she thought it would have been less upsetting for Kenshin if she had a placard on her head saying that she had a date tonight and no…it's not with you know who.

Trying to act casual she pretended to study Yahiko's form as he practiced his swings, mentally counting in complete synchrony with Yahiko. Fifty one, fifty two, fifty three…

Kenshin immediately looked away.

'Damn!' Kenshin thought, mentally kicking himself for the slip. He felt he should say something and suddenly blurted out: "Oh. Gomen I forgot. Well, uh…see you later Kaoru-dono." He said bowing down, getting the clothes into the wash tub. He couldn't make himself wish Kaoru a nice day that would be too much. Pretending to agree with Megumi and stand by and watch Kaoru being stolen right under his nose was hard enough already.

"Um, sure Kenshin." She said turning back to look at him, unsure if she had seen his eyes darken, maybe it was just the shadow in his face. She wasn't able to make a conclusion as she heard Yahiko's counting…loud and clear.

It wasn't even counting.

With every swing of the shinai the word Ugly, Busu and Pig emanated out of his mouth alternating each word. When she turned towards him advancing with venomous glare Yahiko shrugged and gave her one of his most heart-breaking smiles. Had Tsubame seen it she would have fallen for him, but not Kaoru.

Providing Yahiko a smile of her own she held the bokken in her left hand tighter. Hidden in her yukata, Yahiko didn't even know what hit him and how he eventually ended up staring into the blue sky or why there were a bunch of octopus swimming through his eyes.

Walking off, leaving Kenshin gaping at the young boy sprawled on the ground Kaoru called out in a sing-song voice "And make that a thousand swings for today Yahiko-CHAN!"


Humming to herself, Kaoru skipped and half jogged on her way to Yaminobu's dojo. 'That will teach Yahiko to grow some manners!' She couldn't wait for the day to finish. She had made a fool proof plan to get Kenshin today. She decided that it was now or never. She had let him push her away far too long. This time, it was her turn to push herself away from him. A dose of his own medicine would be bitter, but as all doctors would say: It'll make the pain go away!

And Ichiro-san would play a great role on it, without him knowing it all! Without the risk of hurting his feeling! Ah! She was such a brilliant woman!

Sano was on a losing streak.


Fifth time in a week. When will his luck ever change? He had went as far as consulting the horoscopes published at some western magazine to determine his fortune. Not that he actually believed in them but he did took their advises lightly.

Taking on his initial instincts, he left the gambling house. A few yen poorer. He sighed deeply. He had started out right last week, he wondered what had happened to that. Something or someone was chasing his luck away. It was depressing. He couldn't even win an argument with Megumi! That was the pit! Shaking his head he pushed both hands in his pocket and realized with a start that he was in deep trouble.

Major pain-in the-ass trouble.

He had spent Jou-chan's money, the one he was instructed to buy tofu with.

Lost it to the gawky looking old man at the gambling house was actually a more appropriate term. Grim faced he stopped short in the middle of the street and thought of something to get himself out of this mess.

No solution came.

Except for…borrowing some money from the fox. Where he would earn a tongue lashing of the first, second and third kind. Where insults would fly and crackle in the air. Where name-calling would take center stage. Where he could watch as Megumi's temper flare.

Which of course made it doubly appealing to him. Now he has a great excuse to see her.

He was a man of great street intelligence! Smiling, whistling to himself he went towards Megumi's clinic.

The steam rose from all direction. It was quiet, it was peaceful and it was going to last.

'At least until Busu get's back from the dojo', Yahiko thought closing his eyes. He took a deep breath and lowered himself into the tub. The warm water soothed his screaming muscles. He was still a bit dazed; he didn't know he was capable of doing 500 swings, let alone a thousand. His counting still rang in his head almost taunting him. He sank lower and tried to shun out any sounds. Kenshin was outside doing the laundry and playing with Ayame and Suzume, he could still faintly here "Mashiro! Mashiro!' now and then, followed by little voices.

After a few seconds he pushed himself up with a loud gasp, sputtering and splashing water all over the place. Relaxing under the water only one thing had crossed his mind: Kaoru would pay!

And he has the brightest idea ever. The love letter was only a beginning. Sano had promised him that they'll have a field day following Kaoru and that Ichiro-boy around on their date. He may be a kid, but he knew the implications of the arrival of the young man. Kenshin had seemed bothered by it but not as much as Sanosuke though. The rooster had made it a point to explain to him the changes that may occur if Kaoru and that guy eventually end up having a relationship of some sort.

Crinkling his nose in mild disgust he didn't know what to make of with Ichiro-san. He wondered what that guy had seen in busu. Of course he'd be kidding himself if he discount some of Kaoru's good traits. For one thing she was a courageous woman who cared enough to actually make a difference. Hell, she had changed his life in more ways than he could imagine.

But to actually like tanuki-sensei gave him the hives.

Nevertheless Sano had made him realize what had been obvious to everyone from the very start: that no matter how great a guy Kenshin was he was already deeply and agreeably madly in love with Kaoru.

And only an idiot would miss the chemistry between the two. Personally, if there was a couple he'd like to terrorize it'll be Megumi and Sano, but then again Kenshin and Kaoru had been playing 'they-will-they-won't' game of theirs that it was starting to get tiring. It would be a good thing if they finally get it over and done with, the sooner the better. The sudden appearance of this senpai seemed to spiced thing up and Sano was hoping to speed things up as well.

It seemed that the feared swordsman of Japan had but one flaw: Cluelessness.

Well, Yahiko was glad to have a first hand experience by watching Sano try to teach Kenshin the art of wooing women. Hopefully at lest make the rurouni tell busu how he really feels.

And try as he might, he can't seem to get over the fact that Sano knew stuff about women and how to deal with them. Maybe it was a way of compensating the rooster's total lack of direction. At least with women, Sano knows where he was getting at and how to get there.

He hoped.

At any rate, Yahiko could probably learn a thing or two. Though with Sanosuke, he just might have to improve things a little bit.

And who says Myojin Yahiko can't have fun while helping Sano with his matchmaking at Kaoru's expense?

No one!

Yahiko smiled as he closed his eyes and pictured Kaoru with Kenshin. Sano with Megumi and more importantly: him and Tsubame.

Author's note:

Ok. Got that finished. Comments please! On to chapter 6. btw, this is a rough draft.

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