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A.N: Heh heh...arigatou Inuki for pointing that mistake out. I fixed it now. I must remember to upload my chapters correctly next time. I'm getting complaints in the form of e-mails now...trippy.

Sorry for the lack of updates too...exams are a nuisance ne?

Chapter Five

Kenshin sat with Kaoru next to him, silent. The silence was infuriating to the girl as she played with the hem of her top.

"Nervous?" Kenshin asked softly.

"Not really."

The two fell silent again. Kaoru stole another glance at the red-head and her blue eyes caught the cross-scar on his cheek. It was partially hidden by a light curtain of his fire red hair. She wondered how someone would end up with a scar that prominent.

Aoshi sat as quietly as the small girl next to him. His mind was sorting out his memories, trying to place Misao. He went back to his days at a training hall, which also served as a restaurant, known as the Aoiya. As far as he remember, he had spend much of his childhood training. At the age of sixteen, he had become the Onibanwanshu's Okashira, thus beginning his years as a master. He had given up his title two years ago to fully focus on his graduate studies.

As he sorted out the memories at the Aoiya, he landed on a student he had when he just began teaching. Her name was Mi-chan, or so he had called her since she arrived at the dojo. She was a bright energetic child, catching on quickly. He had passed her on to one of the older masters, Okina, who also owned the Aoiya. From Okina she learnt to use kunai. After she left him, he couldn't recall seeing her again, since he became quite busy later on with "other" things.

"Mi-chan," he murmured softly to himself looking absently looking out the tinted window. Then it hit him...this girl beside him, all grown up, she was Mi-chan.

Misao jerked her head up. Mi-chan? This was a nickname she hadn't heard in a while. "Hmmm?" she looked up at Aoshi.

The man gave her a half smile and shook her head. "You've grown Mi-chan."

"Nani? No one calls me Mi-chan," Misao replied giving him a weird look. The last time she remembered someone calling her Mi-chan was some shrimpy looking guy who was the Okashira at the training hall she was in. Since he passed her on to Okina, she hadn't seen him around lately. She was sure it didn't look like Aoshi here.

Megumi and Sanosuke were cuddled up as soon as they entered the limo. The elegant girl had her head against Sanosuke's chest. One hand was entwined with his as he had the other arm wrapped loosely around her waist.

"You know what?" Sanosuke began.


"Some bastard killed my hardrive yesterday."

Megumi raised an eyebrow. "Oh really."

"Must have been some fucked up guy because he posted up a picture of Yuki Eiri on my desktop." Megumi hid her face in his shirt trying to contain the smirk on her face when she heard the famous J-romance author's name. Sanosuke noticed this and tilted her chin up to look at him. "What's so funny Fox?"

"Nothing," she replied giving her a sweet smile before leaning in to kiss him lightly. She settled herself back against the man. "You're such a baka sometimes Rooster-head."

"Where did that come from suddenly."


"Nowhere indeed," Sanosuke asked kissing the top of her head.

The limo arrived in front of a large stone mansion. "Classy," Sanosuke murmured as he stepped out of the limo first with Megumi. Promptly he entwined one hand with hers as he led her up the pathway to the mansion. Already light could be seen through the hedge of tall bushes that hid the front lawn of the estate. People were seen streaming in from various cabs, limos, and luxury cars. There were making parking attendants at the front of the limo as well.

Kenshin looked around taking in the aristocratic air. He saw Sano look at him, then at Kaoru. Then he smirked. "Come on Kenshin, your lover won't wait forever." He glared at the spiky-haired man and then sighed deeply. Closing his eyes, he let himself relax. When his eyes next open, they were tinted with amber behind his tinted glasses. Giving Kaoru a confident yet slightly cocky smile he wrapped an arm around her waist and led her in.

Aoshi helped Misao out of the limo and then waved for the driver to leave. The two looked at each other for a moment, before he took her hand and led her up the walkway. Her hand, engulfed by his, was a little rough, probably from handling the kunais for so many years. Arriving at the entrance of the door they were met by a tall beefy typical looking bouncer.


Aoshi took them out of his coat and flashed them in front of the man's face. The man nodded and let the six in. Going to a little corner before they split their ways, Kenshin spoke to them. "Aoshi, Misao...you guys know what to do. Contact me by cell if you get anything and we will cover for you."

"Hai," Aoshi murmured.

"As for the rest of us now, we mingle."

The two other men noticed how Kenshin's eyes were not the normal violet. If one peered closely, the violet was now some other shade hidden behind the blue glasses. There was something different about his air as well. His ki was stronger and quite threatening, showing off the power the young man hid inside. He seemed empowering, though he was dwarfed in size when compared to Aoshi and Sanosuke. There was only one time when he changed eye colour, which was to an amber, and that was during their late night missions.

"Excellent," Sanosuke replied grabbing Megumi's hand. "Where's the closest bar?"

Megumi smacked his arm, hard. "You baka, no drinking on the job! Now come on." She pulled him away from where the alcohol drinks were served and off to the back of the mansion. Misao and Aoshi walked towards the staircase, stopping once in a while to chat with the people.

