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    Delta Company 1-19

Supporting Rock Steady Families    

Updated February 2006


Delta Point of Contact:  Barb

Hello to the Delta Dragons Family.  This has been a great cycle break in conjunction with the holidays.  I feel happy and honored with the company and the family atmosphere that continues to grow.  The Company get-together was a hit and we will do it again this cycle.  Thank you to all that were able to make it to our Company get-together and also the Christmas Party.  The hard work in D company begins again on February 10th as the new cycle began.  The cycle will end with a t-shirt sale on MAY 18th and graduation on MAY 19th.  The next cycle is currently scheduled for two weeks after graduation starting on 2JUN06. 

Over the past three months we have said goodbye to SSG Richardson, who moved back to Texas.  We send him and his family best wishes.  We would like to welcome 4 new Drill Sergeants.  SSG Boyce along with his wife and children recently arrived from Fort Bragg, NC.  SSG Davis, SFC Ivey and SSG Moreno, and their families, are all moving to Delta from Golf Company.  We also have a new Supply Clerk, CPL Simmons and her daughter.  Welcome to all.

 We have a busy schedule coming up.  I know as always as I do, you will all be happy to have some time to spend together as a family.  Our Family Day pass for the soldiers in cycle will be 14 APR so start planning that special night out.  I look forward to seeing everyone at our next get-together.

Follow Me, Rock Steady, Delta Dragons Breathe Fire!!

 - CPT Coleman