AIMS: The Australian Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) investigates and takes up matters involving arbitrary government actions, police conduct, freedom of speech, freedom of association, censorship of the internet, censorship of books and films, and invasions of privacy; gives general advice on citizens rights by phone and through its annual publication Your Rights ($6.50) available at newsagents, and campaigns for law reform.
ACLU internet site: | |
e-mail: | |
Phone: | (03) 9347-8671 |
fax: | (03) 9347-8617 |
Contents of this site: |
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Guide to the
Education Child Care. Exports. Pensions. Families. ABN
of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders (Lois May)
What is Discrimination? Definition of Terms. National
Where to get help
Emergency services. Police. legal Aid. Organizations.
You and your
Dividing Fences. Encroaching Trees Excavations. Nuisance.
Trespassers. Animals. Defamation. Mediation Centres.
Rights of
Advertising. Warranties. Appliance servicing. Door-to-door
Buying on credit. Buying a car.
Debts, credit and
Dangers of credit. Time to pay debts. Court proceedings.
Attachment of Wages. Seizure of Goods. Bankruptcy.
Family law
Divorce. Maintenance. Parenting Orders. Rights of Children.
Defactos. Domestic Violence. Stalking. Adoption.
Births, deaths,
marriages and names
Births. Death Certificates. Funerals. Marriages. Changes of
Buying a house
Signing Documents. Finance. Interest subsidies. Grants.
The police and the
Questioning. Arrest. Making statements. Searches. Procedure
at Police
Station. Court hearing. The rights of shoppers.
Freedom of speech
and movement
Street processions and offences. Indoor meetings.
Tenants' Rights
Types of tenancy. Rent. Notice to Quit. Bonds. Eviction.
Wills and estates
Making a Will. Appointing Executors. Probate Duty.
Letters of Administration. Testatots Family Maintenance.
Compensation and
pension payments
Pension payments. Compensation for Motor Accident Victims
Workers Compensation. Sporting injuries.
Protection against
A.C.L.U. policy Protection of Children and Property Physical
Evidence in Court. Compensation and Restitution.
Rights of
Travelling Overseas. Passports. Dual Nationality Insurance.
Returning to Australia. Deportation. Citizenship.
Advice for
Tax rates. Deductions. Rebates. Records. Appeals Provisional
Rights of
Investment advisors. Types of investment. Risks. Sources of
The motorist and
the law
Drivers licences. Cancellation. Road Law Insurance.
Rights of Mental
Health Consumers
Mental Illness. Involuntary patients. Discharge. Reviews.
Senior Citizens
Pensions, Concession Cards, Discrimination, Finance,
Seeking Help
Big Brother and
Free Speech Report
Free Speech, Anti Terrorism Laws, The War on Terror
Censorship of the
Google, Toben, Gutnick
Anti-Terror Laws
ALP and ASIO Bill. NSW search powers. ASIO Bullies?
Middle East War
Power of the Jewish Lobby. Israel's Proxy War, History
coming up - Iraq, etc
of Aboriginal History
Rabbit-Proof Fence. Aboriginal Genocide. Widschuttle,
Phillip Noyce
Censorship of
Joel Hayward, Thomas Fudge, NZ Canterbury University, Germans fed up with war
The Police and You
Print out section of police powers
Big Brother Report
A report on authorities' Big Brother activities.
Extended Victorian Police powers,
Restricting freedom in response to terror
Multiculturalism, Terrorism, Tampa
Rising Gang Rapes of White Girls a
Byproduct of Multiracialist Experiment;
Don't turn a blind eye to terror in our midst;
While every care has been taken to ensure the advice is accurate there is no substitute for obtaining legal or other professional advice on the facts of each particular case. The law is often complex and it is difficult to express it adequately in a pamphlet or a website. Failure to seek advice will often be to your detriment. If you require legal advice but cannot afford such advice, approach a Legal Aid Service - see Where to get help - or read the book Your Rights 2005 , $6-50 at newsagents.
New Chapters 1 through 18, containing updated material from Your Rights 2005!
New Chapter 19 - Senior Citizens
New Chapter 20 - Big Brother, Freedom of Speech
Bush pushes plan to permit internet surveillance
Chapter 27 - Big Brother Report
Chapter 28 - Immigration, Multiculturalism, Terrorism, Tampa
Don't turn a blind eye to terror in our midst
NZ Herald, Editorial : Troubling threat to academic freedom
Insanity Fair - an augmented transcript of Geoff Muirden's talk at the Insanity Fair seminar, 9 August 2003
This war on terror is bogus - Michael Meacher, The Guardian, Saturday 6 September, 2003,
Australia - a free country
ASIO spying on the increase - Shelley Hodgson
Australia - A Free Country?