Kenshin wrapped one arm around Kaoru and made their way into a ballroom. The ballroom was not used for its specific purpose today. Couches were strewn around the outer edge of the large room and people were chatting rather than dancing. Keeping his arm tight around Kaoru's small waist he led her to unoccupied couch. As they lounged together for a few minutes, sipping on some wine that was offered, two men came walking towards the couple.

"Hello," the dark-haired man greeted. "You look very familiar, though you're not a regular to Miss. Lavender's gatherings are you?"

"We're not," Kenshin replied.

"I'm Lance Wong, one of the heads of the Tech BC Corporate Company," the young man said. "This man here is my friend James Walker, big part of the movie industry."

"Hideaki Seijiro," Kenshin replied.

"Hideaki...sounds very familiar as well," James murmured, "I heard about Giovanni that has just recruited a very popular Japanese model. Would that be you?"

"Yes," Kenshin replied. "Of all things Shishou picks for me, I take a model's position," he thought to himself. The underground association that they worked for had strategically worked out all the information for them. Any try at tracing them would lead back to the actual model. Who just happened to look a bit like Kenshin, and had recently dyed his hair red. Kenshin's hair did a fine job at hiding his cross scar as well.

"Your English is impeccable though," James replied, "studied in North America?"

"I grew up here, moved to Japan when I was a teenager, and then moved back here recently. But apparently now I need to travel to Milan," Kenshin replied with a small smile. He noticed that Lance Wong was eyeing Kaoru by his side.

"Hideaki..." Kaoru murmured entwining one hand with his.

"Yes?" Kenshin asked, seeing that Kaoru had noticed the lust that seemed to fill the other man's eyes.

"I'm going to get another drink. I'll be back," she whispered in his ear, before giving his mouth a quick kiss. Kenshin nodded and saw the girl watch off. He watched the back of her figure. She walked with a slight more sway in her hips than when he first saw her earlier. His eyes glanced at Lance and James, and noticed they were both watching Kaoru intently as well.

"Nice piece of work," James murmured absently.

"Did you say something?" Kenshin asked turning his head to give the men a fixed look.

James was caught for a moment as he saw the red-head's piercing gaze, but regained his cool professional air quickly. "Is she yours?"

"Yes," Kenshin replied with a half smile. "Yue is beautiful, no?"

The other man nodded. "How long have you known her?"

"Two years," he replied. They continued to make polite chat, Lance and James slipping in questions about his career as a model here and there. "So...this house belongs to Miss. Lavender?" Kenshin asked turning the conversation around.

"Yes it does. The interior decorating is quite nice, I introduced the decorator to her myself," Lance replied.

"I see," Kenshin replied. "She must be quite an impressive woman to have a house like this."

"Oh she certainly is," Walker replied. "Have you not met her before?" Kenshin smiled inwardly, that was just what he hoped the man would ask.

"No...I haven't had the pleasure yet," was Kenshin's response. "This is the first time I've been to any of her parties." He spied Kaoru walking back towards him with two cocktails in both hands. She handed one to Kenshin before half sitting on his lap, crossing one leg over another. This gave the other two men a view of her long slim legs as the long skirt gaped open at the slit. Kenshin wrapped an arm around her, bringing her in closer.

"I'm such a slut," Kaoru thought inwardly with a smile as she nuzzled his neck. He smelt good, a mixture of some soap, and his own boyish scent with a touch of sandalwood.

Kenshin chuckled getting further into the act. "You're distracting love."

"I didn't do anything though," she pouted, and then innocently looked at the other two men.

"You vixen," he murmured placing his cocktail on a small table, and then trailing a finger down her throat.

A voice came over in his ear, slightly jolting him. "We think we found the room," a deep voice murmured. "Cover."

"Hai..." Kenshin breathed before kissing Kaoru's neck once. He whispered in her ear. "We're needed upstairs." He then kissed her neck again.

"Aa..." she purred in response. Both had to admit they were having fun putting on this little "act" of theirs.

Lance and James looked at each other. The young couple seemed to be in a world of their own. The red-head kissed his girlfriend on the neck again and then looked at the two men with a satisfied smirk as he got up. "If you excuse me, I have some people I need to meet with now."

"No problem. Pleasure meeting you Hideaki."

"Pleasure is mine," Kenshin replied with a smile before heading for the staircase, one arm slink around Kaoru's slender waist.

Aoshi sighed and looked at the oak door in front of him. Misao had been inside earlier, and she was pretty sure this was the office room that had the papers. If it wasn't, then they could check the bedroom that was adjoined to the office. But for now, they needed to wait for Kenshin and his partner to come upstairs to cover for them.

He sighed deeply as he waited, Misao by his side, one hand still entwined with his unconsciously. He spotted his friend coming up the stairs and walking over to them. He half-smiled, Kaoru and Kenshin made quite the couple. Kenshin looking like the model that he needed to portray, and Kaoru was just the perfect girlfriend.

"We got you," Kenshin said. Aoshi nodded and looked around. Seeing the place was clear, the two entered the room quickly.

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