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Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin. Don't sue me! I'm poor! This story is for entertainment only and is no way meant to be offensive!

Warning: This story is PG-13, but chapter ratings may fluctuate.

Rating: PG

Author's Note: This story is very A/U and will probably contain some OOCness. It will span over three different time periods, with most of the events occurring in the distant future. This idea struck me while I was at work counting the safe. Maybe I should have been paying attention to that ::sweatdrop::, but my mind has the tendency to wander. I HOPE THAT YOU WILL GIVE IT A CHANCE! PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! (I am taking liberties with this story…there are discrepancies between my version and the anime.) This prologue is very short!



Touch Me Deeply

Prologue: The First Time I Loved You



Tokyo, 1899



"Hush, koishii…it's all right," Kenshin whispered softly, lifting his wife's trembling hand to his mouth and kissing it lightly. "Be still. I am here."

"K-Kenshin," she stammered in a strained voice. "I feel so cold…"

"Kenji, can you please fetch some water?" Kenshin asked his pale-faced son.

"Aa," Kenji said, quickly jumping to his feet and leaving the dimly lit room.

"Kaoru," Kenshin murmured, leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead. "My love, stay with me…"

"Aishiteru, Kenshin," Kaoru said quietly. "Always."

"I love you, too," Kenshin responded in a quiet tone. "Kaoru…I don't think I can live…without you…"

Kaoru reached up weakly, stroking the scar on the left side of his face. "You can…you will, my Kenshin…"

Kenshin shook his head, bowing his head slightly as tears trailed down his cheeks.

"K-Kenshin…I can't see…"

Kenshin's head jerked up in alarm, eyes going to his wife's haggard face. Her eyes were glazed; skin a sickly, gray color. Beads of sweat coated her forehead and soaked into the darkness of her hair.

"Kaoru?" he said urgently, gripping her hand tightly. Her hand remained limp in his. "Kaoru!? Kenji, come quickly!"

His son rushed back to the room, spilling water on the wooden floor. His eyes widened in fear as they fell on his mother's pained face.

"Mother," he whispered, dropping to his knees beside her and taking her free hand in his.

"Kenji," she murmured slowly. "Kenji…I love you…live well, my son. Take care of your father for me…"

"Don't die," he commanded quietly. "Onegai…"

Kaoru smiled up at him, some of her previous beauty returning to her face for one brief instant. "We will all be together again someday…"


"I love you both," she said before her breath was stolen from her in a violent fit of coughing. After a moment, she continued in a wheezing voice, "Tell Yahiko…tell him that I love him…he was the brother I never had…even as much as we fought, I think he knows that."

"He does," Kenshin assured her softly.

"I…love…you…both…forever…" Kaoru whispered, eyes drifting slowly shut. "Promise…me…forever…Kenshin…"

Kenshin clutched her hand tighter, bringing it to his lips and pressing another petal soft kiss to the palm. "Forever, Kaoru…I promise…forever!"






Okay, this is just the prologue! The first chapter will be out soon! PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!


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