Concentration of control of media
Media Falsehoods - Andrew Bolt
Threats to your rights
ACLU Annual Reports
ACLU annual report 2003
ACLU annual report 2002
ACLU annual report 2000
ACLU annual report 1999
ACLU annual report 1997
Anti-Terror Laws
Alert not alarmed - Cynthia Banham
Anti-Terror Laws
Australian government forced to delay
"anti-terrorism" laws
Middle East War
Middle East War
Israel's Proxy War
This war on terror is bogus -
Michael Meacher, The Guardian, Saturday 6 September, 2003,
Censorship of Internet
Bush pushes plan to permit
internet surveillance
Censorship of the Internet
Censorship of History
David Irving & Dr Fredrick Toben
Dr. Toben and Free Speech -- "A big hammer for such a
little nut" (posted 15 Nov. 2000)
Dr. Toben and Human Rights Commision
Failure of Amnesty International
Don't deny David Irving
Holocaust Industry -- "Jewish Writer Condemned as a
'Traitor'" (posted 15 Nov. 2000)
Holocaust, history and free speech - Thomas Fudge
Holocaust thesis ruined my life says historian
- Angela Gregory
NZ Herald,
Troubling threat to academic freedom
Ruling in
Irving Case
Trial of David Irving
Free Speech Issues
ACLU Policy Statements 2002 -
DSD. Free speech for Public Servants.
ACLU submission on ASIO to Federal Parliament
ACLU submission on the Privacy Amendment Bill
to Federal Parliament
ACLU submission on Information Technology (posted
6 Nov. 2000)
ACLU submission on the World Trade Organisation
(posted 6 Nov. 2000)
Attempt by ABC to censor Your Rights
Contempt of court
Democracy and Free Speech
Free speech developments in 2002 - An overview
Free speech developments in 2001 -
Media Watch. Rights of Demonstrators. Racial Vilification. Free Speech
Victoria. Irving Libel Case. Adelaide Institute Website. ACLU Annual Report.
Free speech developments in 2000 - An overview
Free speech developments in 1999 - An overview
Free speech developments in 1998 - An overview
Premier Bracks' Proposed Vilification Laws -
2000 and 2001
High Court and Free Speech -- "Judges have failed
us on free speech" (posted 15 Nov. 2000)
Internet Censorship
Rights and responsibilities of
The Independent Australian's Summer 2003 Freedom Of
Speech Editorial
Immigration and Multiculturalism
Immigration, multiculturalism, terrorism, Tampa
- Vizard's migrant manual, Media disinformation about the Stolen
Generation, Greenpeace deceptions, Maralinga Tests, "shooting galleries", Tampa, Public
opposition to mass immigration and ethnic enclaves. 500,000 Illegals? Overstayers and unwelcome guests. Muslims and
"jihad". Who cares what foreigners say about us?Ruddock
replies to attacks in "Los Angeles Times". Winning conditions for Australian Nationalism. Immigration Policy and
Cultural Assimilation.
Gange rape of White girls. Don't turn a blind eye to
terror in our midst
Privacy and Big Brother Issues
ASIO spying on the increase
Big Brother Report, 2002 - Free speech. Phillip Adams. Freedom of information. Howard’s new anti-terrorist laws.
“Anti spy” laws threaten whistleblowers. "You are being
watched”. Persecution of Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) followers by Chinese authorities
in Australia.
Big Brother Report, 2001 - DNA Tests. Crime
Net. Camera Surveillance. Nanny State.
Big Brother Controls, 1999
Bush pushes plan to permit internet surveillance
Call to destroy state's 400,000 blood samples
Data Bank Of Medical Records
Is CrimeNet A Threat To Civil Liberties?
Kerry Packer, Acxiom, and Privacy
Permit to Snoop
The Nanny State
The Olympics, ASIO, privacy, and freedom of speech
Fabrication of Aboriginal History
Evil slur on history - Andrew Bolt
Fabrication of Aboriginal History
Windschuttle review: Geoff Muirden
reviews "The Fabrication of Aboriginal History: Volume 1; Van Diemen's Land"
Republic Referendum
Republic referendum fails
Contents of Your Rights
-- text of selected chapters
Reviews of Your Rights 1985 to 2000
-- Click an image to view a cover in more detail |
To obtain a copy of Your Rights send a cheque or money order to the value of $6-50 (made out to the "Australian Civil Liberties Union") to the ACLU at P.O. Box 1137, Carlton, 3053, Victoria, Australia (this price includes postage and handling).
John Bennett
President ACLU 1980- 2004
Formerly Secretary Victorian Council for Civil Liberties (now Liberty Victoria)
1966 to 1980
Phone: | 61 3 9347 8671 |
Fax: | 61 3 9347 8617 |
Email: | |
Websites: | |
Postal Address: | Box 1137, Carlton, 3053, Victoria, Australia |
Membership: |
$20 per year |
The ACLU web page was last updated on
Wednesday, 28 April 2004